I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 258 The Sincerity of the Evil Flower

"Stop talking nonsense, I just want to see the sincerity you promised to show last time."

Compared with the somewhat weird voice of "Dark Web Lord", the voice of Moon Shadow Qiancao through the voice changer was a soft, sweet, slurred Loli voice.

After being intoxicated for a second in the "Ilya Voice Special Effects Pack", Moon Shadow Chikusa showed a triumphant expression.

With this laptop that no one can track, coupled with my elusive voice-changing skills, no one presumably can catch me from the Internet.

The last time I accidentally connected to my computer, it seemed to be a loose and extraordinary organization of people who were recruited through the Internet to deliberately overthrow the existing ruling institutions of the entire planet.

According to the "Dark Web Lord" responsible for "Internet Recruitment", he has a code called "Fate Divination".

And after this code fortune-telling the existence of a "weird maker" in Japan some time ago, it has been unable to contact him further until...

For some reason, my computer opened up communication to that piece of code.

This can't help but make the "Dark Web Lord" think that he is an existence with more powerful network capabilities than him.

The other party admitted openly and publicly that even though the members of their organization are very strong, "making weirdness" is still unheard of for them and touches the realm of the gods.

Based on the eagerness of the other party, Yueying Qiancao appointed them to present a gift of "pure natural and no side effects" so that their "dependents" could gain strong viability.

Of course, this was actually requested for himself.

After all, no matter how many "works" he creates through this computer, he can't actually get any benefit from it, except for using the grievances he got to continue to make more and more powerful works.

You can't even let your own "works" steal convenience stores and increase your snack storage for yourself.

No matter how powerful and weird he created, he is still a thin otaku who has no power to restrain him, and may die at any time due to the secret service's door-to-door check of the water meter, the robbery in the house, the X in the bathhouse, or the lonely death.

For a long time, the original intention that supported his creation was nothing more than hatred of his father and the world.

Of course, he had also hoped that in the future, he might be able to create works of the same level as the "gods", allowing them to bestow extraordinary powers on him.

"Gui'an, everyone."

Just as Yuekage Qiancao's thoughts drifted away, a cheerful male voice with a strong accent spoke in Japanese.

On the software interface, the node labeled "Observer" lights up.

"Your Excellency, as always, on time... After another member arrives, we will start this meeting."

"Dark Web Lord" explained it with that emotionless mechanical sound.

"...Sorry, it took a few minutes..."

Five minutes later, another node on the interface lights up.

The marked name is "Gonmine Jiro".

In line with the unusually common, but arrogant name, it is a man's natural voice without special effects.

Although he said "sorry" in his mouth, he couldn't tell that he was embarrassed for being late. Instead, there was a cold arrogance of "hurry up and kneel down and cry for my sorry".

The other party's Japanese is also quite proficient, without any accent or dullness at all.

Make Moon Shadow Qiancao feel as approachable as talking to teammates in the game.

Do you want to pretend to be a natural state where you use your real name without changing your voice? A good disguise strategy.

"Now that Mr. Yanfeng is here, let me formally introduce to the members of Japan, the powerful ‘weird maker’ that we have come into contact with in Japan, the "Hell Revolution"..."

"Dark Web Lord" used that mechanically cold electronic sound to give a few people a brief introduction.

The "Observer" is a high-level member of our organization based in Europe, and a very powerful trader of ‘complaints’... This time the ‘gift’ will be handed over to the observer to perform the technique to remove side effects. "

"Just call me Xia Duo. If you have a good grudge, you can find me a deal."

This "observer" seems to be a rather hearty person.

"... And this Mr. Yanfeng is the leader of a very powerful sect... That gift was obtained for you by the power of Mr. Yanfeng."

The "Dark Web Lord" seemed to have no interest in small talk, and began to get straight to the topic.

"Hey, did you guys make a mistake? I have no time to participate in this kind of second-second online competition. I will not agree to join until I see something and prove your strength."

Moon Shadow Chikusa solemnly stated her position.

The originally rather impolite words were spoken in the naive and pleasant Loli voice, but with a hint of coquetry.

"Weird maker? Someone is behind what happened in Tokyo in recent years..."

"Yonmine Jiro" groaned for a while, and confidently uttered disappointing words: "Excuse me, my subordinates had already obtained that item, but there was an accident in the middle...maybe more. wait for some time."

And the "observer" went into silence after introducing himself.

"No Road Race, it seems that you are not as powerful and omnipotent as the advertised ‘Evil Flower’. It’s not just a group of ‘Keyboard Men’ who only spray the government on the Internet..."

Lukage Chikusa, who felt deceived, switched to a certain Onee-san's strong voice, arrogantly belittle the other party.

It seems that this "Evil Flower" is no different from the boring anti-government squabbling groups on the Internet. The only thing that is more powerful is the technology that can connect to your own computer for some reason.

"Hmph, if your family members are willing to take a certain risk, the power of ordinary ghosts, how much I want here... However, it is so easy to start with the power that involves the'source of the world' without side effects. For that matter Things, my subordinates have lost a lot of people in vain...If these people are used to make sacrifices..."

"Yonmine Jiro" seemed to feel quite heartbroken for the power he had lost.

"In that case, today's meeting will stop here... Please rest assured, "Hell Revolution". Evil Hua will definitely show you our sincerity... Let us wait for the good news from Mr. Yanfeng ..."

Hearing that things have changed, the guy "Dark Web Lord" announced the end of the communication quite simply.

"The blossom of evil will eventually spread all over the earth."

"...The bloom of evil will eventually spread all over the earth."

The two people who didn't care about Yueying Qiancao's questioning, after silently chanting a strange slogan, the node representing them went out.

Immediately, the nodes of "Tianmen Exploration" and "Fate Sacrifice" also went out.

Only Moon Shadow Qiancao, who was ignored, stared blankly at the interface where only his node was still lit.

"...Are the current online fraud gangs so justified?"

Quite arrogant Queen's voice came from the voice changer software that had forgotten to turn off.

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