I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 259 [Fan Wai] The Boundless Sword Doctrine (Part 1)

Chiyoda District, Tokyo.

In a secluded Japanese mansion.

A stubborn uncle in his forties was walking along the corridor under the eaves.

The grass tufts in the mouth, the long hair that is randomly tied behind the head, the wide kimono, the heavy clogs on the feet, and the pair of black long knives at the waist, blend with the plants and trees in this Japanese garden. It is as if people have returned to the shogunate period.

"Mr. Matsumoto, Master Temple has been cultivating in the room for several days. We are inconvenient to disturb, so please go in by yourself."

"Thank you."

The young man in kimono leading the way bowed slightly and left.

"Si this guy, he is still so hard in his cultivation."

The middle-aged uncle rubbed his stubborn chin, and opened the thick wooden door that seemed to be specially made for sound insulation.

In the simple and elegant room, Abe Temple, with double knives on his waist and dark circles under his eyes, is kneeling on the tatami mats with solemn expression, staring at the screen on the 90-inch LCD TV on the wall.

"Yeah~ Delta, late late late late late..."

"Oh, Sri Lanka will die..."

"Papa Papa......"

On TV, a man and a woman are fighting fiercely.

Abe Temple slowly turned his head and looked blankly at the "uninvited guest" standing at the door.


"Old... teacher?"

Looking at his indifferent but deep sea-like eyes, the middle-aged uncle only felt a sharp sword out of its sheath, breaking the water surface, and slashing towards him like the continuous waterfall on the TV.

Jianyi·Knife draws the water and the water flows more.

After half an hour.

"Oh! You have already touched Gidesi~~"

"Yeah sell it...Dabuy...Uh-huh~"

The two masters and apprentices sat in a row on their knees, looking solemnly learning the intense scenes of the BD picture quality, delicate, and fascinating matte finish on the big screen.

"Tsk tusk, it's really interesting. Ordinary male swordsmen, facing such a powerful thing, it is really difficult to maintain a calm mind... No wonder I just discovered that your sword's heart is more transparent and has broken through the previous bottleneck. Things to practice."

The stubborn uncle watched attentively the picture on the TV, and at the same time he exuded a lingering sword intent.

"The master is really amazing. It's the first time I have practiced, and I was able to maintain such a calm...According to the internal data of the'GEOTV' CD-ROM rental company acquired by the Tuyumen Consortium for me, there are huge numbers of swordsmen for both male and female swordsmen. , Unfathomable'learning materials'......"

On the side of Abe Temple, the aura of the whole body is like invisible water, making it impossible to lock the Qi.


"Master, Mr. Matsumoto, excuse me, the tea made here..."

At the same time, the sliding door opened, and the little servant who had left before stood outside the door carrying refreshments and brewed tea.

The two people in the room with "full sword intent" turned their heads to look at him subconsciously.

Youruo's substantive sword intent, accompanied by the whimsical sounds and pictures in the house, instantly made him almost unable to hold the things in his hands.

"Hey, how did you come up with such a unique way of cultivation?"

After the servant left, the middle-aged uncle took a sip of the tea on the table and asked curiously.

"This is the'Plain Heart' practice method recommended to me by an opponent in April... Recently I learned that he had already broken through the entire series of more than 200 copies after class and more than 1,000 copies in Tokyo. , Stepped into a whole new level... But I will catch up with him soon.""Is that the kid who beat you before..."

The middle-aged uncle touched his beard and remembered that after the defeat of Abe Temple the previous year, he asked himself to accompany him to the "hell special training" in Hokkaido.

In other words...I haven't eaten bear paws for almost two years. I really miss it.

"Teacher, rest assured, I am currently trying my best to catch up, and I will soon be able to complete the challenge of the Tokyo Hot Series!"

Speaking of this, Abe Temple's fighting spirit rose again.

"Late late late late late... Hee hee, O Yixi is dead..."

With the milk drinking session on the screen, today's "learning materials" has come to an end.

Abe Temple took out the DVD in a precious and important place, put it together with his lifelong disc rental membership black card, and took out a small book on the side to record the series number and experience of today’s challenge, before looking straight ahead. Man.

"Ms. Matsumoto suddenly came to Tokyo, why?"

The man in front of him, named Ginji Matsumoto, was a first-class teacher for two days and lived in seclusion in Nagoya on weekdays.

Since the Abe family is not good at swordsmanship, since he was three years old, he has hired Matsumoto Ginji heavily and came to teach him swordsmanship from time to time.

Although Ginji Matsumoto had no spiritual power and seemed to have a little understanding of the matter of removing spirits, Abe Temple basically fumbled for itself in terms of removing spirits from the sword and driving the sun and the moon.

My own teacher, although his behavior is unrestrained, but when it comes to kendo alone, Abe Temple can say without hesitation that Ms. Matsumoto is the strongest man he has ever seen.

The teacher's body and skills that have been tempered for many years can't be defeated even if he uses his spiritual power.

Because my teacher is a "half-demon" living in seclusion on earth.

Although Ginji Matsumoto never mentioned his blood, he did not reveal anything different from ordinary people.

But since Abe Temple's three-year-old apprenticeship, the other side's appearance has never been old.

It seems that "longevity" is the power of his blood.

No one knows how old Ms. Matsumoto has lived, or how many years he has practiced kendo.

This is also the reason why Abe Temple chose to keep the secret of the other party after learning of the "half-demon" identity of Sosuke Araki that day.

"As people get older, they will owe more and more debts... This time I came here to pay off a debt that is not easy to pay back... By the way, first come and check the results of your recent practice..."

Ginji Matsumoto smiled bitterly and patted the double swords on his waist.

"With this intention, the students have some doubts about their practice recently, so they just happen to ask the teacher for advice."


In the large training room, Abe Temple and Ginji Matsumoto stood proudly holding wooden swords.

"Teacher please enlighten me."

Abe Temple double swords one after another, jumped and rushed towards Matsumoto Ginji.

"Old rules, you only have one chance..."

Ginji Matsumoto dangled the straw and hung his two swords carelessly on both sides, watching with appreciation the student who rushed to him in just one step.

Compared to a few months ago, Abe Temple's kendo is more rounded and restrained, and its aura is almost hard to capture.

When he got close to him, Abe Temple had no intention of temptation at all, and the double knives in his hands circled and bloomed in front of him like a gust of wind.

Self-made Secret Sword·Elegy·Change of Mountain Bear.

Because of Ginji Matsumoto's seemingly sloppy stance, what he spread out was a substantive killing intent, letting him know that he didn't have any chance to keep his hands.

"Oh? Has the gesture of this trick been improved? Very good...but..."

Ginji Matsumoto's eyes narrowed slightly, and Abeji's movements slowed down indefinitely in his eyes. Several flaws in the sword move appeared one by one, forming a line one by one like stars.

"...There are still flaws!"

Then, with the long knife in his hand with a powerful air-breaking force, he slashed along the line that didn't exist.

Matsumoto Ginji's cutting speed was not fast, but the timing was extremely clever, and it happened to be connected with the double swords cut by Abe Temple at the same time.

Abe Temple only felt an extremely powerful force coming from the opponent's wooden sword, and the wooden sword in his hand began to appear cracks, and it was about to break.


At the same time, Matsumoto Ginji's other hand, like a snake coming out of a hole, stabs directly at Abe Temple, where both hands are released, as fast as lightning.

The match between the two has just begun, and it is straight to the general situation where the winner is about to be divided.

However, Abe Temple obviously had predicted his power, and his hands were slightly loosened in the air for a moment, and after removing the power from the sword, he immediately grasped it.


Facing the wakama that Matsumoto Ginji stabbed, Abe Temple's eyes were as calm as water, and after a limit flashed back, the long sword in his hand directly faced the opponent's long sword.

"Good job!"

After seeing Abe Temple's exquisite evasion, it seemed that he had the intention to compete with himself, and Matsumoto Ginji was also interested.

From the age of three, Abe Temple can be said to have grown up under the beating of his wild power.

This also created Abe Temple's keen, cunning, and well-rounded kendo style.

According to Ginji Matsumoto, who is good at real swords and bloody swords, this style is not necessarily a good thing.

A real knife duel on life and death is often the case where the brave wins when meeting on a narrow road, and there is no room for reversal.

But when he discovered this problem, the disciple's swordsmanship had been finalized.

Therefore, after the Thousand-Year Abe Temple was defeated by the opponent who was said to be known for its strength, he was very pleased and immediately arranged the "Hokkaido Mountain Bear Land (Seven) Prison (Jin) Special (Fire) Training (Pot) Course".

Abe Temple even dared to take the initiative to try to compete with itself. Obviously, he also discovered this problem.

The two long knives connected in the air with violent power, and immediately burst into pieces of sawdust...


There was a scene that surprised Ginji Matsumoto slightly.

At the moment when the long swords were connected, the Abe Temple in front of him released the long sword in advance, and his figure was like a ghost and fell to the ground.

This trick is even seven points similar to "Ju Yi Wen Zhan".

Except for the sixteen chrysanthemums that are difficult for humans to use...

Ginji Matsumoto relied on his strong physical fitness and his hand to fight back at an extremely distorted angle. At the last minute, he blocked Abe Temple's cockroach-picking sword.


The two threats collided, unable to withstand the strength of the two, and then burst apart.

However, the competition did not end.

Abe Temple resolutely abandoned the sword, turned his palm into a sword, and pierced Matsumoto Ginji's abdomen directly.

In the face of this sudden change, Matsumoto Ginji smiled with satisfaction.

This disciple's progress is far beyond his imagination, and he has realized such an eclectic fighting consciousness on his own.

"Okay... as a teacher, I will teach you one style today, without a sword."

The rambling aura of Ginji Matsumoto's body disappeared.

Throwing away the two knives in his hands, his whole person is like a long sword that will kill his life if it is out of its sheath...

Youruo's substantive killing intent and a bloody aura that is so strong that it is vomiting instantly bloomed in front of Abe Temple.

"Is this how the teacher looks serious?"This was the first time he felt the teacher's killing intent.

In the past ten years, Abe Temple has never seen the teacher look serious, nor has he seen him use a real sword.

Because the teacher said, his sword will drink blood when it is out of its sheath.

But this was full of blood in front of him, and the killing intent of slaughtering humans without hesitation as if he could treat humans as cattle and sheep reminded him of a title.

A hundred people cut.

This is the title that a samurai with more than a hundred names and more than one hand is qualified to obtain.

Could it be...

Without waiting for him to think about it, the pierced hand knife was clamped like iron tongs by Ginji Matsumoto's first hand.

Immediately, the violent force slammed Abe Temple to the ground.

"Yes, your progress has exceeded my imagination... tidy up and visit an old friend with me."

Lying on the ground at Abe Temple, looking at Ginji Matsumoto's sloppy back in a strange way, it seemed that there was a real killing intent just now, which had never existed before.

He immediately laughed at himself and shook his head.

I must have been confused in my studies. It is a peaceful time, how could Ms. Matsumoto be a "hundred people".


Nihonbashi, Shinagawa Town.

"Is it here?"

Abe Temple followed Ginji Matsumoto and stopped in front of an old house in a remote location.

This small alley with a wide range of people can't even enter by car, they can only walk into it.

He turned his head to look, and on the side of the mansion, the words "Xuanwu Pavilion" were written on a wooden plaque.

Seeing these three words, Abe Temple's eyes moved slightly.

Didn’t the Xuanwu Hall of Beichen One Sword Style move to Shentian Yuchi?

There is such an old dojo in Shinagawa Town.

After coming to Tokyo to study for these years, he has basically visited the dojo in Tokyo to ask for advice, but he has never heard of this Xuanwu Hall.

To attract teachers to visit, presumably the level should not be low, it is really hidden in the city.

"That fellow hasn't come here yet, let's take a look at it first."

Putting down the phone in his hand, Ginji Matsumoto took the lead and walked into the dojo.

In the small courtyard behind the gate, several poor-looking men were awkwardly holding wooden knives and receiving the guidance of the staff, doing the exercises of "empty sway and vibrating".

Abe Temple only glanced at it twice, then the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Because the level of these students is really...

Call it a beginner all owe it.

"Two guests, do you want to inquire about kendo crash training?"

Seeing the two enter the door, a beautiful and energetic girl greeted her with a warm smile.

"Kendo Crash Training?"

Ginji Matsumoto showed an expression of interest.

"Yes, our Xuanwu Pavilion is the birthplace of Beichen's first swordsmanship. It upholds the spirit of'everyone can practice kendo','let the world have no hard-to-test waivers','no middlemen to make the difference' and other spirits. With a tuition fee of 10,000 yen and participating in a one-day crash training class, you will be able to pass the waivers of our Beichen One-Shot Series."

Seeing that they seemed interested, the beautiful girl immediately introduced them to them enthusiastically.

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