I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 260 [Fan Wai] The Boundless Sword Technique (Part 2)

"Hey, he deserves to be that man's grandson, he really did that."

Listening to the introduction of the girl, Ginji Matsumoto didn't seem surprised at all. He just smiled and walked into the dojo to visit.

"...One, can you pass it all in one day?"

Hearing this slogan, Abe Temple looked painfully at the master who had been "driving".

He has only received a two-day first-rate free pass since he has practiced hard since he was a child.

This Xuanwu Hall must be a kendo gym opened by a liar.

"Please rest assured, two, we will first sign a contract with the students, but one assessment will not be done, and the whole life will be free...There are already many students who have gotten quite excellent results after leaving our crash course..."

Like a pyramid scheme, the beautiful girl releases an aura of orchids, holding on to the handsome Abe Temple too enthusiastically, sticking it up with a soft body professionally, and seducing him in a good manner.

"Our museum owner, Chiba Ibuki Normal University, is the descendant of Chiba Zhousuke, the founder of Beichen One Sword Style, and inherits the most orthodox one from Beichen One Sword Style... Since the reopening of the museum, the natural rationality of Miyagawa Qingzang, Well-known swordsman masters such as Kiryu Ichiryu have come to challenge, but Xuanwu Hall has not been defeated so far..."

"What?! Miyagawa Kiyzo was also defeated?"

Rubbed by the girl's weak boneless body, Abe Temple's heart was like a mirror, looking slightly surprised at the names of people on the large publicity posters on the wall.

Miyagawa Kiyozang is a contemporary teacher of natural philosophy, and Abe Temple has also come to learn from it and have benefited a lot.

But since the other party dared to write on the wall, it must be true.

"Not only that, one of our students was a bad boy who couldn't find a goal in life before enrolling. He accidentally came into contact with Kendo. After training in our one-day crash course, he became the master in club activities and finally defeated it by himself. He won the evil genius swordsman, won the 65th All-Japan University Kendo Contest, and dominated the country..."

Maybe the weather was a bit hot and the beautiful girl's face was gradually stained with a pink blush, her big eyes gazed at the beautiful side face of Abe Temple with watery eyes, and she spoke with some pride.

If I can recruit the beautiful man in front of me into the crash course, wouldn't I have more opportunities for contact...

"Sixty-fifth...Wait... You said that it wasn't Araki Sosuke of the Sekkei Great Kendo Club, right?!"

Listening to this somewhat familiar sports plot, the "evil genius swordsman" was full of black lines.

"So you are also a fan of Araki-senpai? That's right, Araki-senpai's sword skills were honed through the one-day crash course in this museum... Even the current members of the kendo world dark horse kendo club. Before entering the Ministry, I will receive a one-day crash course training here."

Seeing the hope of "recruitment success", the young girl smiled and pointed to a photo at the foot of the poster wall, and explained it harder.

In the photo, a blond young man with a smirk holding the certificate of "winning at the Kendo Tournament" is taking a photo with the men who won the "second place" and "third place".


Qianqian, a young girl, paused with her fingers on a gloomy man beside the blond youth in the photo, and then looked back at Abe Temple next to her repeatedly.

"...Yes, you read that right, this is exactly the next..."

"Evil Genius Swordsman" Abe Temple's face calmly made the atmosphere of the scene even more embarrassing.

At the same time, a man with short blond hair and a strong blue-skinned man with the appearance of a few college students walked in.

"Xiao Kaoru, please register for these guys, and collect the tuition by the way..."

The man greeted the girl in kimono familiarly, and then shouted at the men behind him: "You guys, the first hurdle of entering the ministry is to pass on all of Beichen's bans to me. Now, do you know if you all study hard?!"

"Hayi!!! Senior Araki!!!"Several men stood neatly in a row and bowed to him with a death squad.

"...Sorry, Senior Araki brought a new student here. I'm going to go over and take a look. You can see for yourself first."

The girl bowed slightly, looked a little bit lost, and then glanced at Abeji Toshihide's face, then stepped forward and led the men in to go through the formalities.

"Eh, did the old man go out... Well, Kaoru, remember to keep me the commission..."

"Don't worry, Senior Araki."

The blond man who followed the girl in kimono, rubbing his thumb and index finger repeatedly and whispering something, was the "inspirational character" printed as a poster on the wall, Sosuke Araki.

"...Araki Sosuke!"

Abe Temple, who was completely ignored, stood at the door, blocking Sosuke Araki, who had arranged everything and was about to flash.

"Oh, it turned out to be Mr. Abe. I didn't notice you just now...Why, are you also going to visit the door of Beichen One Sword Art... That's right, practice a few more kendos to open up..."

"What nonsense, I am coming with my master..."

Abeji found that the master was still in the dojo, and put down his finger angrily.

"Okay, then you are busy, but I have asked for leave... There are a lot of beautiful (cruel) girls (houses) waiting for me to sleep..."

Seeing the opponent's increasingly wary eyes, Sosuke Araki seemed to have expected something and turned around to leave.

But someone grabbed his shoulder.

"It's all at the gate of the gymnasium where you learned art. Let's go another round. This time, let us show our true strength to each other!"

Knowing the identity of Sosuke Araki's "half-demon", Abe Temple has been diligent in learning and practicing, in order to fulfill the promise of the ship that day, to have a hearty battle on the premise that both sides use their extraordinary power to their fullest.

"Sure enough...you guy, is the meaning of life only more cheap? I am working now, so maybe another day."

With a sigh, Araki Sosuke gently twisted his shoulders, and Abe Temple felt a strong force coming, and the opponent broke free from his hands in an instant.

"...This guy's power seems to have become stronger again."

When he chased out the door of Xuanwu Pavilion, Sosuke Araki had stepped onto a red shared bicycle.

This was his main means of transportation other than the subway before he got back the locomotive exemption.

"Damn it, stop for me..."

Araki Sosuke stepped on the pedals, and the shared bicycle suddenly made a painful rubbing sound, and started off with the momentum of a locomotive.

Only the dust of the sandstorm was left at Abe Temple.

"...Cough cough cough... let him run away again..."

When the dust settled, a book on the ground in a black file bag attracted the attention of Abe Temple.

It seems that Sosuke Araki walked too quickly and fell from the back seat of the bicycle.

"It's deliberately wrapped so concealed, is it that guy's practice secret?"

Bend down and picked up the book on the ground, Abe Temple's eyes narrowed slightly.

He curiously opened the black document bag, and a note fell out of it.

"Congratulations to Araki-senpai for his successful inauguration, Shibutsu Grand Kendo Club, everyone."

There is also a smirk under the signature.

"...Is this guy so respected after graduation? Why have I never received..."

When I thought of my cold personality and crazy relationship with the "fan club" in the university kendo club, the rest of the members seemed to be keeping a certain distance from him, and Abe Temple couldn't help but envy this guy who had become a fellow with his younger generation.

Inside the file bag, it seems to be a magazine.

Gently pulled it out and glanced at the cover, Abe Temple was suddenly struck by lightning and turned gray, kneeling down at the entrance of Xuanwu Pavilion.

The magazine also fell to the ground because of the tremor.

"It turns out that the gap between me and that guy is so far away..."

In the morning, Abe Temple, which showed off its "cultivation progress" to the teacher, was instantly defeated.

No wonder the other party disdains his own challenge at all.

On the cover of the magazine that fell to the ground, so that his eyes did not dare to touch, the word "Super familiar" was written impressively.

"Yo, boy, good taste."

At this moment, a tall and thin figure in a kimono walked in from the alley.

He praised Abe Temple, who was kneeling at the door, and he turned to meet Matsumoto Ginji who walked out of the gym.

"Waiting for a long time... You guy suddenly said to come over. I originally asked someone to go to Kabukicho."

It is Chiba Ibuki, the owner of Xuanwukan.

"Is this your disciple, he looks very energetic..."

Chiba Ibuki glanced up and down at Abe Temple, admiring his face: "Tsk tsk, if only I have such an outstanding disciple who knows how to appreciate mature style and looks like a talent..."

Definitely able to recruit female students of all ages.

"The owner of Chiba Pavilion has praised it."

Abe Temple put the magazine away, put it close to the body, and bowed slightly.

"Your disciples, it's also very good... Now it seems that you may be doing the right thing."

Ginji Matsumoto pointed his chin to the clumsy but hard-working Jidao in the courtyard, and the college students who had just begun to warm up.

"Hey, there is no other way. If you continue to cherish yourself and refuse to teach you like before, I am afraid that these kendo sects will disappear in a hundred years."

Chiba Ibuki sighed slightly.

At the end of Edo, when true swords prevailed, it was Hokushin Ichishin who improved the bamboo sword and protective gear, formulated the rules of the battle, and made the seemingly advanced swordsmanship vivid and understandable in a simple way, and made kendo a further step. Promotion.

Even so, in this era when firearms are the highest combat power, the legal system is sound, and science and technology are advancing with each passing day, the kendo that loses its practicality will inevitably gradually become an old-fashioned sport, and the talents are increasingly withered.

Who knows that his "crash course" model, which seems to be a cheap and quick success, is wrapped with an ambition to make Kendo a national sport.


The backyard of Xuanwu Pavilion.

Abe Temple, who had passed the domination of that terrible magazine, was kneeling under the eaves respectfully and without squinting.

In the center of the weedy courtyard, the tall and thin Chiba Ibuki and the burly Matsumoto Ginji stand opposite each other."Come here in a hurry, just to find me to fight like this?"

Chiba Ibuki asked nonchalantly.

"Sorry, the original ten-year agreement can only be advanced...because after that, I am afraid that I will never be able to use such a pure sword intent."

Ginji Matsumoto rubbed his chin, turned his head and said to Abe Temple: "Temple, you have opened your eyes to every detail of this battle... Also, Master Chiba is my best friend. You will practice in Tokyo in the future. If you have any doubts, you can ask for advice."

Abe Temple did not speak, but nodded with a serious expression.

Suddenly the teacher brought himself over, actually trying to compare swords with others.

"Then, as you wish."

Chiba Ibuki took off the quaint Tachi from his waist, unhurriedly unwrapped the cotton cloth wrapped on it, and unsheathed it with a loud sound.

This is a straight sword of about 80 cm. Between the black handle and the silver-white blade, there is only a simple golden cloth tape separating it.

"Hey, I was willing to take this knife out. I thought you were going to keep it in the coffin."

Ginji Matsumoto's eyes flashed with excitement as he saw the opponent's long sword out of its sheath.

I saw his hands turned into afterimages, and quickly pulled out the double knives on his waist.

"Izumi Kokuan Tsunami, Izumi Mori Fujiwara Kanazawa, see reference."

Seeing a pair of long and short knives in the hands of the teacher, Abe Temple looked excited.

Hakuki Guoan Gang is an ultra-Nagano Tachi with a length of 120 centimeters, which can be mastered by extraordinary swordsmen.

Izumi Mori-Fujiwara Kensada's blade is about 65 cm long. Although it plays the role of Wakisashi, its length is not inferior to that of a general short-dachi.

The most important thing is that these two ancient swords are the former weapons of Miyamoto Musashi.

The Abe family has struggled over the years to retrieve these two lost weapons as the "tuition" for Ginji Matsumoto's careful teaching of Abe Temple.

Ginji Matsumoto, who was already burly and powerful, used this relatively ordinary weapon to grow a large pair of swords, which made Abe Temple feel a breath of despair.

In the previous test, if you were facing such a pair of long swords, even if you used [Sun and Moon], I was probably not the enemy of One.

Ginji Matsumoto bowed slightly, holding the two swords in front of him, and his substantive killing intent rose up into the sky unscrupulously, as if the courtyard in front of him was soaked in blood.

Standing across from him, Chiba Ibuki, holding a sword in both hands above his head, hung behind him.

Facing Matsumoto Ginji's violent killing intent, his whole person was completely unaffected, as if he had been integrated into the environment, without any sense of existence.

Beichen Yidaoliu·Xingyan.

"This is the real Beichen One Sword Style..."

Seeing this familiar gesture, Abe Temple instantly recalled the figure of a certain man on the yacht holding up the demon sword, July Yu.

But unlike Sosuke Araki, Chiba Ibuki didn't have the killing intent ready to go, as if he was just an old man stretching.

Beichen's swordsmanship is a swordsmanship comprehended from the movement of the Big Dipper around the North Star. It is not so much a technique as it is an art.

Without a word, Matsumoto Ginji held the short sword in front of him, and the long sword drew behind him, and rushed directly to Chiba Ibuki...

In the small courtyard, the sound of golden and iron mingled continuously.

Only Abe Temple, the only verifier, knew the outcome of that day.

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