I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 261 The Real World

"Be careful! Haunted house appraisal" Third floor, Institute of Truth.

"Finally here...SQUID Institute's biomagnetic field appraisal results...Let us reveal the mystery..."

Mai Hanyu looked excited and opened the English e-mail that popped up on the computer.

"Sure enough... the coincidence rate of the magnetic field frequency of the two verification data is as high as 95%!"

Looking at the details of the report in the email, a flush of excitement could not be restrained on her face.

A few days ago, she sent a certain "illegal collected" biological fluid and "True Eye Prototype One" to a friend's laboratory, and used a superconducting quantum interferometer for magnetic field identification.

The conclusion drawn in the report is that after the real eye lens was smeared with the body fluid sample, the magnetic field frequency has undergone a subversive change, and the frequency and band of the biological magnetic field remaining on the blood sample are almost identical.

"However, human blood can actually change the frequency of the magnetic field of other objects. What is the principle here... And whether the'ablation' of the hidden energy field creature is related to his blood abnormality..."

Mai Hanyu rubbed her tousled long hair in annoyance.

Breakthrough observations often represent more problems.

As an avid scientific researcher, she is always distressed because "the more you know, the less you know".

If my conjecture about that guy's physical condition hits half of it, I am afraid that the entire human society will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Worthy of being a messenger guided by the cosmic consciousness.

"In short, the'True Eye Transformation Project' is officially put on the agenda...At the same time, various tests of the'Experimental Body No. 1'will be launched simultaneously. First of all, more research materials must be obtained..."

Having said that, she got up and put on the white coat on the back of the chair, revealing a determined look.

"Based on the principle of confidentiality of information and the hiding of the'test body's first title', all these tests can only be conducted in secret for the time being... even if it pays some price for this, it is necessary."


"Da da da……"

With the sound of quite frenzied high heels stepping on the stairs, Mai Hanyu in a white coat walked down the stairs.

"Hey, Araki-kun..."

Hou Hailu Dou, who was sitting behind the computer, hurriedly received a plastic bottle with a beautiful girl's pattern printed on the table and filled with a transparent liquid under the table.

Then he whispered to someone sitting across from him.

However, the blond youth sitting opposite him did not respond to his call.

He was staring at a pair of watery "beautiful big eyes" and "looking" somewhere in front of him in confusion.

"The Sleeper... I have something to look for you..."

Mai Hanyu walked up to him, crossed her slender waist with one hand, and looked down at the blond young man whose eyes were "empty" in front of him.

Seeing that the other party did not respond, only breathing heavily and rhythmically, Mai Hanyu leaned in suspiciously and brought her pretty face in front of the other party for examination.

Perhaps it was because of the feminine breath that was coming to his face, the blond youth with "open" eyes showed a wicked smirk, and drops of crystal saliva were sliding down the corners of his mouth.

Looking closely, the "eyes" of this blond young man were vividly drawn on the eyelids with a marker.

Sosuke Araki, who stayed up late yesterday to lead the Azure Dragon Sword to "complete the transaction", came to the store early in the morning to check in and went to work, then drew a pair of "beautiful big eyes" without anyone else, and began to sleep in his seat.

"Heh, are you ‘sleeping’?"

Seeing new employees taking up working hours to sleep in broad daylight, Mai Hanyu didn't mean to be angry at all. Instead, with a blush of excitement, she took out a thick cylindrical object and handed it to Sosuke Araki's mouth. ...It was a glass test tube commonly used in experiments.

A drop of saliva flowed into the test tube along the corner of Araki Sosuke's mouth.

"Old...sister...what are you doing..."

"Don't make a noise, didn't you see that I was getting precious material?"

Seeing this scene before him, Hou Hailu Dou even trembled when he spoke.

Precious... material? !

He squinted at the plastic bottle that he had just received under his feet with an anime girl pattern printed on it.

On the plastic bottle, the words "Girl no Sacred Water" were printed impressively.

This is Hou Hailudou's second favorite drink besides Dr. Pepper.

Except for the imaginative beautiful girl pattern on the bottle and the hint of transparent liquid inside, this is actually just a bottle of ordinary mineral water priced at 250 yen.

But because of this appearance and the cultivation of a strange atmosphere, otaku such as Hou Hai Lu Dou will get a kind of inexplicable happiness when drinking.

But he didn't expect that the old sister also has similar hobbies, and it turns out to be for Sosuke Araki...

Just after Hou Hailu Dou's cranky thoughts, Mai Hanyu has filled the test tube in her hand and sealed the lid contentedly.

Looking at the bottle of "Holy Water of Jidao Juice Man" in the hands of the old sister, Hou Hailu Dou only felt that his three views were being infinitely lowered.

"This weight can't satisfy me..."

With that said, Mai Hanyu grabbed Sosuke Araki by the collar dissatisfied and began to shake his head.

"Hey, old sister, what are you doing... this is the first floor... why should I help you move him up?"

Seeing this scene, Hou Hailu Dou had the urge to pull down the shutter door.

The old lady who has been dead for thousands of years is finally dominated by the hormones and estrogen that have been accumulated for many years and cannot be released. Can't help but want the new employees to "rectify the law on the spot"?

"Ah... don't move like this..."

Because his head was constantly shaking, Sosuke Araki, who was having dreams of unknown meaning, gradually woke up.

He opened his eyes dimly, and what occupied his entire eye was a pair of familiar, huge, unfathomable existences.

"Are you coming from the front..."

Araki Sosuke, who did not distinguish between dreams and reality, still murmured unclear words.


"Wait...this fluctuation..."

However, the spontaneous warning of the Void Eye cruelly told him that this was not a drill.

Beep beep...

Perhaps it was after the previous "Beast Escape Accident" under the Skytree, the endurance of the Void Eye has grown.

Facing the target hidden in the "grass", Sosuke Araki did not lose so quickly this time, but tried to start reading the opponent's data.

At the same time, Mai Hanyu, who leaned over in front of him, took the water cup on the side and poured the water from top to bottom into the Mariana Trench.

The shirt on her chest was immediately moisturized and transparent.

The drenched shirt instantly shrank and wrapped tightly on the body, revealing a great existence to the fullest.

Beep Beep Beep...

"This...this is...really...really..."

Encountered by this simple and crude visual impact, the Void Eye began to warn wildly.

Then, Sosuke Araki lost his focus as if he encountered a black hole, and was attracted by the obvious bulge on the outline.



With a scream, the blood like a scourge broke through the fragile small blood vessels of someone's nasal septum and turned into a red fountain.

"It's a pity, I haven't started yet..."

Mai Hanyu skillfully wrapped a test tube with a handkerchief and handed it to Araki Sosuke's nose.

Soon, the test tube was half filled with nosebleeds.

"It's not enough, don't stop..."

With that said, Mai Hanyu put one hand down and lifted it up slightly.


Seeing the trembling existence, Araki Sosuke's nosebleed, which was about to dry up, surged out again...

"Araki-kun, are you okay... What kind of medicine does the old sister's gourd sell..."

Five minutes later, watching Mai Hanyu, who left contentedly after the "daily collection" was completed, Houkai Ludou handed over the collection of tissues to Sosuke Araki with concern.

"It's okay...Although I don't know what happened when I wake up, I don't care if it happens several times..."

Araki Sosuke took the paper towel with a happy and weak face and stuffed it into his nostril with an empty smirk.


The next day, Akihabara Electric Town.


Mai Hanyu, wearing a white lab coat, walked along Akihabara Avenue, holding a miniature SLR, sneakingly shooting at some deserted places.

"Hey... Sure enough, Real Eye 1 can capture those strange images again, and it is clearer than before. Is it related to the amount of use or the time of application... I don't know about saliva, blood and'that' What is the difference between the effects... It seems that comparative experiments are also on the agenda."

Stopping, Mai Hanyu put the Wei Shan in her hands on her chest with a flushed face, and flipped through the photos inside.

In the street scenes one by one, there will be some fuzzy and distorted shadows from time to time.

It is the "hidden energy field life form" that Mai Hanyu couldn't find in recent years.

"...Next, start testing the camera mode..."

Taking a deep breath, Mai Hanyu was flushed and excitedly adjusted the SLR to the camera mode, and leaned in front of her eyes.

"Sure enough, it is necessary to drive the optical device with electric current instead of directly observing through the lens with the naked eye? Is it because of the energy consumption?"

Through the small screen on the camera, she saw an unprecedented world.

In addition to the busy traffic, those who appeared in her "line of sight" could see many distorted, shadow-wrapped existences on the street, in the sky, in the inconspicuous corners, and even passers-by.

Some of them are motionless, while others move blindly or purposefully at a faster or slower speed.

A few of them are huge, with thick shadows, and seem to have the ability to fly and penetrate physical obstacles.

At this moment, the "Eye of Reality Prototype No. 1" finally lived up to its name, knocking on the door to the real world for her.Suddenly witnessing such an "unreal" scene, even if it was Mai Hanyu, a "crazy scientist" with a weird character and bold conjecture, he was lost in the bustling streets of Akihabara.

"It turns out... The material world is no longer a floating island on the sea level... Human chests have long been soaked in sea water, but don't you know it?"

The research that had been stagnated for many years once again achieved a breakthrough across the ages, but the excitement and palpitations of seeing the origin of the world were instantly crushed by a huge sense of fear.

Looking at this world that was about to be submerged by "sea water", Mai Hanyu had a hunch. What you have on your hands may become "diving goggles" or "oxygen cylinders" like important things that allow humans to continue to survive on the "sea floor".

Holding the camera greedily and timidly, keeping a distance from the black shadows, and constantly scanning her around, except for her white coat, which looks like the usual tourists who come to Akihabara for pilgrimage.

As the camera moved, Mai Hanyu looked through the camera and gathered in an alley behind.

Several headless shadows of human figures were lined up neatly, walking towards the inside of the alley.

"Oh? It turns out that the hidden energy field life forms also group activities? Is it because of the frequency synchronization? This seems to be different from some of my previous assumptions... I don't know how their intelligence is, it seems that they need to be specially developed. It’s an observation topic."

Holding the camera in hand, the excitement of the "new world" defeated her timidity, and Mai Hanyu hung far behind the shadows and walked towards the alley.

After walking along the alley for a while, the shadow in the lens stopped at the end of the alley.

A larger shadow suddenly emerged from the ground, as if opening a big mouth, swallowing the group of human shadows.

Immediately, the group of black shadows in the viewfinder began to fade slowly, and the camera also issued a warning that the battery was insufficient.

"Tsk...Is the battery out now?"

She raised her wrist and glanced at her watch.

"Is it only three minutes? It's too unsustainable...I obviously just started..."

As she expected, with the gradual reduction of the frequency of the magnetic field, the "Eye of Reality" smeared with some "precious research material" can observe the hidden energy field life body in a very limited time.

And for some reason, the power consumption of the drive equipment will be abnormally high.

"...It seems that in order to achieve the first goal, we must measure the correct magnetic field frequency as soon as possible and solve the energy block problem at the same time..."

"For a girl like you, it is very dangerous to walk alone in such a remote alley even in the daytime."

While Mai Hanyu was constantly reflecting on the "experimental data", a soft female voice said playfully behind her.

Mai Hanyu just turned around while holding the camera.

In the lens, there is a beautiful, big-eyed beauty with shoulder-length hair and some familiar eyes.

"You... how can you..."

It was naturally not the slender and bumpy figure and sweet and feminine face that made Mai Hanyu excited.

Rather, her whole body has a faint black breath that is constantly surging like breathing.

Can human beings also coexist with the hidden energy field?

This is a new discovery! !

In this short hour, Mai Hanyu seemed to have strayed into the treasure house of the sky, and was dizzy by the treasure named "Truth".

But as the "Eye of Reality" in her hands reached its limit and could not get up again, the black breath lingering around the woman in the photographic frame also slowly dissipated, and she was no longer able to see it.

At the moment when Mai Hanyu regretted, a man's powerful arm stretched out from behind and covered her nose and mouth with a pungent towel.

"...Black Claw? To the effect..."

Before he could struggle, Mai Hanyu's vision was blurred.

"Master Teak, the car is already at the entrance of the alley."

"...Good job, Songping Police Department, please take her away."

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