"Be careful! Haunted house appraisal" On the second floor, there is a kitchen that has been abandoned for many years because of a pair of abandoned house siblings.

"Ah...this job is good for everything, but the nutrition can't keep up...you must take some good supplements."

At this moment, the frail-looking Araki Sosuke was in the kitchen while sighing, while expertly cutting the chicken thighs and shrimps into pieces on the chopping board.

After Arakizong stepped in, he was thrifty and took care of the house, and he arbitrarily stopped the "meal expenses" that the company asked him to help order takeout, and took it to business supermarkets and convenience stores to purchase ingredients and make them by himself.

In this way, the same meal cost, the quality of the ingredients and the selection of varieties can be much richer.

Although the food requirements of the two siblings seem to be only at the initial stage of "guaranteeing basic survival"...

After cutting the meat, Sosuke Araki first threw a piece of slightly fat bacon into the pot.

The smoked bacon turns into hot oil when it is cooked, bringing out a peculiar smoky flavor.

Immediately, the prawns, chicken thighs, and shredded shiitake mushrooms are thrown into the pot and quickly stir-fried.

At the same time, Araki Sosuke moved very skillfully to pour a circle of fruit wine along the side of the pot, adding soy sauce and other seasonings.

The flame rose and went out with the wine.

A sweet smell of wine permeates the kitchen, converging into a rich-flavored sauce.

Seeing that the fire was almost the same, the microwave rice in the convenience store was also poured into the pot and stir-fried.

Under the strange power of Araki Sosuke, full of ingredients for three people, stir fry and turn the pot with ease, and no piece of meat fell out of the pot.

After a while, the sea and land fried rice with a smoky flavor was out of the pot.

"Tsk tusk, Araki-kun, your cooking skills are so amazing!"

Sitting in front of the computer on the second floor, Hou Hailu Dou, smelling the scent, quietly put the instant noodles on hand back into the cabinet, shaking his nose around like a hungry Shiba Inu.

"Thanks to the awards, although it is far from a friend of mine, but it will not bury these precious ingredients that have not expired at all."

When Sosuke Araki divided the fried rice into three parts, the side dish tofu and oyster soup in the pot also gave off a sweet fragrance.

"The president hasn't come back yet, do you want to call her... By the way, didn't you arrange a'trial sleep' schedule tonight?"

Speaking of this, thinking of the last pleasant and unpleasant experience of trying to sleep, a sense of weakness flooded into Sousuke Araki's body.

"Yeah, I called her before and didn't answer me at all... Try another one."

Hearing Sosuke Araki's question, Atsumi Ludou took out his mobile phone.

"I still didn't pick it up...what the old lady is doing, it's been mysterious in the last few days... don't care, let's eat first and leave a portion for her."

The hungry thick sea and land, sat down at the small dining table in the open kitchen, picked up the largest portion of fried rice, and stuffed it into his mouth with a spoon.

"This...this bowl of fried rice!!!"

With his chewing, soft and juicy chicken thighs, fluffy and plump rice, crispy mushrooms and tender shrimps burst in the mouth, blending perfectly with the smoky flavored sauce, as if blooming on the taste buds. A refreshing lotus flower brings out the breath of the mountains and the sea.

In this era of fast-paced life, where most people take out food and convenience stores make a living, only a few small restaurants that are not commercialized can eat home cooking with such a scent of fireworks.

Thick Hailudou with moist eyes can't help but think of the fried rice his mother made when he was a child.


After taking another sip of the sweet and rich oyster soup, his gaze at Sosuke Araki was already burning.

"What... why... first say yes, I don't sell my own business."Araki Sosuke, who was eating fried rice while playing with his mobile phone, was almost choked by the lust in his eyes.

"I have made a final decision. From today, the budget for the meal will be doubled. Just let it go and do it..."

"No loss is the CEO of our company. Talking is the atmosphere! If you double it, it will be enough to eat hot pot...I have a special channel for the hot pot bottoms to be authentic, even if you are 20% off..."

Hearing Houhai CEO's words, Araki Sosuke suddenly showed a flattering smile.

The Shancheng hot pot base that was purchased last time from Nuluoquan, although it tastes good, but because it is too "exciting", the chrysanthemums of all members of the Shoujing Great Kendo Club exploded for a week, and there are still a lot of stocks." unsalable".

Just when he smiled for the inventory to be emptied, a red avatar on LINE sent him a video call invitation.

"Huh, president?"

The owner of that account is Mai Hanyu.

Although the three of them had added LINE friends to each other because of their work, so far, Sosuke Araki has not said a word to each other.

Sosuke Araki pressed the "Accept" button at a curious place.

"Mosimosi...ahla... did you bother to eat fried rice... Araki~ Jun~"

What appeared on the screen was not Mai Hanyu, but a beautiful girl with shoulder-length hair, big eyes, and three-dimensional features.

"Pomelo... teak?"

"Ah, isn't it called Saya before?"

Hearing what Araki Sosuke said, the woman on the other side of the screen frowned pretentiously and then smiled sweetly.

"...I see, I must have not seen your sexy mature girlfriend, Araki-kun is angry, right?"

Seeing her familiar but unfamiliar smile, Sosuke Araki only felt a chill in his back.

"What's wrong...Araki..."

Seeing his gradually solidified and cautious expression, the opposite Hou Hailu Dou keenly noticed something wrong.

Immediately, he walked around to the side and looked at Sosuke Araki's cell phone.

"Look...your girlfriend, here..."

As the mobile phone camera switched to the front, Mai Hanyu, who was tied backhand to the chair, covered her mouth with a towel, and hung her head, appeared in the camera.

"Old sister..."

As soon as Houhailu Dou was about to scream out in fright, Araki Sosuke immediately stretched out a hand and covered his mouth calmly.

"What did you do to her..."

"Oh, do you feel bad."

With that said, the teak Saya in front of the camera walked slowly behind Mai Hanyu.

One hand grasped Mai Hanyu's exaggerated existence from below, and gently lifted it up.

"It's no wonder... Araki-kun, your girlfriend, is so hot and looks so beautiful. I feel distressed if it's me..."

"What do you want to do?!"

Araki Sosuke's face trembled slightly, restrained his anger, and asked as calmly as possible.

That day, Teak Saya was robbed by the "black police", and Ryoma, who had already been killed, was injured.

Now even the president is kidnapped because he was mistaken for his girlfriend...

Hou Hailu Dou, who was on the side, calmed down before him. He lip-synched to Sousuke Araki, "hold her", and ran to the computer to operate.

"Don't worry, she hasn't done anything to her yet... as long as you do as I say..."

Teak Saya is holding a mobile phone in one hand, and squeezing Mai Hanyu restlessly with the other hand and fingertips.

"This is really... a realm that Saya can't reach anyway."

"You said, as long as I can do it... the premise is that you can't touch her vellus hair."

As if he understood what Houhailudou wanted to do, Sosuke Araki also calmed down and tried to delay the opponent with words.

"Since Araki-kun said that, things will be easier...The goods you bought from the'Kanto Joint Team' are still in your hands...If they are not there, please find a way to get them..."

"How do you know that..."

Hearing Saya Teak's words, the alloy suitcase and the two broken masks in it came to the mind of Sosuke Araki.

What a valuable antique is that, so many people are worried about it.

"Didn't others tell you... Thanks to you, I, the chairman of the'Kanto Joint Group', became a polished commander after only a few days... My lovely and poor subordinates, but The people you took were killed cleanly."

Speaking of this topic, Teak Saye pouted slightly angrily, but her eyes became colder on her lovely face.

"What...President?! You?!"

Araki Zongsuke's face became cold, but his thoughts flew to the rainy night full of gunshots.

"So, I can only trouble Araki-kun, get that ‘good’ and exchange it for your sexy girlfriend..."

Teak Saya walked around in front of Mai Hanyu and hugged him, using her chest to press against Mai Hanyu's greater existence, and rubbing lightly.

Suddenly, the waves were raging, and the waves were surging.

"...Of course, if Araki-kun is willing to join me, I don't mind having one more person to accompany you..."

Seeing the scene of "the orange is not good" on the phone, Sosuke Araki didn't want to appreciate this beautiful picture that would cause him to lose blood and die. Instead, he glanced at Hou Hailu from the corner of his eye.

Hou Hailu Dou gave him an "OK" gesture from the air.

"Crap...Stop talking nonsense, the things are still with me, how can I bring them to you..."

Since the other party didn't know that the things had been taken by the black-robed priest Siena, Sosuke Araki had no choice but to count.

"You can fight Araki-kun like this, and you are also a mysterious spirit remover. People don't dare to let you bring things in person. You only need to be a righteous citizen once, and find a reason to hand that thing to the police station. , I will naturally release your little girlfriend after I receive it..."

"Deliver to the police station? No, I must confirm her safety in person..."

Hearing this strange request, Araki Zongsuke froze for a moment, and decisively refused.

"Sorry, you don't have to choose... I'll give you twelve hours. I haven't received the goods after this time. Maybe I will do something bad to her, just sauce!"

Before he finished speaking, Saya Teak hung up the phone.

"Damn... how's it going?!"

Sosuke Araki nervously looked sideways at Atsumi Ludou in front of the computer.

"Huh... I just hacked into the LINE server, and I have successfully obtained the location of the other party's base station... Fortunately, I left a back door inside in order to prevent being deceived by the network appointment..."

Hou Hailudou wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked worriedly about the location on the map.

"...But how could the old lady be kidnapped...and she went to a place as far away as Yamanashi Prefecture..."

"This matter has nothing to do with the president. It's all because of me... Don't worry, I will take responsibility."Araki Zongjie's face was as dark as water, making it impossible to see his emotions.

"Araki-kun, your self-blame should be put to the back first. Now that you have confirmed the position, you must first find a way to rescue the old sister... It's better to pretend to be a deal here and let the police go to the rescue secretly."

Hou Hailu Dou's mood was unexpectedly calm, but it comforted him.

"Call the police...no, since the other party asked us to hand over the things to the police station..."

Thinking of the police "inside line" mentioned by the Bliss Club, the "black police" who rescued Teak Saya that day, and the weird "delivery method" requested by the other party today, Sosuke Araki rejected this plan.

In the Metropolitan Police Department, there must be one or more "black police" with a high status.

Only in this way can they have the confidence to ensure that no matter which police station the thing is delivered to, it will eventually fall into their hands.

"...Xingping, haven't you been discharged? The alloy lock box is still there last time. Find someone to send it to me. I can use it..."

"Ryoma, yes, it's me..."

Sosuke Araki immediately dialed several calls.

Siena only took away one of the extremely sturdy alloy lockboxes that could only be opened with bombs without a password, and one was left in the office of the anger boxing.

"Next, it will be'goods'... Hou Haijun, you can find something to pack tightly and put it in later..."


In an abandoned building.


Mai Hanyu opened her eyes in confusion.

A feeling of being paralyzed by drugs made her consciousness dizzy, and it was always difficult to fully wake up.

After discovering that her mouth was gagged and her hands were tied back on the chair, she struggled feebly, only to find that her body was out of control.

"Master Teak, what if that guy doesn't deliver the things to the police station as agreed?"

In the dimness, a male voice sounded in the outside room.

"Don't worry, he will... After all, that guy is the type who can't walk when he sees a woman."

The soft and playful female voice responded immediately.

As the conversation and footsteps approached closer, Mai Hanyu tried to open her eyes to see the person, but she could not lift her heavy eyelids.

"...However, what I am more worried about is that as a spirit remover, that guy might have a way to lock our position."

A graceful woman walked into the room.

It is teak saya.

Mai Hanyu lowered her head and closed her eyes, judging from the voice that she was the woman she met in the alley before she lost consciousness.

"If he comes directly to the door, you know how to deal with it... After all, no matter how powerful a spirit remover is, it's just a mortal body... Right, Songping Police Department fills it up."

Teak Saya asked in a sweet tone.

"Yes, don't worry, if that kid really dares to come to the door, we will definitely let him come back and forth."

Behind her, a capable man wearing a police bulletproof vest and fully armed, his eyes flashing with love, bowed respectfully.

If Big Brother Zhang of Nu Luo Quan was here, he would definitely be able to recognize it. This is clearly an old enemy who often troubles him. The Songping Police Department of the third group of organized crime countermeasures is supplemented by the fourth group.

Teak Saye approached him precisely because the other party was originally one of the "personal connections" "provided" by the group of three within the police.

On weekdays, secretly wipe the buttocks of the three-member group, clean up the gangsters that fight against the three-member group, and do things like that.

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