After half an hour.

"Damn it, Hattori-senpai, why haven't they arrived yet..."

Before the second, Ryoma stood in front of the viewing platform, looking outside worriedly regardless of the wind and snow on his face.

He borrowed the phone from the shrine, and he has already contacted Hattori Senpai.

When the other party had already led the team to the abandoned factory in the middle of the night, they were nowhere to be seen, but they had harvested dead bodies and bullet holes all over the floor.

After emergency coordination by the Yamanashi Prefecture Police Station, the first rescue teams have arrived from the mountainside.

"Below the viewing platform is the crater...Unless the Great God Asama appears, your friends may be..."

The gray-robed old man standing behind him calmly stated the facts.

"The priest Yamakari...I believe that guy won't burp so easily..."

Before the second, Ryoma turned around and said firmly to the old man.

"...Because, since childhood, no matter what kind of sinister environment, this guy can grow up savagely with a smile."

Araki Sosuke's idiot-like sunny smile appeared in Ryoma's mind before the two.

Soon after the three of them fell, he still heard Zongsuke swearing in a daze. Maybe the guy had found a place to stay, but he was just trapped.

This old man who kindly borrowed Ryoma's phone and clothes before the 2nd was the priest of the Okunomiya Sengen Shrine on the top of the mountain.

The elderly Yamakari priest was alarmed by gunshots as early as when several people reached the summit.

After decisively calling the police, he has been watching (shaking) (shaking) in the temple.

"...In that case, let me pray to the gods for your friend..."

With that said, the priest Yamakari turned and returned to the main hall.

In a sense, the priest in front of him represents the owner of the land under his feet.

That's right, the land 3360 meters above Mount Fuji is privately owned.

The owner, it was the Sengen Shrine that received this piece of land from the Tokugawa shogunate and collected high rents from the Japanese government every year.

The main palace of Sengen Shrine is located at the foot of Mount Fuji.

The Okumiya on the top of Mount Fuji was built for some unknown time.

Anyone who climbs to the top of Mount Fuji will ask for the guardian and the seal of the Okumiya for the blessing of the Great God of Asama.

"Damn it...please hurry up..."

The impatient two-front Ryoma kicked angrily on the rock, and a piece of snow fell.

This feeling of anxiety, powerlessness, and despair ate him like an abyss.


"Sister Hanyu... can you hear me clearly?"

In the depression on the inner wall of the crater, Sosuke Araki is carefully checking the condition of Mai Hanyu.

Since Saya Teak fell down the cliff half an hour ago, Sousuke Araki loosened his weight and carefully lifted Mai Hanyu up to the depression.

After all, Mai Hanyu, who is able to climb up by himself, weighs less than 50KG, which is quite affordable for him, whose muscle strength far exceeds that of a Korean male star with the surname Kim.

Then, with his hands free, he also crawled into the depression.

After clearing the snow inside, this deformed cave formed by a volcanic eruption, with solid ice mixed with volcanic rock, barely enough for two people to live in and avoid the violent cold wind at the mountain pass.

Outside the cave, the endless silver-white inner wall of the volcanic crater reflected white light enough to cause snow blindness in the rising sun.

Mai Hanyu, who had run out of strength, suffered a gunshot wound, and was in very bad condition, after entering the cave, her condition became weaker and weaker.

"Sleep...You must regret it, jump down with me and wait here for the end of life..."

Leaning on the mountain wall, Mai Hanyu's eyes blurred and weakly talking nonsense.

"How can I regret...when Sister Hanyu helped me block that shot, what was she thinking?"

Araki Sosuke shook his head slightly, shielding his body from the outside of the cave, trying his best to stop the strong wind that poured in.

"You are my assistant and the most important human body research material. I will not let anyone hurt you... Even if you are to be squeezed dry and sliced, I can only do it by myself..."

Mai Hanyu, whose cheeks were flushed with cold, gave the answer without hesitation.

"Sure enough...haha...that's really an honor..."

Araki Sosuke smirked, and Mai Hanyu suddenly dropped her head and fainted like this.

"It's hot..."

Araki Sosuke reached out his hand to support her, only to feel that the back of the opponent's hand was hot.

"Oops... I have a fever..."

Araki Sosuke took off his jacket without hesitation and wrapped it in Mai Hanyu's thin down jacket, then took a little snowflake and melted his palm, gently covering the opponent's forehead.

"... Hold on, someone will come to search and rescue..."

In such a sub-zero environment, Mai Hanyu, who has a high fever and is weak, needs to keep warm.

The only place to cool down is her forehead, but that is just to avoid convulsions or brain damage caused by high temperature.

"The Sleeper... I am very happy today..."

Perhaps it was Sousuke Araki's method that was effective, and Mai Hanyu, who relied on Sousuke Araki, began to whisper nonsense again.

"I don't know why. Obviously there is no evidence to confirm. I have always believed in the existence of ‘universe consciousness’, ‘hidden energy field life forms’ and ‘black claws’..."

"Okay, don't sleep, and slowly tell me why..."

Araki Sosuke softly echoed her words, trying to maintain her consciousness.

"It's as if there's always a voice in my heart telling me firmly that everything... is real, waiting for me to reveal it."

Mai Hanyu's voice became quieter and quieter.

"... Since your appearance, I actually confirmed the existence of these things one by one... You are here now, it must be the arrangement of the universe consciousness..."

"Yes, if we can get out from here, I must believe in the existence of that cosmic consciousness with you!"

Seeing her delicate face getting paler and paler, with a sickly blush, Araki Sosuke's heart sank to the bottom of the sea.

"Jingle Bell……"

At this moment, a cell phone ringing touched Sosuke Araki's mind.

Did you hear a hallucination?

Their mobile phones were taken away by Takata Matsudaira and destroyed.

So, where did the cell phone ringing in the cave come from?

Following the voice, he reached out and touched Mai Hanyu's pocket.

I took out a pink vintage phone that was vibrating...

Teak Saya.

Did she stuff the phone into Mai Hanyu's pocket before letting go?

"...Hello... Teak... Have you got that ‘good’?"

Answering the phone, a low male voice came intermittently.

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