"Report...This is the No. 2 search and rescue team. The missing person trapped in the snow wall has been found..."

When the search and rescue team, with a zip line around their waist and climbing down the crater, found the hollow snow cave, it was four or five hours later.

For some reason, the rescued man in the cave was blushing with an unhappy expression of "Don't disturb us" and waved his back to the rescuers in disgust.

"Zongsuke!! You bastard, you just jumped down without making a sound, which made me worry to death... The price of the recent cemetery, it would take a loan for more than ten years at every turn!!!"

When Mai Hanyu, dressed in Sosuke Araki's clothes, and Sosuke Araki, who was naked and like a ghost crawling out of hell, returned to the observation deck along the zipline, they were greeted with noses and tears. Ryoma before two.

"Aye...it's okay, it's okay, my life is hard, there will be blessings if you don't die in a catastrophe..."

While enjoying Ryoma's scolding before the second, Sosuke Araki took the other party and offered them dry and thick clothes to change.

Seeing rescuers withdrawing to the viewing platform one after another and starting to pack the zipline, Ryoma suddenly remembered something before the second.

"...Just you two? That..."

Seeing that Araki Sosuke's expression immediately became low, he hurriedly shut his mouth.

Araki Sosuke turned around and glanced at the endless circular crater below as if saying goodbye.

"...That woman, she did a good thing in the end."

Taking a deep breath, turning around, the sunny smile returned to his face.

With his hand in his pocket, he took out an old pink phone and threw it towards the bottom of the crater.

Some memories, some people, let them be buried here forever.


"Huh, it's finally quiet..."

After the noisy rescue team left with a few people, the white-bearded priest of the mountain hunter held a cup of hot tea and sat in the side hall enjoying the fire.

"...Fortunately, these people weren't alarmed to the'seal' there, otherwise the old man I will guard this place for a lifetime, and in the end I will not be able to explain to the Great God Asama."

As soon as his voice fell, the "Sword Peak" where Sengen Shrine Okunomiya was located suddenly trembled like an earthquake.

The jitter came and went quickly, and calm soon returned.

The priest Yamakari trot all the way to the viewing platform, carefully driven the spiritual power to sense, and found no abnormalities.

"I'm still old, and it's easy to scare myself... It's just ordinary volcanic activity... How can the seal of nearly a thousand years be so fragile."

With that said, he held the tea in his hand and returned to the house contentedly.

Mount Fuji is a typical cone-shaped volcano, and its current height is also formed by repeated eruptions and stacks of volcanic rocks.

As a dormant active volcano that erupted once more than 300 years ago, it is commonplace to vibrate due to internal lava activity.

At the same time, the icy and snowy volcanic crater is more than 200 meters away from the mountain top shrine...

A huge oval-shaped rock wrapped in snow stands quietly in the center of the bottom of the crater.

Through the snow, you can vaguely see the dense Zhulian rope and talisman paper wrapped around the big stone.

Spreading out with the big rock as the center, there are countless densely packed corpses of various frozen creatures.

There are all kinds of animals and insects such as cows, sheep, rabbits, deer, bears, snakes, rats, butterflies, etc. It seems that all the biological species in Mt. Fuji have gathered here.

On the top of the big rock, a young girl was lying quietly.

Because of the rapid fall, the girl has fallen into a distorted appearance like fleshy flesh.

But her tarnished eyes still stared at the sky above, with a smile of relief on the corners of her mouth.

Her blood, like petals, slowly bloomed on the snow-covered stone.

Sliding drop by drop along the rocks.

The whole huge stone was gradually infested by her blood and turned into bright red.

A pink phone fell from the sky and fell precisely beside the boulder.


One day later, Tokyo, Haneda International Airport.

"Ayano-chan, I will send you delicious chocolates when I go back..."

In the drizzle, the black-robed priest Siena was carrying an alloy suitcase, standing on the wide tarmac, saying goodbye to the girl in front of him with a kind smile.

"People are past the age of eating chocolate... But if Uncle Siena insists on sending it, I can't help it..."

Mochizuki Ayano stood not far away and said straightforwardly.

This "time bomb" was finally leaving Japan, and while she was relieved, she was a little bit reluctant for some reason.

I also want to hear Uncle Siena, tell me more about my mother's past.

"Then, don't live here...No matter where we are born, we are all bathed in glory together, and the Lord will always be with you..."

Without saying more, Siena stretched out his hand and rubbed Mochizuki Ayano's head, then turned away and walked away.

Waiting for him in the front apron was a medium-sized plane with a red cross printed on it.

This is a private flight from Tokyo to the Vatican that the Holy See arranged for him through an international charity organization.

After all, with a certain important "thing", he naturally dare not go on a mixed civilian flight.

"Mr. Siena, welcome to board the plane. We are the crew of this flight and hope to provide you with a pleasant journey."

Several crew members were already waiting for him in front of the boarding escalator.

After entering the cabin and sitting in the large seat, Siena breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Siena, do you need me to help you put your luggage on it?"

A tall, blond stewardess asked respectfully in Italian.

On this private flight, they came to Tokyo on an empty flight for 13 hours, just to pick up the shameless priest back...

Faced with such a big man, she naturally has to serve carefully.

"No, I just put it here."

Siena turned down the other party's kindness with proficient Italian, and carefully placed the box in the gap of the seat under his feet.

"The flight has more than ten minutes to take off. Would you please have a cup of coffee first..."

Picking up the espresso made by the stewardess, Siena in a good mood took a sip.

Although there were some twists and turns, it was finally possible to bring this important thing back to the Vatican and seal it permanently.

"The last time I returned to the Vatican from Japan, it seemed that it was also such a rainy night..."

Immersed in the unique bitterness and acidity of high-grade coffee beans, Siena's thoughts drifted away with the steam hovering above the coffee cup, returning to a bitter memory buried in my heart ten years ago.

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