I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 290: Extinguished Light


Seeing the visitor clearly, Higashino Kopei grabbed the opponent's wrist.

There was a fortunate smile on his face, but his eyes were full of pleading.

"...Don't hold me, let me tell you, Lizi is not on it..."

"She must be hungry working overtime, went to the convenience store to buy things, and forgot to bring her mobile phone!"

"Quickly let go... she didn't bring her mobile phone when she encountered this kind of thing. She must be very scared now... I want to accompany her right away!"

"...Speak, you idiot, say something to Laozi!!!"

He pressed his hands, trying to break the opponent's hand apart.

However, no matter how hard he exerted his strength, he couldn't get rid of Araki Sosuke's arm like iron tongs.

The pouring rain ruthlessly washed the bodies of the two of them.

The violent thunder continued to roar in the night sky.

Araki Sosuke, who remained silent and also soaked all over, turned his head to look at Ryoma Nizen in the rain in the distance.

The latter was now pale with his hair lying on his forehead weakly, glanced at a stretcher covered with white cloth behind the ambulance, and shook his head heavily at him.

"Xingping... Calm down first, listen to me first..."

"What's the matter, I'll talk later...Wait until I find Lizi..."

Seeing the expression of his companion in front of him, Higashino Yukhei seemed to sense something, and the light in his eyes gradually extinguished.

"Lizi, she..."

"I won't listen!! You let me go and let me find Lizi!!!"

The power of the whole body burst out, Higashino Kopei abruptly broke free with a hand, and hit Araki Sosuke's face fiercely.

"You calm down first, let's talk slowly..."

Even so, Araki Zongsuke still held him tightly, letting the opponent's fists and raindrops fall on him.

"I just want to find Lizi... wherever she is..."

Unclear whether it was tears or rain, it slid down Higashino's face.

"According to the latest information released by the police, an unexplained explosion occurred in an apartment on the third floor at about ten o'clock tonight. The current number of casualties is unknown... Dear viewers, it seems that two men broke into the fire. At the scene, it looks like it is a resident here, let us interview..."

At this moment, a foreign reporter wearing a raincoat and holding a microphone walked up to the two of them with the photographer.

"...Hello, I'm Chateau Nord, a reporter from the NHK International Channel. Are you a resident here? It's convenient for us to describe the situation at that time..."

Just when Sosuke Araki was still stunned by the thick, unidentified object that he suddenly handed to his mouth...

Kohei Higashino had broken free of his control, and hit the reporter's chin with a vicious punch, knocking out the opponent's glasses.

"...That guy..."

"Quick, stop him!!"

At the same time, the firefighters who had recovered from the "critical attack" rushed down from the upper floor, and cooperated with the staff from the periphery to press Higashino Kohei, who had escaped, to the ground.

"Let me go, let me find Lizi!!!"


Under the rain curtain, Higashino Yupira, who was pushed on the ground by many staff and unable to move, cried like a homeless child.

"Mr. Higashino..."

Watching this scene, outside the cordon, Yu Mayumi, who had just arrived, covered her mouth and sobbed in disbelief.

Mai Hanyu hugged her comfortingly.


Three days later.

Saitama Prefectural Spiritual Garden.

Under the gloomy dark clouds, there was heavy rain.

Wenyue's torrential rain, it will come down when you say it, and it will stop when you say it.

Like an invisible destiny, unpredictable but difficult to resist,

When you find it, it has soaked into every corner of your body without denial, leaving people nowhere to escape.

A man in a black suit bowed his head and knelt down not far from the gate of the Lingyuan Garden, letting raindrops fall on his body, standing still like a stone statue.

"It's so pitiful, the daughter who has been raising up with hard work, I heard that originally developed very well in Tokyo..."

"...It is said that he didn't listen to the advice of the family, and he dated a boyfriend who is Hunji Dao, and was involved."

"So, interpersonal communication is very important...because of that kind of scum..."

Passers-by who come in and out of the Spirit Garden from time to time will walk away from him when they see him.

The man who was kneeling in the rain with his pale face and wet hair limply stuck to his face was Kohei Higashino.

The day before yesterday, a suspected man-made gas leak in the Shinjuku apartment caused an explosion and fire, killing 8 people and seriously wounding 12 people.

Among them is his fiancee, Bai Shui Lizi.

Today, the body of Shirasui Reiko was taken back to her hometown in Saitama Prefecture by her parents, and the burial ceremony was officially held after cremation.

Considered to be the culprit responsible for this tragedy, Kohei Higashino is naturally not qualified or allowed to go in and send his beloved woman for the last time.

In the face of the accusations, beatings and tears of Bai Shui Lizi's parents, he was willing to accept it.

On the night of the incident, several cadres of Nu Luo Quan in Tokyo suffered various accidents, and one of them is still rescued in the hospital.

The accident in the apartment and the death of Lizi cannot be separated from me.

An umbrella quietly appeared on Higashino's head, covering the torrential rain that was so chilling.

Kohei Higashino did not make any movements because the rain that fell on his body disappeared.

He was like the newly erected tombstone in the cemetery, losing all his brilliance.

"...You guy, really came here..."

The one holding the umbrella for him was Sosuke Araki in the same black suit.

After that night, Kohei Higashino broke all contact with the outside world and went missing.

Araki Zongsuke also inquired around, guessing that this guy would definitely show up at the funeral, worrying about him doing stupid things, so he came over.

Seeing Kohei Higashino who didn't respond to him at all, Araki Sosuke sighed, but stood silently on the side, holding the umbrella for him.

"...Ryoma said that the case has broken through, and I believe that the suspect will be locked out soon..."


Hearing his words, Higashino Yuppei, who had been standing still, finally had a reaction.

A sarcasm smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In cases like this, the last suspect arrested by the police is nothing more than a certain addict or a guy with high gambling debts...

If those shit laws work, why did Japanese violent groups become legal organizations?

From the moment Bai Shui Lizi left, his heart had already died.

Only this useless body has a mission that must be fulfilled.


With a harsh brake sound, several black cars stopped on the side of the road.

A group of men in black suits stepped out of the car one after another and stood silently behind Higashino Kohei.

Although the rain became more and more violent, none of them held an umbrella.

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