
With the sound of leather shoes walking through the puddle, a short-haired man with squinted eyes walked out of the separated crowd with a serious expression, and stood side by side with Higashino Kohei.

"Zhang... Brother Zhang..."

Seeing the visitor clearly, Araki Sosuke's eyes jumped wildly, and his heart was full of ominous premonitions.

Zhang Hong, the head of the Tokyo branch of the Nura Boxing and the rank of the black feather fan of the gang.

Brother Zhang nodded lightly to Sosuke Araki and slapped Higashino's shoulder heavily.

One thing was thrown in front of Higashino Kohei by him.


After seeing the thing falling into the puddle clearly, Sousuke Araki frowned and his pupils shrank slightly.

That was a pale severed hand.

"This guy had all recruited before he died. The other parts of his body are in my trunk. When I go back, I will be buried in the cornfield."


Kohei Higashino glanced at the severed hand on the ground, showing a stern and twisted smile.

The thought that it was the owner of this hand who took Lizi away from his world, his whole body couldn't help shaking with anger.

"However, this guy is only worthy of being a hand... The real behind-the-scenes envoy, waiting for us to say hello."

Hearing what Big Brother Zhang said, the flame in Higashino's eyes reignited.

"Tell me...who is it?"

He grabbed Zhang's collar and asked loudly.

"Who else...Of course it's the old friend who made small movements behind his back several times recently... Kazuo Amato."

Big Brother Zhang, who was mentioned by him, didn't look irritated at all, but frowned and took out a cigarette and stuck it in his mouth.

"It's not good for my family...that guy, broke the rules of the road."

Immediately someone took out the lighter from the side and lit it for him.

"Huh... the memorial service, let's save it for later... At that time, bring his head and wine... I will come with you... Apologize."

Seeing the flickering cigarette butt in Zhang's mouth, Higashino Xinghei weakly let go of his hand.

"Hello... before the police can find out, is there a full-scale war going on?"

As dull as Sosuke Araki, he naturally knew who they were talking about.

The old rival of the Nura Boxing has an unclear relationship with the Bliss Club, the Quintessence Club, the Kizuna Club, and the "Kanto United Group", the head of the Tokyo branch of the trio, Kazuo Amato.

If these two violent groups go into full-scale war, I am afraid it will be another bloody storm.

"Check it out? Brother Zongjie... I acted like a fist. When do I need to explain the evidence like the police?"

Big Brother Zhang straightened out the slightly wrinkled collar, turned and walked towards the car.

"...I slept for too long, I'm afraid everyone has forgotten, how to pronounce the name of Anuraquan..."


"Dragons have inverse scales, and they will die if they touch them!"


"Dragons have inverse scales, and they will die if they touch them!"

The men surrounded by both sides roared in a low voice in Longguo dialect.

The Japanese pronunciation of anger fist is "doragon".

The sound is the same, dragon.

A dragon that will die if it touches its scales.


Seeing Kohei Higashino who slowly turned around and followed Big Brother Zhang, Sosuke Araki pressed his shoulder.

"Zongsuke...what, do you want to stop me too?"

Kopei Higashino turned his head slightly, facing him sideways.

Between the long hair hanging in front of his forehead, there are a pair of eyes without human emotions that Araki Sosuke has never seen before.

Seeing the other's expression, Araki Zongsuke was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted loudly: "If Reiko was here, I wouldn't approve of you doing this..."


Kopei Higashino slapped Araki Sousuke's face with a fist.

"You who ran away to college since you talked to yourself, and you have been so embarrassed to this day, what qualifications do you have to say such things?!"


"If I can't even do this, where can I go down to see Lizi?"


"...It didn't happen to you, so what right do you have to point fingers at?"

One punch after another, unhurriedly bloomed on Araki Sosuke's face.

On Higashino's ring finger, the shining diamond ring cut his cheek sharply like a tiger.

The splashing blood dyed the diamond that represents eternity and love a coquettish red.

"You're right, I don't have a stand to say this... Then at least, the matter of revenge will count as me..."

Facing Higashino's heavy fist, Sosuke Araki had nothing to say, letting blood drip from his face, still stubbornly grabbing the opponent's shoulder.

Intuition tells him that when he is released, the two will be in different worlds from now on.


Hearing Sosuke Araki's words, the softness in Higashino's eyes flashed, and he firmly grasped the back of his hand.

"If Xia Zhidao, there is no turning back...If you are a brother, don't stop me, don't follow..."

If any important person is implicated because of this, it will be something he cannot bear more than death.

"This is a war that belongs to me alone."

Only me and Lizi are enough to destroy the world.

"From now on, anyone who stands in front of me is an enemy...including you."

Hearing what he said, Araki Sosuke seemed to have been taken away from all his strength, and the hand on his shoulder was then severely dropped.


Looking at the back of the other party resolutely leaving, Araki Sosuke, who had no position and no right to dissuade him, clenched his fists unwillingly and roared in the rain.


Two days later, Taitung District, a large villa area.

"Three days ago, someone witnessed Kazuo Tento driving back to this villa, and he lost his track after that...does not rule out the possibility that this house has an underpass."

Li Mingcong, dressed in black and like a ghost, quietly lay on the roof of a certain building, scanning the windows of the villa with an infrared night vision thermal imaging scope.

From time to time, a man in a black suit walked past the window of the villa.

However, the heavy brick wall couldn't be seen through, the Qinglong Sword 12th Division had been lurking nearby for two days, but it never confirmed the position of Kazuo Amato and the chance to beheaded.

"...Don't wait, the horn of war has sounded... Big Brother Zhang has started, I don't want to hold back..."

A hoarse male voice rang in the communication channel, and said impatiently in jerky Longguo dialect: "...If the mouse is in the den, I won't know if the mouse is in the den."

"You are a'guide', you have the final say."

Following Li Yuncong's words, the lights in the front villa went out.

"Boom! Boom!"

An earthquake-like explosion sounded, and the front door and back door of the villa collapsed at the same time.

Several Qinglong Sword players wearing black body armor quickly rushed into the villa from two gates.

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