"Enemy attack!!"

Inside the villa, a member of the Yamaguchi group holding a gun has just arrived behind the gate and seems to be ready to check the situation from the crack of the door...

"Boom boom..."

The rain-like bullet pierced the thick and gorgeous wooden door unreasonably, causing him to scream before he fell to the ground.

"Minasan of the group of three, the on-site cleaning service you ordered has arrived. Please sign for it, please!"

Behind the battered wooden door with moonlight, a man with pigtails and vicious eyes politely pushed in.

It was Yukhei Higashino who actively applied to be the "guide" of the Qinglong Sword and provided "door-to-door beheading" services.

The carbine in his hand poured out of flames, sweeping down several men who were coming down the stairs.

The whole corridor was instantly stained with blood.

He bowed slightly like the conductor who was about to open, and after letting the Azure Dragon Swordsmen behind him penetrate into the villa, he picked up the Yamaguchi team member who had not died on the ground, and stuffed the muzzle into the opponent's mouth: "Say, Kazuo Amato ……Where?!"

"Puff...Ministry... Minister, he's..."

The man was confused because his mouth was blocked, but he touched his waist secretly with one hand...


Before he finished speaking, the bullet had passed through the back of his head.

"Since your Excellency is not sincere enough, I'd better visit it myself."

Throwing the corpse in his hand on the ground like a garbage bag, Higashino Yuki slowly turned around and put the pendant on his chest to his lips and kissed gently.

Countless gunshots and screams, along with his movements, played like a classical symphony, resounding through the villa.

Above the pendant, there was a brilliant, blood-stained diamond ring.

"...Lizi, have you heard... these are all played for you, the soul-suppressing song..."

At the same time, a man did not know when he appeared at the escalator on the second floor and pointed his submachine gun at Higashino Kohei.


Before the shot was fired, the man's head was like a watermelon smashed in a summer festival, spreading with bright red juice.

"Mr. Higashino, please concentrate, I can't cover where there is no vision..."

In the communication channel, Li Mingcong reminded him in Longguo dialect.

"...If the'tour guide' is allowed to die, it will be difficult for us to handle it."

"Well, don't worry, I have no plans to go with Lizi for the time being until I solve that guy..."

Obviously under the muzzle, Higashino's kiss of the diamond ring was not affected at all. He was still religious, graceful and slow.

The eyes that seemed fierce, but warm in fact, had long gone out, leaving only a pair of gray eyes, full of desire for blood and revenge.


At the same time, somewhere in Tokyo.

"That fellow Zhang Fenfang, has he personally led the team to fight back...I can't ask for it."

Kazuo Amato, who was wearing a black robe and a mask, answered the phone.

"...Even the location of the villa was confirmed by them? Hey, it doesn't matter, but I left them a ‘great surprise’ there."

Hearing the report on the phone, he looked down at the window and his expression became relieved again.

There, Ginji Matsumoto was sitting quietly in the car on the side of the road with both swords in his arms.

Tonight, there were fires, explosions, or attacks from unknown persons at the various offices and core operating assets of the group of three in Tokyo almost at the same time.

Now that he decided to use extraordinary powers to completely remove the obstacle of the anger fist, Kazuo Tianto would not be unprepared, he had already transferred important things in advance, and also arranged for the ambush of horses and munitions.

The only thing he didn't expect was that the location of the villa was also found by those guys, which made him a little irritable.

Had it not been for an important "sacrifice ceremony" tonight, he would have "personally received" there.

There is that guy guarding inside, and when he is over here, he should be done.

Hanging up the phone, he pushed the door into a bloody room.

"O~mu... can we start, number five?"

In the room, several people who also wear black cloaks and masks are sitting around a long table.

"Sorry, Mrs. President, I just ran into a little trouble... Let's continue."

Kazuo Amato bowed slightly and walked to his seat and sat down.

"...Before confirming the delivery method and time, the goods can't go wrong with you..."

It seemed that he was not at ease. The "chairman" sitting on the head and wrapped in a black robe reminded him: "During this period, do you want to let the number four cooperate with you?"

Hearing these words, another figure in the same black robe and mask on the side bowed slightly.

"Don't worry about the president, I will definitely deliver that thing to the ‘adult’ who received the goods."

Kazuo Amato decisively refused the other party's assistance.

Although "Number Four" is the number one assassin in the guild, the powerful "favored one" who has been exceptionally promoted after following the guild leader for many years.

However, members "help" each other to share rewards.

I hired Matsumoto Ginji and spent a lot of money to strengthen "that guy", and finally gnawed off the hard bones of "Holy Light Arsenal" and swallowed that item.

If the number four is allowed to intervene at this moment, wouldn't it be a waste of reward to share with others.

"In that case...then, I declare, the first sacrifice of this month, begin."

The huge and quaint scrolls spread out softly on the long table.

On the old paper, there are still paintings of various ghosts in ink and wash style.

The difference from more than two months ago is that the number of ghosts visible on this picture scroll has obviously increased.

There are even a few ghosts whose body parts have been turned into colors.

Following the actions of a few members, a large number of fresh "sacrifices" that are constantly shrinking spread over the entire picture scroll.

"Your rotation is doing well this month, on the fourth."

Seeing the "sacrifice" exceeding the expected quantity and quality, the chairman's tone was very happy.

"President, I appreciate it, it's a trivial matter, it's not worth mentioning."

The member called "Number Four" was thin and thin, and responded joyfully with a hoarse male voice, seeming to be very excited by the president's praise.

The monthly sacrifice ceremonies of the Aum Shinrikyo use a "rotation" method, and the members who are turned are responsible for raising the "sacrifices" of the month.

Of course, the offerings of other members can also be used to trade the quota of "miracles" to the rotating members.

"Gong please, Hyakki Yayuki...O~mu."



As the spells in the mouths of the members sounded, those "sacrifices" began to be eaten and burst open by the invisible existence.

In the empty room, along with the low roar of ghosts eating happily, those flesh and blood residues gradually disappeared into the white scroll.

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