I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 293: I'm Bald

Taito District.

The gunfire in the villa, like a symphony about to reach its climax, became more and more majestic.

Kopei Higashino and several groups of Qinglong Sword commandos simultaneously broke in from the front and rear doors, constantly eroding the enemies in the villa through pincers.

Outside the villa, Li Mingcong’s dull sniper guns sounded from time to time, and they could always accurately harvest the three members exposed in the field of vision at critical moments.

"Be careful, they have snipers!!"

Several men in the Yamaguchi team were therefore bound to use a platform on the second floor as a cover, stubbornly standing in a stalemate with the Azure Dragon Sword players.

Higashino Yuppei, who had already penetrated into the second floor, had two submachine guns in his hand that had already burnt out the bullets, and his left arm was also colored.

Lying on the road when he came, there were blood and corpses all over the floor.

"Tianto... Kazuo... are you at home?!!!"

Kohei Higashino took the carbine picked up from the enemy's corpse and fired frantically.

Along the way, his undaunted fighting style and precise marksmanship made the fellow Qinglong Sword players squeeze a cold sweat.

Enemies who crossfire head-on are often directly hit by him between the legs, throat, eyes and other fatal weaknesses.

In the face of the pouring bullets, he only chose to dodge with the smallest amount, preferring to replace the wound with the wound, but also to focus on solving the enemy on the opposite side.

Rather than coming for revenge, he is more like asking for death.

People who have forgotten the fear of death are not loved by death.

In such battles, such people tend to be more calm and cruel, and are willing to use their smallest injuries in exchange for the enemy's life.

With no intention of being in a stalemate in the bunker with the opponent at all, Higashino Yukhei directly took out a grenade from his waist.


Pulling the drop ring, after a light count, he leaned out of the bunker and threw it towards the opponent.

Not waiting for a few people on the opposite side to react, the huge explosion has blown them up behind the platform to blood and blood.


Just when the three groups were retreating, the tremors like an earthquake spread throughout the villa, and even the crystal chandeliers on the ceiling began to swing from side to side.

As if a peerless beast is about to come out of the cage.


On the side of the second floor, a huge door suddenly burst open and slammed straight at the crowd of Nu Luo Fist.

The two members of the Qinglong Knife shunned them and were smashed into the wall by the heavy wooden door, splashing with blood like fresh fruit juice.

Behind the door, a huge figure more than two meters high and tangled in muscles broke through the door frame and rushed out.

"My Lord God Envoy..."

Seeing this small mountain-like figure, several lingering three members of the trio were beaming with joy.

This is a giant who is much taller than an NBA athlete, and whose limbs, waist and abdomen muscles are as strong as a bucket.

His upper body is naked, the complexion on top of his bald head is dark red, and his back and shoulders are tattooed with three stretched and deformed prajna red and white ghost faces.

I saw him just like this with his body against the rain of gun bullets, and the tank usually rushed towards the nearest team members.

The bullet from the automatic rifle hit him, but it only brought out a redness and swelling on the surface of his skin, which was then bounced off.

"Is this guy... still human..."

Seeing the invulnerable flesh of the "Red Giant" ahead, Kohei Higashino had an ominous premonition.

The Azure Dragon Sabre member who had shot out a bullet was taken aback for a moment, he had already pinched his neck with one hand and held it up high.

"Keep the gun away, it's not in accordance with the rules of the road."

The giant urn said angrily to the few men remaining behind him.

The members of the Azure Dragon Sabre wouldn't tell him the "rules on the road", and another wave of bullets shot at him at this opportunity.

"Remember, I am the one who ended your life..."

Standing in the rain of bullets casually, this giant man looked at the man who was constantly fighting with his hand, and pressed the other hand on the other's head...

"The cadre of the three-member group, Furuo, bears the'three-headed prajna', Kitayama Torataro, see you!!!"


Following his thunderous words, the player who was lifted by him, like a grasshopper caught, had his entire head twisted off with his bare hands...

Blood gushed from the aorta of the neck without money, and painted the entire room bright red.

If Sosuke Araki were here, he wouldn't recognize this giant man who had torn a living person to death. He would be Kitayama Tiger Taro, who was once thin and short, and was beaten so hard by him to cry.


Even the three members of the group behind him couldn't bear the cruel scene, and they retched directly.

"...Asshole!!! Fight with him..."

Seeing this scene, Higashino Kopei was furious, and all the firepower in his hand poured out.

"Hey, a mere gun, in front of real muscles, it's useless..."

Gently dropping the head and corpse in his hand, Kitayama Torataro, who was like a tank, stepped on the steps that shattered the floor, and walked towards a few people without rushing.

Since two months ago, his power was no match for the weird takeaway...

After learning from the painful experience, he went back to his hometown in the countryside of Fukuoka to recuperate, ready to recover from his injury and then help Bliss Club.

But before he had "broken his muscles and bones for a hundred days", the news came that the Bliss Club was completely extinct.

It's okay, there is not only a place where you can shine in the Bliss Club, but also the National Quintessence Club and the Kizuna Club...

He can only comfort himself so much when he is "ill in bed".

But not long after, not only the National Quintessence Association and the Kizuna Association, but even the newly formed "Kanto Joint Group" did not know what had happened, and they existed in name only.

Just when he was depressed by his "poisonous milk", Minister Tianto personally summoned him to Tokyo, saying that he would be entrusted with an important task.

Since the "red head" is such an empty and brutal ghost's "miracle thing", it is quite unwelcome within the Aum Truth Society, and it is actually easy to collect.

As a result, Tiger Taro Shanbei "lucky" took tears in succession with "Red Head Whip", "Red Head Chrysanthemum", "Red Head Body Scum" and the additional "Dafangzhu's Egg", after fighting against the god of death. , Promoted to become a very powerful "favored person".

Dafangzhu is said to be a towering monster in Japanese legend.

While gaining the more powerful strength of the red head, Tiger Taro Yamabei's figure has also become quite tall and thick, not only is no longer as thin as before, but the skin is tough enough to ignore ordinary bullets.

Although it may be because of the conflicting relationship, he did not "tall into the sky", but his stout body of more than two meters also made him very satisfied.

This longed for the "second development" of a lifetime, and completely filled the last humbleness of his soul.

Although the original thick hair only left the red scalp, this price is nothing to him.

I am bald and stronger.

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