I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 295: Ugly Stone Face

Quickly stepping forward, Higashino Kopei lifted the alloy iron box, endured the sharp pain of the foot bone, and rushed towards the basement door with Siena on his back.

"Be careful, Higashino... the monster is heading towards you..."


In the communication channel, Li Mingcong's voice just sounded, and the wooden structure of the basement ceiling collapsed in front of Higashiye's plane.

"Caught again, a little mouse..."

In the dust, the desperately huge figure of Kitayama Torataro appeared.


Kopei Higashino threw the iron box in his hand at the opponent, and took Siena to flee.

In his opinion, the other party should naturally give priority to rescuing that precious "goods."

"sucker Punch."

Seeing what was flying towards him in the smoke, Kitayama Torataro blasted out a punch without hesitation.

That extremely strong alloy suitcase, under his violent bombardment, could only split to pieces, falling out of the two pieces inside.

"Ah, oh..."

At this moment, Kitayama Torataro's brain circuit realized what he had done.

Before Minister Tianto went out, he just asked himself to guard the people and things in the basement.

He had been honestly guarding the basement, and had been "watching" the black man and that thing with his eyes, without even intending to go out.

However, the momentum outside was too strong, and he was forced to take action because he was afraid that his subordinates would die if he didn't go out.

In front of him, this was beaten to pieces, something familiar, isn't it just what Minister Tianteng told him to "guard"?

"It's over, it's over...Is this, was I beaten in half?"

Seeing the two pieces of things falling out of the wreckage of the box, Kitayama Torataro hurriedly tore open the "outer packaging" on it, and carefully examined it.

In his giant hand, there were two gray and white stone masks that were divided in two from the middle, like an antique of the Stone Age.

Just when he tore off the outer rune bandage and took the two things into his hand for inspection, the two half-sections were like powerful magnets, and they were instantly joined together.

This is a rugged male mask full of mottled cracks, with a pair of sharp tines exposed from the lifelike mouth.

"It's good if it's not broken..."

Seeing the "self-repair" of the things in his hands, Kitayama Torataro heaved a sigh of relief, and his eyes immediately focused on Higashino Kohei.

At this moment, Higashino, who was dragging Siena, had already reached the top of the stairs with difficulty.

"The minister asked me to be optimistic, but I can't lose it like this..."

Before the words were finished, the tall figure of Kitayama Torataro had appeared behind the two.

He lifted Higashino Kopei up like a chicken, and threw it out...

Without support, Siena suddenly fell to the side.

In mid-air, Kopei Higashino was keenly wrapped around his thick arm like a monkey, and he couldn't get out of it.

Immediately, Kohei Higashino's rifle in his hand directly touched Kitayama Torataro's face, and the raging tongue of fire gushed out frantically.


The bullets bombarded one spot continuously at close range, and his skin was as thick as Kitayama Torataro. He was also shot out of several blood pits with deep bones, and wailed in annoyance and pain.

When chasing these annoying "rats" in the villa before, he was shot from time to time by the sniper outside the villa, and his body was already covered with a lot of color.

The face was hit hard at this moment, causing him to directly lose his lack of sanity.

"Damn mouse, I want to break every inch of your bones!!!"

He suddenly dropped the mask he was holding with the other hand, grabbed Higashino Kohei who had run out of bullets wrapped around his arm, and slammed it into the ground fiercely.


Being smashed by this monster like this, Higashino Xinghei plunged directly into the ground, his limbs showing weird twists, and the blood of Da Peng spouted out of his mouth.


His whole body's bones shattered every inch, and his ribs pierced his lungs, making it difficult for him to breathe.

The strength of the body began to flow from Higashino Kohei with the severe pain, and his consciousness gradually blurred...


But his eyes gradually dimmed, but with strange joy, as if he had seen his most cherished thing.

Let's end it...

Death on the road of revenge, when reunited under Jiuquan, may be able to obtain Lizi's forgiveness.

Sorry, Zongjie, you don’t have to pay back the money you owe...

Just watch less action movies in the future.

Sorry, Ryoma, I'll be a brother again in my next life...

Save the money spent in the custom shop to make a home.

Sorry, everyone...

Turning his head weakly, the last thing Higashino Kopei saw was a strange and pale stone mask facing him face to face.

The dark eyeholes and sharp teeth on the mask seemed to mock him silently.

It wasn't until the last moment of his life that he saw the full picture of this thing that completely destroyed his world.

It's... ugly.

"Hey, I can't hold it anymore, it's cheaper for you..."

The dust settled, and the distorted, lifeless body of Kohei Higashino gradually appeared in the radially cracked floor.

Popo's blood flowed out of his body, already filling the entire pit.

"The rest is the mouse outside..."

Kitayama Torataro threw the dying Siena back to his cell, and immediately prepared to go out and hunt for the sniper who had suffered a lot.

"Oh, by the way... I have to pack my things back into the box. If it's too messy, Minister will be angry."

Thinking of something, he touched the back of his head and said angrily.

However, when his eyes searched for that valuable "goods" on the ground...

It was discovered that the mask had been worn on Higashino's "corpse" at some unknown time.

The huge amount of blood under Higashino's body was tracing back into his body quickly.

As the blood poured into the body, Higashino's body became even thinner, as if the water and blood in the whole body had been sucked by some existence.

And the gray and heavy stone human face has also undergone new changes at the same time.

The red blood color slowly emerged from the mask.

The part that was infested by the blood color no longer looked like rough graystone, but turned into a smooth and delicate ruby-like texture.

It was as if the blood of Higashino's whole body was absorbed by the mask.

Seeing this scene, Siena on one side showed a surprised and horrified expression, but opened his mouth slightly but made no sound.

"Tsk tsk, this is miserable... Minister this thing is quite evil."

Perceiving the other party's abnormality, Yamabei Torataro stretched out his huge hand to Higashino's face, preparing to take off the mask.

Below him, Higashino Yuping, who had been "dead", stretched out a thin arm and firmly pinched his huge wrist.

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