"Oh? Sure enough, has it become a weird thing?"

Although he didn't understand what was happening in front of him, Yamabei Tiger Taro, who was a "favored person", was not scared by the "deception" in front of him.

He has absolute confidence in his own strength.

Whether it is a zombie or borrowing a corpse to resurrect it, it is vulnerable to this monster body.

On the contrary, he was even more worried. When he came back to see this pile of "mess", Minister Tianteng's angry expression.

With a backhand, Tiger Taro Yamabei was about to break the arm that dared to hinder him.

"How can it be……"

However, the power from that withered arm was faintly stronger than him, making it impossible to shake.

As the blood gathered, half of the mask had turned into a scarlet gem texture at this moment.

Behind the mask, in the hollow eye hole, Higashino Yukina suddenly opened his eyes.

In the tranquil eyes without human emotions, there are strange red glows burning like flames.

"Hey...you guy, are you going to die again?"

Feeling this weird aura, a drop of cold sweat swept across Shanbei Tiger Taro's forehead.

"Thunderbolt click..."

A weird, piercing friction sounded in the basement.

Tiger Taro Yamabei looked down...

Only the cracked hole was left under his feet.

The figure lying in it and the splashing blood disappeared without a trace as if it had never appeared before.

Did you have hallucinations because of the side effects of "miracle things"?

A sharp pain came from the arm at this moment.

"Uh ah ah ah!!!"

Tiger Taro Yamabei raised his head and found with horror that the arm that he had previously held by the opponent had been twisted into a twist-like shape, and he could still see the white bones piercing the flesh and the continuous ejection from the aorta. blood.

Holding the "blooming" bloody arm, he wailed, looking around angrily at the enemy who didn't know where he was.

At the same time, wearing that weird mask, "Higashino Kohei", with a shriveled and slender body, appeared behind and above Yamakita Tigertaro without warning.

He propped his limbs at the top corner of the house, with a coquettish red glow in his eyes, motionless like a hunter waiting for his prey in the dark.

On the ground, the blood that originally belonged to Tiger Taro Yamabei, life flowed along the ground and walls, and gathered towards him.

Yamabei Torataro turned his head with feeling...

Suddenly, with an afterimage, "Higashino Kohei" moved.

He is like diving from a high platform, with his hands folded and leaping forward towards each other.

"Caught, you monkey..."

Yamakita Torataro smiled grimly, waving his hands and feet frantically, blasting into the air with the momentum of tearing the air to avoid the inevitable "Yuhei Higashino".

Profound meaning, the ultimate flurry of fists and feet (left-handed version).

In mid-air, "Kinghei Higashino" lightly hit the back of his hand, swaying around with his violent attacks like a kite swaying in the wind.

His proud secrets seemed to hit the cotton, and it didn't work.

Then, "Yuhei Higashino" climbed like a monkey climbing a tree, along his thick arms...

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Where he passed, the indestructible arms and torso of Yamabei Tiger Taro showed a "Z"-shaped fracture, and flesh and blood splashed everywhere.

The severe pain of distorted and broken flesh made him directly kneel to the ground.

When he recovered from the pain and turned back slowly, the man wearing the weird mask was lying quietly on his back.

The half-grey and half-red mask pressed against his face with a smile, and the eyes exposed in the holes were shining with bloodthirsty red.

As the blood continued to gather, two-thirds of the mask had turned into rubies at this moment.

"...Who are you..."

Feeling the terrible killing intent in the opponent's eyes, Yamabei Tiger Taro only felt that he was like a lamb to be slaughtered, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Impossible...I obviously...have become so powerful...

I was the "Blessed One" who used "Miracle Objects" five times.

Why is his powerful and indestructible muscles as fragile as white paper in front of this thin monkey?

"For the sake of your abundant flesh and blood and rare blood... let you know..."

A hoarse and simple voice echoed in the basement.

This is not "Yuhei Higashino" talking.

The source of the sound comes from that mask.

"...I feel honored, it is the first and last race of the Asamites to enjoy you..."

Hearing the word "Asamite", Siena's eyes moved weakly, and a wry smile was suddenly realized.

Before Yamakita Tigertaro made a fight, the sharp fangs on the ruby-like mask had cut through his skin that was hard to damage by a bullet, and cut into his artery.


The blood in his whole body, as if encountering a strong suction force, swelled the arteries on the surface of the body into round blood bags, and continued to converge toward the neck.


With the tragic wailing, Tiger Taro Yamabei's original huge body over two meters high began to shriveled and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the shriveled body of "Kinghei Higashino", who was lying on his back and biting his neck, began to gradually recover at the same speed, even stronger than before.

By the time "Yuhei Higashino" stood up from Yamakita Tirotaro satisfactorily, Yamakita Tirotaro on the ground had already lost the breath of life.

His body curled up in the pit, becoming thinner and shorter than before.

Immediately, "Yuhei Higashino" turned his head to look at Siena lying in the corner.

"I smell it, the stench of the Crusaders... After I finish the ceremony, I will offer you the flag..."

With that said, "Yukihei Higashino" stretched out his limbs, and the whole person actually floated into the air.

"...Not enough...and more..."

The blood remaining in the entire villa would float up in the air and converge towards his body if he felt it.

The mask on his face also took off from his face, revealing the unconscious face of Higashino Kohei.

As the blood continued to enter the body, Higashino's injuries all recovered, and his body became stronger and stronger.

"...I will use your body to come back to the world, to extend the long-cherished wish of the Assamite clan."

The mask that floats in mid-air, like a whole ruby ​​carve, speaks like a living thing.

A cloud of red blood gradually gathered on the mask, condensing into a strange face.

Immediately, the group of plasma came out of the mask and rushed towards Higashino Kopei with a grinning grin.

Plasma fell on Higashino's body, and immediately wrapped him from the head down like a cicada pupa...

At the same time, a bright white light lit up on Higashino's chest.

Like the dawn before dawn, it cut through the night.

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