The light suddenly appeared in the scarlet diamond ring on Higashino's chest.

The white light broke away from the diamond ring and stretched upward along the mass of plasma.

"Impossible...this is...why, why does this kid have..."

Stained by the holy luminous light, the group of plasma that had covered half of Kohei Higashino's body, as if it had been scalded by boiling water, made a "sizzling" burning sound, and black smoke continued to rise.

Like a tide that was coming and going fast, the group of plasma fell awkwardly from Higashino's body and rushed towards the mask.

But the white light was too fast, like a tarsal maggot, its blood-biting tail chased after him.

"Even if I can't resurrect, I will leave the last seed for the Asamaites...erh, ah, ah..."

Seeing no hope of escape, that group of shrinking plasma was decisively divided into two.

The larger one took the initiative to greet the white light, and swallowed it in a ugly face.

The plasma face continued to deform and shrink, suddenly glowing with a holy and transparent light, and the wailing turned into black smoke and dissipated.

Only the last small drop of plasma remained, directly into the left chest of the unconscious Higashino Kohei.



Endless darkness.

who am I……


The gentle female voice whispered softly in her ear.

"...It's time to get up, today is not a day off."


Can I finally see you?

"Xingping, when will you go to bed? You will be late for school if you don't get up again."

A handful of immature, familiar male voice immediately sounded.

It's so noisy, this is... Sosuke in high school?

"Xinghei, the new venues in Kabukicho have too many tricks, hurry up and take me to get a familiar face, so I will get a discount in the future..."


"You [Beep...] [Beep...] [Beep...], it’s almost six hours of sleep, there are still a bunch of [Beep...] sites waiting for us to grab, this time we must take those Put the guy’s [Beep...] into their [Beep...]."

The wild and heroic man constantly sprayed his own muffled cruel words with his tongue.

Brother Zhang...




Several familiar and unfamiliar voices gradually gathered together.

Yes, I am...

Kohei Higashino.

The sinner who killed Reiko, Higashino Kohei.

Kohei Higashino opened his eyes slightly.

What you see is the dilapidated ceiling and the faintly flickering chandeliers.

What drifted into the tip of the nose was a strong body odor mixed with cologne.

There was a burning sensation surging with blood all over his body, making him feel full of power throughout his body.

"I...this is..."

The scene before consciousness dissipated came to mind.

The two-meter-high giant smashed himself into the ground fiercely.

The painful memory of the bones all over his body clearly pierced his consciousness and made him wake up instantly.

That monster...I...I'm not dead?

"Yo, Koppei Boy, you're awake..."

The hot breath of the man and the Japanese with a strong accent hit his ears abruptly.

Kopei Higashino turned his head stiffly and looked to his side in horror.

The naked self...

He was lying in the warm, broad arms of a black man with his upper body naked.

Cover the same quilt with the other party.

The strong body odor just came from the opponent's armpit.

"Looking at him affectionately", the skinny black man like a refugee showed his white teeth.

Black robe priest, "20 centimeters per second" Siena [Bamboo Pole Collection Edition].

"Uh ah ah ah..."

Frightened excessively, Higashino Yukihei subconsciously stood up and jumped up.

He would rather wake up to face the torture of the three-member group than to be in the strong and powerful arms of a stranger.

With this leap, his whole person unexpectedly reached the height of the ceiling in an instant.

His limbs naturally buckled on the beams of the room, and fixed his body with his back against the ceiling.

"Wow... be careful, this ruined house can't stand your toss."

Seeing his movements, Siena, who was wrapped in a bandage, did not show any surprised expression at all. He just pressed his hands and spoke to comfort him.

Because in that dungeon, he has already verified the other party's even more amazing performance.

"Why... why am I still alive... you saved me?"

Kohei Higashino, who was naked to the beam of the house and confirmed that his pants were still there, asked frantically.

He wished he had died in that villa, on the road of revenge.

At least that way, without waking up to face the heart-piercing regret and pain.

"...I didn't save you... No, on the contrary, I should say thanks to you, I was also picked up by the way..."


The door opened slightly, and a man in black came in carrying a pile of things.

He looked up and saw Kohei Higashino, who was sticking to the beam of the house purely by physical strength, and he showed a slightly surprised expression.

"...Here, the one who saved you is back."

Siena pointed at Li Mingcong with a blank face at the same time with both index fingers.


After half an hour.

"What happened in that villa..."

In the dilapidated hut, Kohei Higashino calmed down and sat naked at the wooden table.

Hell three-headed dog tattoos come alive on the deltoid muscles, which are much stronger and more intertwined than before.

They are now in a "safe house" near Yokohama Chinatown.

Facing the water and food on the table, Higashino Yukihei had no appetite, but rather disgusted.

"I don't know... After the monster entered the basement, there was no movement..."

Li Mingcong used Longguo dialect to explain the previous situation to him as simply as possible.

"When I brought the support team to clear the field, he was already dead... his death was very strange... shrunk into a shriveled ball..."

In the basement, he found two people who were unconscious and surviving. He quickly led the support team to "clean up" the battlefield and took away the bodies and equipment of the commando colleagues.

He also quickly checked the corpse in the basement.

It was confirmed by several wounds from bullets that this corpse, less than 1.6 meters tall, was the previous giant.

As for Siena...

Being able to be brought back was naturally because Li Mingcong, who had fought against him and cherished each other, recognized him.

"It's a pity. The body of that guy should be brought back. Maybe there is a group of three hidden inside to conduct human experiments, study gamma bombs, make Hulk and other evidence..."

Thinking of the two-meter-high, nearly invulnerable berserk giant, slaughtering the Blue Dragon Sword squad like a chicken in the dark mansion, Higashino was still scared for a while.

"By the way, what about that weird mask?"

Hearing this question, Li Mingcong shook his head blankly.

After clearing the villa and saving the "tour guide" back, he has completed the task, and the rest has nothing to do with him.

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