I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 301 Retirement Day

When the first morning light dyed the surface of the Seto Inland Sea golden, Mochizuki Ayano's fishing boat was able to dock.

"Class leader..."

Takeshi Iwata, dressed in a black suit and tie, was waiting for her on the dock with a cardboard box in her arms.

Looking at the cardboard box that said "Tamiya Seiyu", Mochizuki Ayano was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a solemn expression.

"I almost forgot... today is Tamiya-kun's'Retirement Day'."

For the detectives who were sacrificed in the mission, the ninth lesson will leave behind the items that are not related to the mission. After careful inspection and evaluation, the section leader will lead a team to return to the family in person.

This day is called "Retirement Day".

And Seiyu Tamiya was the information team agent who was sitting behind Mochizuki Ayano that day and was killed by the "Murder Song Sako" who lost his legs and died.


Three hours later, somewhere in Ikebukuro, Toshima District.

"We will always remember all the sacrifices and contributions that Tamiya Seiyu has made for the land and people he loves."


In a small apartment, Takeshi Iwata solemnly handed the cardboard box in his hand to a woman wearing a black kimono with tears in her eyes.


Behind him, several people, including Mochizuki Ayano, held their heads tall and saluted solemnly.

After the woman bowed in response, she knelt on the ground and opened the paper box tremblingly.

Inside the paper box, there are the detective's certificates, uniforms and some personal belongings used in the office.

"The kid's father..."

Seeing these things, the woman couldn't help feeling sad and sobbed softly.

A little boy hiding behind her gently stretched his hand to grab the corner of her clothes.

"Mrs. Tamiya, please mourn. Shengyu is the best information technician in our ninth lesson, and we will always be proud of him."

Iwata comforted softly.

"I'm just seeing things and thinking about people, Section Chief Iwata don't have to worry..."

Because Mochizuki Ayano's appearance is too petite and immature, she can't take on the job of comforting family members at all. On this "retirement day", the title of section chief is given to the seemingly stable and reliable Takeshi Iwata.

While sobbing, Mrs. Tamiya gently knocked on the copper box on the table: "My child, his father, look, my colleagues are all here to congratulate you on your retirement..."

On the altar table where the elven cow, the elven horse and the incense burner were placed, next to the photo of Tamiya Seiyu, there was a photo of a little boy next to it.

Mochizuki Ayano glanced at the boy in the photo, and he looked very similar to the boy behind Mrs. Tamiya.

"This is Lianggo, the twin brother of this child, who left due to illness a few years ago... Or, they will not be so lonely together with father and son..."

Seeing Mochizuki Ayano's suspicious eyes, Mrs. Tamiya explained to her kindly.

The other person looked at her with a deep feeling of compassion and love, and almost wrote "It's so pitiful to have to undertake such a difficult job at such a small age" on his face.

Mochizuki Ayano lowered her head in silence.

The child and her husband passed away, leaving only a pair of orphans and widows. Mrs. Tamiya was also a very strong woman.

"When the child's father joined the ninth lesson, he had already written his death poem in advance..."After making tea for everyone, Mrs. Tamiya took out a set of scrolls from the closet and unfolded it on the tatami.

"There must be light at the end of the hell of bliss, the clouds and mist are all gone, and there is only the moon in the heart."

The vigorous and powerful calligraphy, it is hard to tell that it was written by the thin and quiet Tamiya Seiyu.

"By the way, there is a laptop of the child's father here. There seems to be some confidential information in it. It is not convenient for me to check it. Please confirm..."

Seeing the personal laptop that Mrs. Tamiya took out, Mochizuki Ayano was slightly taken aback, and then he bowed to take it.

The agents of the information team have a strict confidentiality system. Any mission-related information can only be disseminated on a closed intranet, and related information carriers are strictly prohibited from being brought out of the office.

It is impossible for Tamiya Seiyu to touch this rule red line.

Mochizuki Ayano casually clicked on a certain folder in the computer, and inside it was a bunch of messy information obtained through hacking websites.

"...Mrs. Tamiya, your husband, have you been doing any investigations recently?"

After briefly checking the data in the computer, Mochizuki Ayano showed a cautious expression and asked quietly in the other's ear.

"After Ryogo left, Ryosuke was so sad that in recent years he has pretended that his brother is still there and often speaks to the air..."

Mrs. Tamiya remembered it seriously, and seemed to think of something.

"...Until one day, on the way home, Ryosuke suddenly burst into tears, saying things like'Ryogo is gone' and'taken away by the Ghost Rider'."

As she thought back, she gently stroked Ryosuke's head.

"My child's dad worked overtime during that period. After he came back and learned about this, he began to collect some information on the Internet... Until the last time at home, the computer did not leave his hands..."

"The information in this computer needs further confirmation. Please be sure to let me borrow it for a period of time..."

Close the laptop, Mochizuki Ayano sat down on her knees and bowed deeply to Mrs. Tamiya.

"Tamiya-kun, working hard to the end for this mission... Please be sure to bring this child up with his faith."

"Please rest assured, Ryosuke said that when he grows up, he will become a hero like his father..."

Mrs. Tamiya replied with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face.


The next day, Tokyo Metropolitan Arakawa Industrial High School in Arakawa Ward.

"Boom boom boom..."

The phalanx of three motorcycles drove into the campus gate quite arrogantly, bringing up a lot of wind and sand and setting off the short skirts of passing girls.

On the motorcycle headed by, was a red-haired young man smoking a cigarette.

For their arrogant and domineering behavior, the teacher in charge of checking their appearance at the door was daring not to say anything.

"Here, Natsume Juto, the boss of the "Gong Gao Dragon Group", and the "Gong Gao Tiger Group" and called "Gong Gao Dragon Tiger Fight"! "

"This guy is a ruthless character! I heard that on the Senju Bridge a few months ago, he single-handed five members of the phoenix runaway group who were extremely vicious and COS became the Demon King..."

"Phoenix runaway group? What about the famous runaway clan in Tokyo..."

"Yes, it is said that he became famous after the first battle, and the scar on his butt was also left at that time..."

The boys on campus looked at the three in awe.

After all, as a bad group in colleges and universities, there are very few who dare to fight against "social people".

"Hmph, these stupid guys, shudder in front of my new and explosive baby!!!"

Pretending to be coldly parked in the bicycle bay, Natsume Kikuto took out a rag and carefully wiped his own motorcycle.

This was because he had been on the night shift for two consecutive months at the 71 convenience store in front of the station, and finally saved enough money to modify it.

"Hey, the domineering exhaust sound of Boss Natsume is more intoxicating than the groans in the study materials."

"I'm really envious, I have to save enough money as soon as possible..."

The other two members of the "Gong Gao Long Group" were all around and boasting flatteringly.

A tall figure quietly obscured the morning light behind them.

"Which bastard?! Can you afford to block the light and wipe the car?"

"That's it, hand over your wallet quickly and get out, otherwise..."

Natsume Kikuto immediately turned his head, frowned, and threatened with the skillful tongue of a bad boy.

"Hello, is it Natsume Kikuto?"

Standing behind the three is a burly man wearing a black suit, sunglasses.

Behind and around him, several men with the same black suits and cold-faced faces faintly encircled the three of them in the center.

"Wow, Natsume Ju person is really not a simple character, he actually has contacts with this kind of professional violence group..."

Seeing this scene, the surrounding high school students were whispering again.

"...I...I am..."

Feeling the opposing party's powerful murderous air, the Natsume Ju-ren surrounded by them all spoke a little broken voice.

This reminded him of the pain, shame, and subtle experience of experiencing [High Speed ​​Tail Flick], [Burning Tire Hot Chrysanthemum], [Plasma Tornado Blasting Head] and other projects on the Senju Bridge for free.

I have been busy working part-time lately, so I shouldn't provoke a big boss...

Could it be that when you were working in a convenience store, you gave the boss the wrong change?

"I am Takeshi Iwata from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Have you checked the traffic violation records recently?"

The man in front of Natsume Juren asked in a tone that seemed polite, but in reality he couldn't refuse.

"Violation... Violation records?"

"Your locomotive is suspected of violating the "Japan Road Traffic Safety Law" in 125 violations of the "Japan Road Traffic Safety Act", such as illegally running a red light, severe speeding, driving backwards, driving on the sidewalk, destroying the green belt, please follow us back to the police station to assist in the investigation..."

Looking at the police badge displayed by the other party, Natsume Juren's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and he felt that his head was no longer able to function.

"One... something must be wrong..."

"For the details, please talk about it when you go back to make the transcript..."

"Don't, don't look at me like this when I enter school... I usually drive honestly outside, definitely no more than 40 yards... And I have been on night shifts at convenience stores recently, where can I break the rules when I have time... Ah ah Ah ah ah, don't be shocked, you two, go call the teacher..."

Before he finished speaking, the two men had already framed his creak from the back...

Under everyone's eyes, the struggling Natsume Juren was surrounded respectfully by the men, "please" get into a black business car.

Since then, there has been one more immortal legend of the "Gong Gao Dragon Group".


Yokohama, Chinatown, Nura Boxing Headquarters.

"Zhang Hong, you should know how many brothers and industries have been lost in this conflict with the trio..."

In the large tea room, a white-haired old man wearing a Long Guoli collar picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip.

"Uncle Wang, others [BEEP...] are all riding on our necks, don't you still help him [BEEP...] if you don't fight back?"

The squinted man sitting opposite the old man skillfully picked up the purple clay pot on the table and filled his little tea cup with the "Phoenix three nods" technique.

This man who pouring tea respectfully and respectfully is Zhang Hong, the head of the Tokyo branch of Nuraquan.The old man who was qualified to let Zhang Hong pour tea was Wang Nan, the current president of Nuluoquan and the rank of Qinglong Banner in the gang.

"If someone hits you, naturally you should fight back, but this doesn't mean you have to fight the other party to the death and the life..."

Wang Nan picked up the teacup and smelled it gently on the tip of his nose.

"Some things are the same as drinking tea here. Soaking the head with water, making two teas, making three making four soaks is the essence... If the tea has been soaked over the fire, the fragrance of the tea will be weak, and the taste will still be bitter."

Hearing what he meant, Higashino Kohei, who was standing behind Zhang Hong, frowned slightly.

In the past few days, Nuluoquan and the Sankou team have been fighting constantly in various places in Tokyo, and both sides have suffered huge losses in both their industries and personnel.

Seeing that the chairman called the two back today, it should mean that you want to calm down the situation?

Thinking of this, Higashino's expression sank instantly, frowning and saying: "President..."

"Chairman, Kazuo Amato, this [BEEP...] has broken the rules of ‘I’m not good for my family’, I must come out and give an explanation..."

Without waiting for Higashino's words, Zhang Hong had already taken the lead and firmly stated his "immortality" attitude to Kazuo Amato.

"Otherwise, how can I explain to my brothers?"

The other party doesn't deal with himself on weekdays. This time he manipulated the "Kanto Joint Group" to rob the goods in the first place, and the key members of the design scheme were behind. As a radical, he naturally couldn't give up.

"...Young people, you are too impatient to do things. There are many things that you can speak clearly, so you have to do it in a hurry... How do you want me to rest assured that I will leave the help in the future to you..."

Wang Nan smiled slightly, shook his head, and said unhurriedly: "Si Ren has personally called and communicated with me."


Si Ren is the leader of the contemporary three-member team based in the Kobe headquarters.

"Because of the cross-border behavior of Tendo Kazuo, the two sides are fighting in Tokyo, which is not what he wants to see... He has ordered Kazuo Tento to come to Yokohama in person three days later and come to give us an explanation... So, for the time being. Stop it."

"Hey, the three-member group finally did not [BEEP...] this time?"

Hearing this result, Zhang Hong showed a surprised expression.

It seems that this time there is too much trouble, and the people "above" the Metropolitan Police Department and the major Jidao organizations can't sit still.

The meaning of the trio group is tantamount to sacrificing Kazuo Amato as a bargaining chip for retreat.

"President, Brother Zhang, that guy is weird..."

Higashino Kopei, who was standing behind, hurriedly reminded him.

According to Siena, Kazuo Amato can transform a person into a monster who only knows about hunger and eating. If he is allowed to come to the Yokohama headquarters...

"...In short, I can't promise him, there must be fraud in this!"

But to tell the truth, Brother Zhang and the others would naturally not believe in the existence of such supernatural things.

"Hmph, of course I know there are frauds, then how could [BEEP...] admit the plant so easily, it's nothing more than a postponement...Moreover, if that guy doesn't leave his life behind, what kind of "account"?"

Zhang Hong tapped his fingers on the table, grinning grimly.

"Takato Kazuo is somehow a senior cadre of the three-member team. If he says to kill on the spot, he will kill him. It would be too shameful for the three-member team."

Hearing what he said, Wang Nan, who was sitting opposite, gently put the teacup down and frowned silently, obviously dissatisfied with Zhang Hong's attitude.

"...Uncle Wang, if you let me kill that guy, by the way, swallow all the territories of the three-member group in Tokyo, and I will give you 10% more than the three-member group. How about it?"

"Hey, Tokyo is your site, you can figure it out by yourself. But before that, you must stop temporarily and give the people above an explanation..."

As if he didn't want to talk with Zhang Hong any more, Wang Nan got up and left.

"As for what happened to Kazuo Amato on the way to Yokohama, it will not be my old man's responsibility..."

Hearing Wang Nan's words, Higashino's eyes narrowed slightly, and a knowing chuckle appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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