One day later.

The 31st floor of an elevator apartment in Sumida District.

A man in a high-end suit and thin-framed glasses pushed the door and entered, and the dim light came on in the house.

"Yeah yeah, it's been really eventful these days..."

The man loosened the tie around his neck, picked up the wine glass, and stood in front of the home bar with transparent French windows.

Outside the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, there is a night view that is unique to Sumida District, mixed with traditional Japanese-style alleys and gorgeous Skytree.

He likes to overlook the narrow alleys below from a high altitude, which gives him a pleasure that surpasses all living beings.

Just when the man was enjoying the night view and was about to pour himself half a glass of whiskey with ice as usual... his eyes froze over the bar.

There, there was already half a glass of amber whiskey.

"...Suntory's 17-year-old blended whisky has a soft taste and rich layers. It deserves to be called the "harmonious movement in whiskey"...and only the chief CFO of the Yamari Foundation is eligible to enjoy it."

A figure, I don't know when, quietly appeared beside the French window not far behind him.

"... Your Excellency must be a person who knows wine, why not sit down and have a drink together."

Facing the sudden sound behind him, this gentleman was taken aback for a moment, and then stretched out his hand to the wine bottle on his own, as if he was preparing to pour a glass for a familiar old friend.

But with his other hand, he leaned towards the inside of the bar with a calm expression...

There, a pistol was stuck with tape impressively.

Withdrawing the pistol, the man quickly pulled off the safety, turned around and aimed, and the whole action was done in one go.

However, there was no figure in the curtain.

A sturdy man with a white skull on a black T-shirt appeared behind him at a ghostly speed, and "lightly" held his gun wrist.


"Uh ah ah ah ah!!!"

With the sound of bone cracking, the man dropped the gun in his hand and knelt and screamed while holding his twisted palm.

Then, he was pinched around his neck and raised his arm in the air.

"There is only one question, where is Kazuo Amato..."

"I... I don't know... It is now during the war, and Minister Tianto has let us hibernate and wait for instructions..."

Because of the pain and suffocation, the man's face quickly switched between redness and paleness, and the gentle glasses did not know where they fell.

"Hey, Xingping Boy, you promised me not to kill people casually..."

On the sofa not far away, another man who had merged with the darkness opened his mouth to persuade him.

An imperceptible holy light waved from his hand, temporarily alleviating the pain of the man's broken arm.

These two people are Higashino Kohei and Siena who are chasing the whereabouts of Kazuo Tendo.

The man in front of him was already the fifth senior executive of the Shanling Consortium who was found by Kopei Higashino within 24 hours.

"What a joke, you are the one who controls the lifeblood of the Shanling Group's funds. No matter what Kazuo Amato is planning, it will inevitably involve the transfer of funds! Since I don't want to say..."

Higashino's arms burst with blue veins, and blasted the man to his favorite floor-to-ceiling window like catching a baby chicken.

"Then I can only send you to enjoy the high-rise night view in mid-air..."

The man's upper body severely shattered the glass window and hung in the air."Forgot to say, it's a one-way ticket..."

The only thing that kept him alive was the expensive tie that Kohei Higashino was holding in his hand, which was of decent quality.

"...I...I really don't..."

The man's voice screamed along with the wind.

Before he could finish, the tie in Higashino's hand slid forward an inch.

"...But I can use my contacts to help you long as the minister uses the funds of the consortium, it will definitely leave a trace!!!"

Not waiting for the man's response, he has been pulled back into the house.

"A person who knows the current affairs is a junjie, this is what the business elite of the Shanling Consortium looks like..."

Kohei Higashino smiled evilly, patted the glass slag on his body and fastened his tie for the man in front of him.

"Sorry, sorry, after all, I am undergoing secondary development, and I will inevitably not have a sense of measure..."


Yokohama International Port, Minami Honmoku Wharf.

Opposite the pier, the largest clock Ferris wheel in Asia at Minato Mirai 21 in Yokohama is quietly changing its dreamy light.

This container terminal, located in the outer ring of Yokohama Port and built on reclaimed sea, becomes more and more old at dusk and exudes a strong smell of sea.

In one of the huge warehouses, hundreds of men with strong builds, tattoos and hostile faces are gathering.

Some also wore gold necklaces, clothes printed with "Night Dew Die Hard", "Love Die Tian Liu" and so on, and they were playing with butterfly knives, finger tigers, baseball bats and other things in their hands.

Several men in black suits are inside the warehouse, distributing cash, food and water to the men in line.

"I've been staring for more than a day, and I haven't seen that guy at all. Maybe your news is fake."

On a tall building across the bridge from the warehouse, two men are holding binoculars and peering through the balcony.

"The most important thing for stalking is patience. Didn't you see that those hilarious ghosts and gambling ghosts are gathering more and more there? Unlike your kind of informant who wastes places, the news of my 36F top-brand informant is absolutely Reliable!"

These sneaky two people are Sosuke Araki and Ryoma Nizen.

After leaving Yokohama, Kohei Higashino replaced the phone card and severed all contact with the two.

Even the other people who had been acquainted with in Nura Fist didn't dare to answer Araki Sosuke's call at all.

Later, on the side of Ryoma before the 2nd, he received the news that the group of three asked for peace talks with Nuoquan because of "Kazuo Amato's unauthorized actions".

Regarding the friction between the two major organizations, the Metropolitan Police Department has adopted a rather high-pressure suppression policy, hoping to calm the situation as soon as possible.

Even so, with their understanding of Higashino's Kohei, this guy will never let go.

The two worried people never found out Higashino's whereabouts.

So they decided to think backwards, and in turn track Kazuo Amato.

After all, if Yukhei Higashino wants to avenge Amfuji Kazuo, he will naturally find that guy.

However, the whereabouts of the old thief, Kazuo Tenfuji, is also quite hidden.

Before the second, Longma finally learned through his hard work in the red light district and accumulated billions of billions of contacts, and learned that the three-member group is recruiting desperadoes through underground channels with a lot of money.

Therefore, the two will stare at the building opposite the warehouse where more and more desperadoes gather.

After a while, Sosuke Araki's cell phone rang.

"...Moximosi, is it Yuuji Kotori...Yes, we are still stalking in Yokohama, and we haven't found Kohei yet...what, you said Mochizuki Ayano was looking for it in private...Okay, me. If you have more news, please contact her directly..."

Just when he just hung up the phone, Erqian on the side rubbed his sore eyes, and suddenly called out excitedly: "Hey, hey, it's here, it's happening..."

A black car drove across the bridge, drove straight into the dock, and stopped in front of the warehouse.

Getting out of the car and striding into the interior of the warehouse were the short and stout Kazuo Amato, and the tall man in gray kimono and wooden clogs who followed him.

As a few people entered, the heavy gate of the warehouse slowly lowered and closed tightly.

"You have to keep an eye on it now, but you can't let this guy run away..."

"But, in the name of the trio group, Kazuo Amato secretly gathered so many people on the chassis of the Nura Fist, what exactly is he plotting..."

Smelling the aura of conspiracy, Sosuke Araki scratched his head anxiously, took out the phone, and put it back.

"Xinping, where is that guy..."


Coming in from outside the warehouse, Kazuo Tento with an aura of "I am a big boss" instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

Walking up to the second floor of the warehouse platform, he satisfactorily looked down at the strong men gathered in the field.

"It's a great honor for everyone to gather here..."

"Old man, don't talk about those gentlemen, we can come here to die, naturally because you are generous enough..."

"Go ahead, what do you want us to do?"

Someone immediately interrupted him impatiently.

Although the "golden host" arranged for delicious food and drink, and each person gave out a thick pile of cash first, he also asked them to hand over their mobile phones and not leave the place.

This group of people has gathered here for more than a day, and their patience has already reached their limit.

"Be calm, don't worry, the old man will go to a place to talk about something tonight... Then you only need to help the town for a while..."

Hearing the "town place" just leaning on the head, the men below all showed a relaxed expression.

Just show your face and pretend to be ruthless, and you can get a lot of cash, which is much easier than going to the action movie scene in the past.

"Hey, Kazuo, is it possible, are you planning to transform these people?"

Walking to the corner, Ginji Matsumoto grabbed Kazuo Tendo by the collar abruptly and lifted him up.

"...This is hundreds of lives!!!"

"It's just a hundred lives... When did'Ten Thousand Thousands Cut Silver Times" and began to care about the lives of others..."

Kazuo Amato didn't care, but sneered at the tall Matsumoto Ginji.

"...It seems that the 20-odd years of cultivating health, teaching and educating people have softened your heart?"

"No, everyone I killed was a sinner who died under a fair duel..."

Ginji Matsumoto murmured as he looked at Kazuo Amato in front of him.

"Fairness? With the sword skills you have tempered from the shogunate period to the present, can it be called a fair duel against an ordinary person holding a hoe? Swordsmen are people with blood on their hands. Who is good and who is good? Evil, do you have the qualifications and ability to appraise?"

Facing Kazuo Tendo's questions, Ginji Matsumoto let go weakly.

"Don't forget, if you didn't have me back then, you are still trapped in that ghost place, it would be better to die than to live..."

Kazuo Tianto gently adjusted the suit on his body, and black energy surged from all over his body, flowing towards the bottom of the warehouse.

"Don't you want me to come to the door to'please explain'? This time, I will come to Zhang Fenfang personally and give Zhang Fenfang a big gift."

After losing the "goods", he was still worried about how to explain to the president.

The Kobe headquarters of the three-member group here actually ordered him to give Nu Luo Quan an explanation for his "personal behavior."

When he suffered from the enemy, he naturally concentrated his anger on Nu Luo Quan.

"In short, do you just need to protect me? Other things have nothing to do with you. Whether you are here or not, all this is destined to happen..."Hearing Kazuo Tendo's words, Ginji Matsumoto narrowed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

Is it destined?


Forty years ago.

Kamakura, in the depths of the Koamidai forest.

In the deep and dark cave, countless stars-like blue fluorescence flashes like breathing on the top of the cave.

Inside the cave, a man with messy beard and hair and dust all over is standing with his back against a smooth mountain wall, like a dead corpse.


At the top of the cave, at the tip of the stalactite, a drop of water slipped.

The man who had closed his eyes and motionless suddenly stretched out his tongue keenly, accurately caught the water droplets passing in front of him, and moisturized his dry lips.

He didn't know how many times he had repeated this action, it was like breathing naturally.

After a closer look, he found that the man's limbs and chest were all penetrated by a huge dark red iron nail, nailing him to the mountain wall alive and unable to move.

The dark red iron nail engraved with runes seems to have been nailed for some years, and it has grown with his body.

Suddenly, the man's ear moved keenly.

"Pattern, patter..."

With the sound of barefoot stepping in the puddle, a small figure ran into the cave.

In an instant, the blue gloomy light on the top of the cave fluttered and flew around the cave.

That little gloom turned out to be blue fireflies.

In the midst of the fluorescent dancing, the man clearly saw the figure approaching.

It was a muddy boy who looked quite embarrassed.

"Are you... a mountain god?"

Seeing the weird man in the cave, the little boy didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, he asked.

"Mountain God? No, I am... let me think about..."

Seemingly being stopped by his question, the man on the stone wall was stunned for a moment, then spoke slowly with a faint voice.

"I remember... I'm... Matsumoto... Ginji..."

After a while, he gritted his teeth in a hoarse voice.

"...Ginji Matsumoto, who defeated the Otobuchi snake god and was sealed by the Tokugawa clan."

Perhaps thinking of his own name, or perhaps having not spoken to anyone for too long, the man seemed to be in a good mood, and squeezed out an ugly smile at the little boy who was curiously looking at him not far away.

"Boy, what's your name? There should be someone from the shogunate stationed outside. How can you get in..."

"Kazuo, my name is Kazuo Amato...what is the shogunate, I only know tofu..."


At the same time, a noise came from the boy's abdomen.

"...I lost my way in the mountains. I haven't eaten for two days..."

The boy, who is no more than eight years old, explained with a sallow complexion.

"Hey, Kazuo, do me a small favor, I ask you to eat the fattest game in this mountain, how about..."

Matsumoto Ginji grinned like a demon who seduced people to trade, and countless orchids reflected in his gloomy eyes.

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