I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 303 Uninvited Guest

At midnight, a large truck drove into the warehouse at the South Honmoku Wharf.

"What? Want us to squeeze in the back of the truck?"

"...Since it's going to the town, can't we arrange a more branded team?"

Looking at the open trunk of the truck, the men gathered in the warehouse were swearing and complaining.

However, because of the fact that there is still a large amount of cash and a few live ammunition members of the trio, they can only pinch their noses and line up to climb into the car.

"Hey...when this truck full of'surprise' hits the headquarters of Nuo Fist, that guy Zhang Fenfang must have a wonderful expression."

Looking at the truck that was about to be packed, Kazuo Amato, who was standing by the second-floor guardrail, gave a gloomy smile.

He seems to have seen the hungry ghosts rushing out of the carriage, turning the entire Yokohama Chinatown into a hell on earth.


Accompanied by the sound of electricity, the lights in the warehouse suddenly went out and plunged into darkness.

Behind Amto Kazuo, Ginji Matsumoto, who had closed his eyes with his double swords in his arms, suddenly opened his eyes.

Immediately, he reached out and grabbed Kazuo Tendo's back collar, and pulled the opponent back like a little chicken...

"God! Fuji! One! Male!"

The skylight at the top of the warehouse shattered, and a figure suddenly dropped, rushing towards Kazuo Amofuji.

The carbine in the man's hand spouted wildly in mid-air.

The howling bullets chased the tiptoes of Kazuo Tendo who was retreating rapidly.

With the light from the muzzle, Kazuo Amato saw the man with braids headed on the ground with a gun and double knives on his back, and suddenly showed an angry look.

Hellhound, Higashino Kohei.

"Damn it, difficult fellow, the man from Nuluoquan discovered this place in advance?"

Seeing this uninvited guest descending from the sky, the men in the lower three groups immediately raised their submachine guns and fired at the location where Higashino Koping landed.

However, Koping Higashino was as fast as a ghost, and he rushed to Kazuo Amofuji in just two steps, letting those bullets fly into the air.

In the boundless darkness, Higashino's vision was as same as daylight.

He was even able to see Kazuo Tento's abominable face clearly.

"But I, even dreaming about you..."

The enemy is now, Higashino's eyes ignited a raging fire, and the carbine in his hand directly touched Kazuo Amato's chin.

A black energy gushed out of Kazuo Tento and went straight to Higashino Kopei.

Immediately, the black aura circled Higashino's whole body, but it couldn't even penetrate into his body.

"how come……"

Kazuo Amato looked surprised.

The power of the God of Hunger, in addition to being spread across a large area through blood, can also be released at close range.

His own "divine power" cannot penetrate the opponent's body, only that the Hellhound in front of him also has the same extraordinary power as the priest.

Faced with such an existence, the power of the God of Hunger can only take effect through blood invasion.

"I see... it's you... it's you who used that ‘good’..."

As if he had figured out something, Kazuo Amato's expression of ecstasy, ignoring the black hole on his chin, said nonsense.

"As long as you hand you over to the president, you will definitely..."

"Hey, talk to hell if you have something to say."

Just when Higashino was about to pull the trigger with a grinning smile, a water-like blade cut through the darkness.


Kohei Higashino only felt that his eyes were spinning and rising infinitely...

Below the line of sight, is a headless man.

The carbine in the man's hand, along with the hand holding the gun, broke apart.

It was Ginji Matsumoto who was behind Kazuo Tendo who made the shot.

Two-day first-rate·Five-round·Water Scroll.

With the slightest killing intent, soft and watery knife light, he directly beheaded Higashino's head with no expression.


Higashino's head flew high, a red glow lit up in his eyes, and a howl of resentment appeared in the air.

At the same time, his headless body used the only left hand to pull a green dragon sword from his back and stab it towards Kazuo Tenfuji at a faster speed.

"Roar? It seems that those who want your life are not ordinary goods..."

Continuing to drag Kazuo Amato back quickly, avoiding the attacking blue dragon sword, an expression of interest flashed across Matsumoto Ginji's face.


Just as Ginji Matsumoto's hands, Izumi Mori Fujiwara, wanted to turn into a sword again and behead the headless man in front of him, a gunshot came from the top of the warehouse.

A dazzling golden light illuminates the warehouse, mirroring the surprised faces of everyone on the scene, and heads straight to the front door of Kazuo Tenfuji.

The only person who had time to react was Ginji Matsumoto.

He flipped his wrist, holding a knife like a pen, and the trail of the knife's light flashed, blocking the golden light like a rock.

Two-day first-rate·Five-round·Earth Scroll.

At this moment, Kazuo Tento could see clearly that the golden light that rushed towards his face turned out to be a golden bullet.

The bullet, at this moment, was continuously rotating in front of his eyes facing the blade, and gradually turned into a spot of light and dissipated.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the blue dragon sword in the hands of the headless body of Higashino's headless body has been fiercely inserted into the abdomen of Kazuo Tenfuji.



Seeing Kazuo Tendo's painful expression, Kohei Higashino, whose head was still spinning in mid-air, showed a bloodthirsty and twisted smile.

At this moment, Ginji Matsumoto, who blocked the bullet, lifted Kazuo Amato and jumped...

The two landed on the opposite platform and drew a distance from Higashino Kohei.

"Take care of both of you a few days ago..."

The person who shot, Shi Shiran jumped down from the top of the warehouse and landed steadily on the second floor platform.

"The Lord said, if there is no harm, you must pay for your life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, and a foot for a foot."

It is Father Black Robe, Siena.

"If we confess our sins, God is faithful and righteous, and he must forgive our sins and wash away all our unrighteousness."

I saw him chanting prayers silently, his left hand gently caught Higashino's fallen head, and he buckled his headless body, and a revolver turned from black to gold appeared in his right hand...

"Boom boom..."

The gunfire sounded continuously.

The golden light flew out from the muzzle of the revolver, tracing an arc-shaped trajectory like a living elves, and attacked everywhere in the warehouse separately.

Prayer of Darkness, the Spear of the Sovereign.

A three-membered man in a black suit was aiming at the priest above the platform with a gun, and suddenly saw a golden glow passing in front of him...

"The Lord said, because that night I was going to patrol the land of Egypt and kill all the firstborns in the land of Egypt, whether it was a human or an animal..."

Accompanied by the bloody and weird prayers from the priest, the man's body seemed to be hit by an anti-equipment sniper rifle, half of his body broke apart and disappeared in front of everyone.

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