I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 304 Dark Bible

In the Bible, not all poems of light and love are recorded.

On the contrary, there are many bloody, violent, and cruel narratives.

The Heresy Inquisition compiled these contents together and formed a book to pray to infidels and evil creatures.

The name is "The Dark Bible".

Siena's prayers still echoed in the warehouse.

After the golden light passed, several other men who drew their guns and wanted to shoot were also treated in the same way and turned into flesh and blood in the sky.

Inside the dark warehouse, it started to rain.

Scarlet and sticky rain mixed with visceral residues.

Facing Siena, who kept his hands everywhere with the Azure Dragon Sabre, at this moment, chanting the "Dark Bible", he did not hesitate to become murderous like drinking water.

All of this, only because of this, is related to the "Evil Flower".

Before joining the Heresy Tribunal, he made a promise before the Lord: to exhaust this life, to cut down the "flowers of evil."

Below the warehouse, the desperadoes who were queuing to enter the container were soaked in the rain of flesh and blood before they realized what had happened and crowded toward the warehouse gate.

"Uhhhh...blood, this is blood!!!"

"Hey... Open the door, I won't make any money for you..."

"Hurry up and get a gun..."

However, the warehouse door has been locked from the inside with a password and cannot be opened. They can only gather in front of the iron gate and make a noise.

At the same time, under the surging of viscous red blood plasma, Higashino Kohei's broken neck quickly grew granulation, and took his head and body back.

Higashino Kohei moved his neck in an unbelievable manner, bent down, picked up the right hand on the ground and pressed it on the broken arm, and then looked bitterly at Kazuo Tendo on the opposite platform.

The neat cuts on his neck and broken arm instantly recovered, leaving no trace.

Although I know that my body is not in the category of human beings, whether it is quality or recovery ability...

But the first time he experienced being beheaded and then taken back, he still felt quite unreality.

The Assamites are indeed a race that can survive in places called "blood hell" in the Sahara Desert, where the sun is fierce, water and food are extremely lacking.

As far as he could see, Ginji Masamoto Matsumoto swung his two swords in succession, cutting down the three golden bullets that hit Kazuo Tento with precision.

"Hey, since you want revenge, it's up to you whether you can swallow this gift I prepared for Nu Luo Quan."

Kazuo Amato, who was sitting behind him, showed a cruel face and snapped his fingers lightly.

The noise in the warehouse instantly quieted down.

"Hungry... so hungry..."

"Have you brought food?"

"...Your sausage looks delicious..."

The eyes of the men who had gathered at the door of the warehouse and were about to smash the iron gate and rush out suddenly became extremely hungry.



The low voices in their mouths gradually turned into non-human growls.

Several of the men had rushed to the side of the unfinished food, and even the packaging bags were biting.

The rest of the men, like a treasure, rushed to the minced meat scattered on the ground...

When Kazuo Tento snapped his fingers, he had completely transformed them into hungry ghosts.


Above the platform, Siena spins the bullet nest of the revolver in his hand, and the holy light continues to condense on it.

"I didn't eat the meal on the plane that day, and I didn't take advantage of the weapons...today again..."

Without seeing any movement of changing bullets, the golden bullets with erratic trajectory, ghostly speed and exaggerated power were shot out of the muzzle one after another.

"Hey, I really dare to say... Kazuo, you won't be unable to stand up anymore, I can't lead you away like this."

On the opposite side of the platform, Ginji Matsumoto, like a never-tired machine, waved the pair of quaint double knives in his hands and chopped off the bullets one by one without changing his face.

His mission was to protect Kazuo Tento comprehensively, and he didn't mean to take the initiative to attack from beginning to end.

Kazuo Amato stood up from the ground, looking painfully at his abdomen.

His abdomen was dripping with blood and visceral stab wounds were faintly visible, and he was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Below the warehouse, the healing power brought by more than one hundred hungry ghosts eating at the same time is rapidly healing his body.

"They... are your food tonight..."

Frowning, Amato Kazuo strenuously stretched his fingers to the two people on the opposite side of the platform.

As a "favored person" who has used more than ten miraculous objects derived from the starving gods, he is naturally able to direct the evil spirits under his command through that endless hungry will, like an arm.

Following his words, the men who bowed their heads to eat in the court immediately turned their heads and looked at Higashino Kohei and Siena with their eyes beaming.

These more than one hundred hungry ghosts originally prepared for the Nu Luo Quan headquarters broke out here in advance.

It was not the abdominal injuries that made Amato Kazuo's expression painful, but the terrifying perception shared by those hungry ghosts eating at the same time.

Once this "divine power" was used, every time the evil spirits chewed, swallowed, licked, and all the delicate eating experience, poured into his brain endlessly, torturing him like an endless stream.

In addition to being based on the principle that Aum will always act low-key, this side effect is also one of the reasons why he never abuses his ability easily.

Even so, he already had severe anorexia.

For him, the joy of enjoying food is always hidden in his memories.


Forty years ago.

"Hi...so hot..."

"Hahahaha, I can't eat hot bear paws if I am impatient..."

Seeing that the child in front of him was scalded by the food on the tree trunk and retracted his hands, the man with disheveled hair laughed bravely.


Regardless of the hot red fingers, the boy carefully tore off a piece of meat and gnawed at it.

"Ginji, just call me Ginji... After all, Kazuo, you are my great benefactor."

"...Ginji, you must be a fairy in the legend, right?"

Looking at the mountain bear in front of him who was cramped and roasted on the trunk, Kazuo made a determined judgment.

After all, even the most powerful hunter in the village can't kill this mountain bear that has ravaged the mountains and forests for many years with bare hands.

"Fairy? Hahaha..."

Hearing this title, the clothes had been tattered into cloth strips, Yin Ci, who looked like a beggar, was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed wildly at himself.

"It's not so much a fairy... I should..."

He looked down at his body.

There were no scars in the place where the nails had penetrated.

"...It should be regarded as a cursed sinner..."

In his voice, there is no longer any joy of regaining freedom, only the vicissitudes of a centenarian.

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