I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 305: Mountain God's Wish

"A liar, if I could also possess your skills, I would definitely not be sent to the mountain god by the village..."

Hearing Ginji's words, Kazuo looked down at the bear meat in his hand.

Since ancient times, Japan has had the custom of offering sacrifices to mountain gods due to famine.

The sacrifice is usually a child who has just turned seven.

Of course, some people say that this approach is actually to reduce the consumption of rations.

Recently, the war had just ended. The land was devastated and the people were in dire straits. Kazuo, who was too edible, was thrown into the mountains by the village to "sacrifice to the mountain gods."

"That... Kazuo..."

As if guessing what happened to the boy, Ginji, who was gnawing at the bear meat, rubbed the opponent's head boldly with a hand full of grease.

"Although I am not a mountain god... But I can promise you three wishes, as long as I can do it..."

"Then... can it make me as good as you?"

"Are you the same as me... That takes a lot of time, and..."

When asked by the boy's innocent and direct words, Ginji frowned.

"Sorry, not to mention that you don't have enough years. The curse on me alone can't be planted by ordinary people..."

"Cursed... As long as I can control my own destiny, even if it is cursed because of it, I am willing to..."

Lowering his head and nibbling on the bear meat, the boy's eyes with tears gradually reflected the scorching fire in front of him.

It seemed that a gap was opened in the door of a new world, revealing a gleam of light to him in the darkness.


"I managed to hold the samurai, the other guys will be handed over to you."

Seeing the grim-faced hungry ghosts rushing up the stairs, Siena turned around and said to Higashino Kohei.

Immediately, his thumb quickly moved the bullet nest of the revolver in his hand, and the majestic power of the Holy Light began to surge.

The bullet nest spins like a gambling roulette, and the muzzle also spews out dense like a straight line of bullets.

Self-made skills, Holy Light Gatlin.

Although the bullets transformed by the holy light were not as violent as before, they were close to 3000 rounds per minute, which immediately doubled the pressure of Matsumoto Ginji on the opposite side.

With just a small pistol in hand, Siena was so different from that night on the beach.

At this moment, "Holy Light Armory" really showed his fangs in this peaceful country.

Facing this dense barrage, Ginji Matsumoto protected the two swords in front of him, forming an impenetrable array of swords with far surpassing human movements, protecting the two of them.

"Hey, Kazuo...You have provoke a terrible guy..."

With that said, Ginji Matsumoto kicked Kazuo Tento directly downstairs and immediately took a step towards Siena.

"I'll fix him first, you can figure it out by yourself..."

His step was like teleporting, directly crossing a distance of several meters.

In the face of the mighty Siena, Ginji Matsumoto was forced to close range and take the initiative to attack for the first time.


The long sword trembled frantically and violently rubbed against the air, bringing out a fiery flame.

The burning blade light slashed fiercely on the revolver in Siena's hand, and it collided with the holy light on it with violent sparks.

Two-day first-rate, five rounds, scroll of fire.

Unable to withstand Ginji Matsumoto's fierce sword, the poor revolver immediately shattered to the ground.


The red blood quietly dripped on the ground.

In order to cut this sword, Matsumoto Ginji indifferently used his body to resist several bullets from Siena.

The holy light bullet that could smash the human body directly left only a few huge bullet holes in his body.

Immediately, the bullet holes in his body began to squirm and heal like a living thing.

"Hey, it turns out that there are kinsmen in Japan too?"

Noting the abnormality on the opponent's body, Siena resembled a western cowboy. He drew two revolvers from his waist again, and his eyes became serious.

"Blood? I'm not the kind of monster you said..."

However, after two sentences, Matsumoto Ginji's injury has recovered.

"I'm just a damned person who is cursed and can't die no matter what..."

As an appointment, the light of the sword swung out again when the gunfire sounded.


On the first floor of the warehouse, Higashino Xinghei, who climbed onto the container, punched down the men who had become hungry ghosts behind him.

Then, he picked up the carbine left by the three members of the group, leaped into another container lightly like a cat, and fired frantically at Kazuo Tento who was fleeing below.

However, those hungry ghosts who are not afraid of death surrounded Kazuo Tento in the middle, blocking the bullets for him.

After these originally strong men became hungry ghosts, not only did their physical potential explode, they also seemed to have no pain or vitality, and they were able to recover their injuries through eating.

And these guys are like locusts. After swallowing all the edible food and flesh and blood in the warehouse, they start to eat trucks, wooden boxes and other things overwhelmingly.

This can't help making Higashino Kohei thankful for his decision to take the initiative.

If these guys rush into the Yokohama headquarters, I am afraid the entire Yokohama Chinatown will become a paradise for them to eat.

Not to mention the guy Tenfuji Kazuo can continuously transform more people into such monsters.

While thinking about this, he threw away the firearm that had been shot on his body, and drew two sharp blue dragon knives from his back.

This traditional Dragon Country Scimitar is the iconic weapon of Nuluo Fist.

"Do you think... you can get along well if you hide..."

With a cold smile, Higashino Kopei no longer dodges, he jumped directly from the container and rushed towards Kazuo Tento in the group of hungry ghosts.

"I have discovered the weakness of these guys..."

When it fell to the ground, the Azure Dragon Sabre with violent power slashed towards the nearest hungry ghost, and directly cut off half of the opponent's head...

A bloody whirlwind danced with the double knives and blew up among the hungry ghosts.

Faced with hungry ghosts dominated by hunger, the quick way to make a quick fight is to exchange injuries for injuries and behead the feeder.

Kohei Higashino, who has acquired the agile, strong, and immortal physique of the Assamite clan, is, from a certain point of view, a more fierce and undaunted existence than these hungry ghosts.

The wounds on his body that were bitten and scratched by hungry ghosts can heal in the blink of an eye.

Heads one after another rose into the sky with the light of the knife in his hand.

The floor of the warehouse was gradually covered with blood.

Perhaps it was stimulated by the breath of blood, or perhaps the distance from the enemy was getting closer, Higashino's eyes became red, and a crazy smile appeared on his face.


Seeing Yukhei Higashino, who was getting closer and closer to him, bathed in spurting blood and flying stumps, and transformed into a murderous god, Amato Kazuo finally felt the fear of death.

Although his physical fitness is constantly strengthened by the eating of hungry ghosts...

But if he had to fight against the blue dragon dancing and bloody Kopei Higashino not far away, there was no power at all.

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