The intensive gunfire on the second floor of the warehouse concealed Kazuo Amato's horrified shout.

Facing the "Holy Light Arsenal" with full firepower, it was better than Ginji Matsumoto that he had no time for him.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Kazuo Amato decisively commanded dozens of hungry ghosts to entangle Higashino Kohei, and he ran towards the platform in reverse.

"Hey, finally..."

Seeing his actions, Higashino's inverted triangle eyes narrowed slightly.

It is difficult for the opponent to break through under the cover of the hungry ghost group, but if it is alone...

He leaped forward, stepping lightly on the heads of a few hungry ghosts like a cat, turning back and kicking out by the wall on the side of the warehouse, and then appeared first in front of Kazuo Amofuji.

"...I caught you."

The Azure Dragon Sword, which was full of blood, lightly pressed against Tendo Kazuo's neck.

"You and I……"

Before Kazuo Amato had finished speaking, Kohei Higashino had already cut his throat with a knife.

The turbulent blood spurted instantly on Higashino's face.

"Hey... Your blood, really smells like I thought."

Holding Kazuo Tento, who was struggling with his neck in pain, jumped onto the container, Higashino Kohei waved a machete in his hand again, and directly beheaded several hungry ghosts who had rushed up around him.

"You monsters have a limit to their self-recovery."

He didn't seem to intend to give Kazuo Amato a pleasure at all, but watched with interest the other party's wound that was slowly healed from the food of the hungry ghost.

"Since your Excellency promised to give Nuluoquan an explanation... this'three knives and six holes' punishment is naturally indispensable."

The sharp blue dragon knife passed through and nailed Kazuo Amato to the container fiercely.

"...This cut is for the kind, friendly, innocent dead neighbor in my apartment."

As the trachea was severed, and the entire neck was cracked with a huge gap, Amto Kazuo could barely make the sound of choking blood, and his whole body trembled feebly.

"...This knife is for my many brothers who sacrificed for me!"

The other Qinglong sword also pierced into Kazuo Tento's body fiercely.

"The last cut...for my beloved Lizi..."

Withdrawing the knife from Amfuji Kazuo, Higashino Kohei pointed the tip of the knife at the opponent's heart with tears in his eyes.

Just as Kopei Higashino's "three knives and six holes" was about to be completed, a harsh rubbing sound came from the iron gate of the warehouse.

When several hungry ghosts in the waiting room turned their heads and looked there, the thick and solid iron gates had cracks that were wide for one person at some point.

A gentle breeze blew in from the crack.

Not waiting for Higashino's reaction, the breeze had already bypassed the field and was blowing on his face.

Just like in the past, under the cherry blossoms in spring, the breeze that Lizi had enjoyed with her hands was blowing.

Feeling that there was something uncomfortable in the breeze, Higashino Yukihei instinctively avoided it in the opposite direction.

However, it seemed that his balance was forcibly disrupted by something. His feet slipped, his center of gravity was unbalanced, and his whole person "falled" on the container.

Kopei Higashino reacted very quickly to turn around, and countless dense bloodstains suddenly erupted on his body.

Then, without feeling any pain at all, his whole person was like a collapsed sand castle, shattered into flesh and blood.

There was not a trace of blood flowing out.

There was still an unbelievable expression on his head that was still intact.

Taking this opportunity, Kazuo Amato, who was nailed to the container, snapped his fingers with difficulty.

The hungry ghosts who had gathered under the container and were climbing upwards changed their expressions, and they entangled and swallowed each other.

As the hungry ghosts devoured each other, Kazuo Amato recovered from his injuries at a high speed visible to the naked eye.

"Cough cough cough..."

"It should be the happiest thing to be able to die under my hands without any pain..."

A hoarse voice sounded behind Kazuo Amato.

"By the way, you really look like... embarrassed... number five..."

Kazuo Amato reluctantly drew out the Azure Dragon Sword from his body and threw it aside.

He turned his head and didn't see anyone in the direction of the sound.

"Four...Four?! Why did you come here?"

For a moment, he seemed to know the identity of the visitor, and he frowned in a little panic.

"The time for delivery to the "Observer" has passed, the chairman asked me to come and see... it will make it easy for me to find..."

In the warehouse, only the husky voice of the man could be heard, which kept drifting with the direction of the whirlwind.


Above the second floor platform, Siena and Ginji Matsumoto are still fighting fiercely against each other.

In the dense rain of golden bullets, Ginji Matsumoto moved with treacherous steps, always slashing the sharp sword on the black-robed priest at the most appropriate time and with the least cost of injury.

"Yes, it's rare to meet an opponent who can let me play the sword as much as I want..."

The clothes on Matsumoto Ginji's body had been completely blasted into cloth strips by the holy light bullets, revealing his shrewd and iron-like body.

Even with the protection of the power of the holy light, Siena was left with several scars, which were still slowly healing.

"Hey, if I guess right, your body recovery... is limited, right..."

He had noticed that as more bullets were shot, the wound of the warrior on the opposite side healed more slowly.

However, the power of the holy light in his body is also low.

Just as the battle was anxious, a breeze swept towards Siena from downstairs.

Siena felt a heavy stumbling under his feet, and his center of gravity instantly became unbalanced.

When he turned over to stop the decline by virtue of his strong physical fitness, a burst of dense blades burst the starting point of starlight on his body protection holy light.

He was taken aback for a moment, and reached out his hand to touch his face.

A few drops of blood slowly appeared on the fingertips.

Immediately, dense blood stains appeared on Siena.

The countless drops of blood slowly pour out, turning him into a blood man.

From beginning to end, he didn't feel any pain.

"Oh? Your body is quite tough..."

The voice of the man named "Number Four" by Kazuo Amato sounded ghostly in the back.

Siena's return without hesitation is a kick.

But his tyrannical kick only encountered an invisible whirlwind.

"Kashin has the wind and the name Sickle Itachi... There are three knives in the wind..."

The sound of the wind that seemed weak but deadly, accompanied by a hoarse whisper, revolved around Siena.

"The first tripped you... the second cut you..."

Dense golden light kept erupting on Siena.

"The third one will put plaster on you... rest assured, it doesn't hurt at all..."

Seeing that the situation is not good, Siena put his hands on his chest, the outline of a golden coffin faintly surrounded by the holy light.

Holy Light, Holy Coffin.

When colliding with the whirlwind like a sharp blade, a violent spark erupted, but it was unable to break through the defense of the golden coffin for a while.

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