"Ginji, the'Power of the Sickle and Itachi' of the'Fourth' is very restrained, you guys hurry up and join forces..."

Kazuo Amato, who ran up to the platform following behind, called out aloud to Ginji Matsumoto, who put away his swords and stood holding his hands.

The Scythe Itase is a kind of monster that exists in the wind in the legend of Koshin-Etsu. Some say it looks like a weasel, while others say it is composed of three brothers.

The sickle is very swift. There are three "knives" hidden in the whirlwind. The first knife trips the person, the second knife cuts the person open, and the third knife is put on a plaster that cannot feel pain.

Therefore, people who are blown by the sickle and ferret will fall inexplicably, and will be cut into pieces before feeling the pain in time.

The "No. 4" member of Aum Shinrikyo has a rather mysterious origin. He is the first assassin under the leadership of the president. It is said that he has consumed the "miracle thing" from Itachi more than twenty times.

"I said Kazuo..."

Ginji Matsumoto grinned slightly, as if there was a real killing intent in his eyes, he choked back at Kazuo Tendo's words.

"Did you make a mistake... I promised to protect your life..."

He tried his best to hold Siena before, just to prevent Kazuo Amato from dying under the opponent's powerful firepower. Now that someone takes the game, he will naturally not shoot again.



The quaint voice rang in my ears.

Above the container, Higashino Yuping, who was shattered into flesh and blood, suddenly opened his eyes.

It was a pair of eyes filled with red light, without any reason or emotion.



The heart that had been exposed to the flesh and blood, which had stopped beating, was beating vigorously again.

Immediately, blood from his "whole body" poured into his head, and his eyes were flooded with blood.

Under the container, the hungry ghosts who were chewing and cannibalizing each other suddenly stopped.

"Boom boom boom..."

Their hearts, beating with Higashino's heart, gradually moved towards the same rhythm.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Like a tight drum beat, the uniform, faster and faster heartbeat stopped abruptly after reaching a certain critical point.


Several hearts burst open at the same time.

The blood in the hungry ghosts and in the field suddenly poured out like life, slowly gathering in the same direction.

A violent and invisible attraction centered on Higashino Kohei, slowly condensing the blood that came in.

And around him, the flesh and blood and hungry ghosts that had lost their blood turned into the mask-like stone sculptures before, and then scattered into a piece of white gravel.

And Higashino's shattered body, wrapped in plasma, gathered again into a human form.


"Uh, it's so dark..."

"Don't block the door, go in quickly!"

Two men like bank robbers who covered their heads with thick black stockings and exposed their eyes and noses through the holes they cut out. They lowered their voices and quarreled while sneakily squeezing through the crack in the iron gate of the warehouse. Came in.

"It's too quiet inside... By the way, your stockings are too thick to breathe..."

The warehouse where hundreds of ruthless characters had clearly gathered before, was as quiet as a tomb at this moment.

"Stop talking nonsense, I haven't bought silk stockings, who knows what winter style this thing is... you wouldn't make the holes in the stockings bigger..."

The interior of the warehouse, which had been stained red with blood, was as dry as if it had just been deeply cleaned.

"Such a heavy smell of blood, are those guys already dead... Fortunately, not even..."

"Bah... auspicious..."

The two maintained a wretched posture one after the other, tiptoeing under the cover of the container, searching for something.

It was Sosuke Araki and Ryoma who drove across the bridge after seeing Kohei Higashino and Siena who climbed to the top of the warehouse on the opposite building.

On the way, they had already notified Mochizuki Ayano, who was looking for Siena traces.

However, the opponent is in Tokyo, although the local police station has been mobilized to support, but it is far from being able to resolve the fire.

In a hurry, the two of them could only buy a pair of stockings in the strange eyes of the convenience store clerk downstairs, put them directly on their heads, and then came over.

"Xingping... are you there?"

Although the warehouse was too dark and there was a thick layer of black stockings on his face, after getting used to it, Sosuke Araki could still see the situation on the spot clearly with the glimmer of the environment.

"This is……"

When they walked to the container at the back of the large truck, a scene that made the two of them distraught appeared in front of them.


Kohei Higashino, who was unconscious and not knowing what happened to him, was lying naked under the container.

With him as the center, a large amount of white sand piled up in a five-meter area, burying most of his body in it.

"Ahem...what the hell is this, it smells like a burn..."

Before the second, Ryoma ran forward, shoveled away the gravel, and checked his condition.

"Heartbeat and breathing are normal...and I haven't seen any trauma...I took off my clothes and buried it here after being knocked out? What new gameplay is this? Sand Sculpture Play?"

At the same time, the platform above the second floor continued to hear mixed sounds of gold and iron.

"You take Xingping to the car first, I'll go up and take a peek..."

"Xingping is fine as long as it is fine, what else would you mix with without taking him off the road?"

Seeing Zongsuke Araki sneaking up the stairs, Ryoma hurriedly stopped him before the second.

"'20 centimeters per second' came in with Xingping... Now Xingping is fainted, he must be too fierce, so he can save one more."

With that said, Araki Sosuke lowered his body and walked towards the top of the stairs.

At the same time, Kazuo Tianto heard the movement below and sensed that he had all disconnected from the hungry ghosts, and he was walking to the stairs and looking down.

Then, through the moonlight shining through the top of the warehouse, he saw a round...human head wrapped in black stockings.


Kazuo Amato reacted extremely quickly, driving the "power of the god of starvation" in his body to attack the man dressed like a bank robber.

Seeing the black breath entering the opponent's body, Amato Kazuo smiled sternly.

Then, his smile solidified on his face.

Because the man under the stairs did not incarnate as a hungry ghost as expected, but came to him at a speed.

"This voice..."

As for Kazuo Amato, Sosuke Araki met him only once at an izakaya more than two months ago. Even if he explored the other side's whereabouts in the past two days, he only remembered what he looked like in the photo.

In the darkness, it is hard to see who is in front of him.

But this is not important.

As soon as the other party spoke, he heard...

On the snow-capped mountain that day, the voice that he vowed to never forget was the voice in front of him who was talking to him through the teak Saya cell phone.

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