Bliss Club, Quintessence Club, Teak Saya...

Everything, like broken jigsaw pieces, was pieced together in Sosuke Araki's mind.

Without looking closely, he directly confirmed the identity of the person in front of him.

"Takato Kazuo...It turns out that you are behind all this!!!!"

He reached out and lifted Kazuo Tento directly.

"Who are you... if we want money, we can talk..."

When the man in the strange power stockings in front of him raised it without resistance, Amato Kazuo instinctively emerged with a wave of fear.

It's like a mouse meets a cat.

"Hey, forgot so soon..."

At this moment, "Meeting Love at the corner", the thought of Mai Hanyu being kidnapped, Reiko's passing, and fortunately ignorant of his life, all arise because of this person in front of him, so Araki Sosuke naturally rises from his heart.

"I promised Mount Fuji that no matter who you are, I will kill you!!!"

Anger started from the heart, and the unknown black rune tattooed on the arm of Sosuke Araki passed the lava-like dark red fire light from top to bottom.

The tyrannical and scorching fist wind roared, as if to pump the surrounding air away, and hit Kazuo Tendo's abdomen continuously.


When the weird man in the silk stockings in front of him slammed with two fists in anger, Kazuo Amato spit out a mouthful of blood, only to feel the sky spinning, his eyes turned white.

There seems to be a flame of flame rushing into his body with the opponent's fist, flowing in his heart...


With the sound of something shattering, he could no longer sense the proud supernatural power.

"Sorry, although Kazuo does owe Bian..."

Araki Sosuke's third punch had not yet been blasted out in the future, and a figure had already stopped in front of him.

"But if you punch him again, he might really be dying..."

Naturally, Ginji Matsumoto, who was behind Kazuo Tendo, made a shot.

Facing the unarmed man with hooded stockings and passing by, Ginji Matsumoto had no room for a knife, so he could only move the short knife out of its sheath dexterously, and the hilt hit the opponent's wrist like lightning.

In his opinion, this blow was enough to deflect the opponent's punch at Kazuo Tento.

"Get away!!!"

Unfortunately, he met Sosuke Araki.

The dark red flame on his arm flashed again, and the violent fist wind directly slammed the hilt back into the sheath...

The punch-big fist stubbornly hit Kazuo Tento's chin, causing the opponent to scream and fall from the second floor platform directly.

Falling to the ground, Kazuo Amato couldn't care about the physical pain at all, and instead crawled on the ground in a dazed manner.

"No... impossible... my supernatural power..."

For a while, he couldn't believe that the "extraordinary power" he had accumulated for many years was broken by a few punches.


The pain, burning like a flame, and stabbing like needles, constantly impacted his soul.

And the dark red flame flowing in his heart burned more and more vigorously like Mars encountering oil, causing mental pain like a maggot of tarsus.

"Hi...Don't...Don't come here..."

Bloodthirsty, hungry faces constantly appeared in front of him, as if seeking his life.

These are all people who have died from the power of his starving gods and transformed into hungry ghosts over the years.


"This voice... is Araki BOY..."

On the inside of the platform, Siena, who was covered in blood and crumbling in the deadly "cyclone", heard this familiar voice, and his eyes moved slightly.

" looks like someone is making trouble, more fun..."

In the whirlwind, the hoarse voice of "Number Four" suddenly ceased to be erratic.

A man wrapped in a black robe, wearing a mask and holding a sickle, suddenly appeared in front of Siena.


The most striking thing is that this person's hand is on the side of his face, slowly removing the pure white mask on his face.

"……is it beautiful?"

Behind the mask is a thin middle-aged man with a pale complexion, no features in his facial features, and no "beauty" at all.

Hearing the unexpected question from the other party, even if it was Siena, who was tortured by Kazuo Amato's words and deeds, his face remained unchanged. When he was struck by lightning, his face showed a look of horror that had not appeared in many years.

On the surface of his skin, the original gritty body guard's holy light couldn't be maintained, and it turned into golden stars scattered all over the place.

Because an unstoppable sense of fear instantly dominated his mind, making him no longer able to maintain the "holy coffin" state.

"This is... grievance..."

Ordinary art techniques cannot produce such an effect if they cannot break through or exhaust the holy light of his body protection.

Only grievances can.

The grievances generated by the fusion of soul obsession and grievance essence contain not only grievances and obsessions, but also a small part of "rule fragments" from the soul.

This is why the "Evil Flower" will spare no effort to collect grievances all over the world.

Siena hasn't finished speaking yet, a figure passing by with a whirlwind...

There was no pain at all, and a huge crack broke out in his throat.

The spray of blood mist blocked the words behind him.

Pain is a manifestation of the human body's self-protection.

The scary thing about the sickle is that the human body loses this most important protection mechanism, and under the sharp blade, it turns into a dead soul without knowing it.

As the blood spewed, he knelt to the ground weakly clutching his neck, but his eyes still stared at the white mask in the opponent's hand.

"Hiss... After wearing it for a while, does it cause such a big injury..."

Under the mask, the middle-aged man named "Number Four" by Kazuo Amato slowly cracked a two-centimeter-long bloody crack on both sides of his mouth.

"However, this is more proof that this is a grudge destined to suit me..."

"Number Four" gently wiped the sickle in his hand on the corner of his mouth, and the painful pain disappeared immediately.

This grievance can perfectly make up for the defects of his divine power, and its obvious side effects can also be temporarily suppressed by his divine power. It can be described as a complementary and natural pair.

No wonder the president took great pains to get this stuff for himself.

Glancing at the black-robed priest who fell on the ground with no breath, "Number Four" put the white mask in his pocket and turned into a whirlwind toward the stairs.

But this time, the whirlwind is no longer invisible and shapeless, but can vaguely see an afterimage in it.

Behind him, Siena fell to the ground with blood, and a cross hung on his chest suddenly rose into the sky.

Look carefully, the silver cross is actually a key.

Suddenly, the key shattered directly and turned into silver light covering Siena's body.

Immediately afterwards, the wound on Siena's neck began to heal at a high speed, and a ball of flames rekindled in his gray and godless eyes.

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