I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 311 Buddha's wisdom is like a sword, cutting off the troubles of the world

Just when Matsumoto Ginji regretted the size of the blue dragon sword...

On the back of Sosuke Araki, who was swinging his sword, a pair of huge black arms burning with lava runes, like a black eagle spreading its wings, suddenly protruded from the left and the right, and held the Qinglong sword together with his hands.

The Azure Dragon Sabre, which had been slashed with violent violence, accelerated abruptly for the second time, swallowing the surrounding light and air like a black hole, and even the space seemed to be distorted.

At the same time, the lava-like dark red flame ignited on the rune of Araki Sosuke's arm, and extended along the blood to the Azure Dragon Sword, dyeing the drawn sword light hot.

Beichen's sword flow, cut off.


The Azure Dragon Sabre with a dark red flame, with a force of ruining the world and destroying the land, slashed fiercely on the uncle Guo Anzuna and Izumi Mori Fujiwara Kenda, bursting out fiery sparks.

"What?! This...this is not..."

Seeing this sword that had surpassed his cognition, Matsumoto Ginji's face showed an intoxicating look.

He seemed to have seen the unmoving North Star suddenly fall in the sky, bringing the sky full of stars into a group of meteorites that destroy the world, dragging the red flame-like long tail and slamming into the ground.

This sword can slash the stars all over the sky.


"Teacher Xinmian...I..."

In the dimness, the bloody man lying on the beach opened his eyes.

In front of him, a burly old man was struggling with his swords on the ground, struggling to stalemate with the big black snake in front of him.

And the young man named Amakusa Shiro Tokisada was also covered with blood at the moment, lying weakly at the feet of the big snake, breathing on the faint golden light.

"Yes... I lost..."

When he was about to slay Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, he was defeated by the big snake that manipulated people's hearts.

A piece of flesh and blood of an unknown creature was thrown on his chest.

"This is?"

"This is the mermaid meat that makes people immortal...you must eat this thing and become a monster to be eligible to compete with the monster..."

The old man with his back facing him narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he couldn't bear to turn his head to face him.

"...I'm old and can't bear the backlash of this thing. It's up to you... But, this is not something worthy of joy... Once you take it, what you have to endure is an endless curse. ."

The man swallowed the shriveled piece of meat without frowning.

The injury on his body immediately began to heal at a high speed, and his physical strength gradually filled.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

The opposite Amakusa Shiro Tokisada saw this scene, as if he had seen something funny, he hid his face and laughed wildly.

"why are you laughing……"

The man picked up the double knives on the ground, slowly stood up, and stared at the opponent who was hurt by both sides.

"...The people of the'Lord' who were killed by you, regardless of whether they were blessed or not, were born and grew up in this world, and have their own lives..."

As if returning to the light, the young man glowed with a rich golden light, and his feet rose slightly in the air like a god.

"People with families, people with children, people with marriage contracts, people with dogs, people with dreams... it's you who ended their lives!"

The young man raised the sword in his hand and muttered solemnly.

"I will die here, bathed in the glory of the Lord, and dying upright and happy like a samurai."

The sword wrapped in golden light in his hand pointed straight at the man walking towards him.

"Only you... you who even the Lord would not forgive... take their lives to live as you are now... After eating mermaid meat, you can never die when you want to die... only in time Endless suffering in reincarnation... Amen."



In the dark warehouse, Kanazawa Izumi Mori Fujiwara and Hakuki Anzuna fell to the ground feebly, breaking into several pieces in the clashing sound of weeping.

A dark red flame seemed to ignite in Matsumoto Ginji's heart with that sword, accompanied by bone-erupting pain.

Countless broken faces in black and white clearly appeared in his mind one by one, reincarnation again and again.

"Honglian Naluoka, different from this, it's already blue after this time, the color turns red, the skin splits, or ten or more..."

Ginji Matsumoto, who had only the hilt in his hand, endured the boundless burning in his heart, fell to his knees indifferently, lowered his head and silently recited the Buddhist scriptures that Mr. Shinmin had asked him to transcribe.

In his eyes, there is no unwillingness to fail, but full of joy.

In that stunning sword just now, there is a sword that he has been pursuing for hundreds of years, but couldn't ask for it.

Time goes by, and things are wrong.

The hero who killed Amakusa Tokisadashiro and defeated the snake god Otobuchi in the Shimabara Rebellion gradually became a terrifying monster in the eyes of the shogunate after the death of Mr. Shinmin.

Even at the cost of threatening the lives of the descendants of the teacher Xinmian, he sealed himself.

After suffering repeatedly during the long years, the pursuit of kendo became his only motivation.

"...So that Luojia is called Honglian."

The red lotus karma fire, the seventh of the eight cold hells, is led by the evil karma of the human body, burning people's hearts without liberation.


A gunshot awakened Araki Sosuke, who was standing blankly with a sword.

The person who fired the gun was exactly the one before the second.

"Zongsuke, hurry up, that bastard is gone!"

When the two had just met, Kazuo Amato had already rushed to the door in a panic.

Even though Ryoma shot him in the heel with a quick shot before the second, he still could only watch the opponent's figure disappear in the gap of the iron gate.

Regardless of the samurai who had broken his weapon in front of him and knelt down to admit defeat, Sosuke Araki threw away the blue dragon sword in his hand and chased after Ryoma in front of him to the outside.


In the warehouse, after Sosuke Araki left, a bloodstain with deep bones appeared slowly on Matsumoto Ginji's right chest to abdomen.

Although Sosuke Araki slashed towards the opponent's weapon, the sword wind that pierced the sky still inevitably severely injured the opponent.

"Buddha's wisdom is like a sword, cutting off the troubles of the world..."

Seeing the wound on his chest, it slowly healed halfway and stopped. Ginji Matsumoto, who was chanting the Buddhist scriptures, showed an expression of great enlightenment.

"There is no end, no twists and turns, no bounds, no confusion, just the realm of perfection."

This sword slashed the curse of mermaid flesh.

This sword proves the other side of kendo.

This sword ignited the red lotus karma that burned people's hearts.

Teacher Xinmian once said that you can get everything you ask for when you recite the Buddha.

With this sword, there will be no regrets in this life.


At this moment, Siena, struggling to get up, limped to the handrail of the stairs...

Looking at the man under the stairs, he showed a look of surprise.

Ginji Matsumoto raised his head, folded his hands in a Buddhist ceremony, and his eyes were full of light that penetrated the world.

His long hair, which was originally dark as a waterfall, has turned into silvery white.

After hundreds of years, tens of thousands of people cut silver times and eventually became mortals again.

Get a chance for atonement, choose when to die, and be like a new mortal.

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