
Kopei Higashino, who has not yet seen a strand, walked step by step in the endless desert under the scorching sun.

Right in front of him is a relic covered by yellow sand.


Several flying yellow sand turned into a whisper in his ears.

"who are you……"

Higashino's tarnished eyes, looking at these various figures indifferently, appeared on both sides of his path.

As if waiting for the monarch to return to the castle's subjects.

"We...are Asamite...the seekers of the original blood, the assassins from the far east, the terminator of the holy war..."

"Then...what to do with me..."

Higashino Yukihei interrupted the opponent's whisper indifferently, and continued to walk towards the depths of the ruins.

"You have inherited the blood of my race... you should inherit the memory of my race, return to the place where you were, and continue the road to heaven..."

The shadows of those people turned into yellow sand again, and they crazily poured into Higashino's body.

"Tsk tusk, you gods and weird things, in the end, it's not just a handful of yellow sand..."

Feeling countless memory fragments trying to get into his mind, Higashino Yukihei suddenly covered his head and wailed in pain.

"Death is not the end, it will only make Assamite stronger..."

The words in his ear reminded him of the scene before his death...

Kazuo Amato's split throat was moving at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he could only look at it desperately.

"Inherit your memory, yes! Just tell me..."

Kohei Higashino had a cruel smile on his face.

"How to kill those monsters, like Kazuo Amato, you, and me, who shouldn't belong to this world..."

"As you wish, in front of the Asamaites, there are no monsters that cannot be killed."

Following these words, the group memories engraved in the blood of the Assameite clan crazily flooded into his mind.


Higashino Yukihei panted profusely and stood up from the back seat of the car.

Outside the window, the heavy rain that did not know when was falling violently on the window of the car.

"This is... Ryoma's cart? So, those two guys..."

Taking a look at his body and surroundings as it was before, he was taken aback.

He who "resurrected from the dead" only felt that his whole body was full of power, and he could even feel the blood in his blood vessels surging vigorously.

Immediately, his nose rose slightly, and a special smell of blood poured into his nasal cavity.

"Tianto... Kazuo!!"

The owner who smelled the bloody smell, Higashino Yupei roughly opened the door of the car and rushed out without a trace.

Once the target of blood is locked by the Asamaites, they will never die...


When Sosuke Araki and Ryoma rushed out of the warehouse after finishing the stockings on their faces, Kazuo Amato had disappeared in the rain.

Dense police sirens came from the bridge.

The two of them looked at them, and saw police cars approaching here.

The gunshots on the dock must have alarmed the police.

"Damn it..."

Sosuke Araki scanned the dark pier with unwilling eyes, as if he wanted to search for Kazuo Amato.

"Don't look, let's try to get Xingping away first..."

Before the second, Ryoma grabbed him and ran towards the parking lot under the heavy rain.

The two of them could think of a solution based on their identities as a policeman and an informant, but if Kohei Higashino fell into the hands of the police, he wouldn't be able to figure it out for the rest of his life.

"...Where is the person?"

"I obviously put him in the back seat?!"

However, when the two ran to the car, all that was left for them was an empty classic car.

The open, swaying car door seemed to laugh at them silently.


"It's troublesome to be caught by the police... Ginji, he shouldn't be able to die if he stays there..."

On the Mercedes SUV, the delirious Kazuo Amato started the engine.

In his line of sight, there were countless pale and shabby figures standing in front of the vehicle, looking at him so quietly, as if they wanted to prevent him from leaving.

"You bastards, wait for me to find the chairman...regain the'divine power'..."

After being hit hard by the man wearing silk stockings, he could no longer sense the "superior power" in his body. He was directly tortured to collapse by the burning pain and the illusion of the dead.

As he stepped heavily on the accelerator, the off-road vehicle ejected with wild speed.

Then, a naked figure suddenly appeared on the road of the off-road vehicle.

"Hellhound? You guy has also become a dead ghost, do you want to stop me? Then, die for me again..."

Using the headlights of the car to see the appearance of the man in front of him, Kazuo Amato grinned cruelly and slammed the accelerator to the bottom.

Seeing the off-road vehicle hit him, Higashino Kopei took a step aside sensitively.

At that time, the off-road vehicle with a speed of more than 120KM passed him in an instant.

Just before Kazuo Amato's face had time to show a regretful expression, Yoshihiro Higashino moved.

His arms, which are not stout, pierced and retracted like a spear at the moment when people and vehicles passed by.


The window of the cab was directly shattered.

The off-road vehicle slammed into the wall in front of it like a headless fly, and then burst into a huge flame.


Higashino Yukihira stayed in the same place, and he did not know when he was carrying a blood man.


It was Kazuo Amato who was covered in blood and glass slag.

Kohei Higashino actually pulled him out of the car window at such a high-speed staggered moment.

As a result of being hit by broken glass and the door frame, Tendo Kazuo has suffered multiple fractures and cuts on his body, like a rag bag.

Having lost his "divine power" and his hungry ghosts, he naturally couldn't recover as quickly as before.

Moreover, the flame that repeatedly burned his heart, as if never extinguished, brought him constant mental torture.

"You guy... Go to hell, ah ah ah ah..."

Enduring the pain of his whole body and mind, Amato Kazuo took out a dagger from his waist and stab at Higashino Kopei.


Before Kazuo Amato finished speaking, the hand holding the dagger had been reversed completely, making the sound of bone fracture.

And that dagger pierced his own body along with the flipped arm.

Not paying attention to the fire that exploded behind him, Higashino Kohei raised Kazuo Tento with one arm in front of him, with an innocent smile on his mouth.

That smile, the first time he dated Lizi with Lizi, it was the same when he tasted the beauty of love.

"...Give me... a... happy..."

The dying Kazuo Amato showed a look of despair.

The face reflected in the puddle on the ground had an expression that was strangely familiar.

Because countless people once showed the same expression in front of him.

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