Forty years ago.

"I... Kazuo, why are you back... and brought a stranger back..."

"If Shanshen-sama gets angry, it will affect the whole village..."

"Hurry up and kill this outsider and throw Kazuo back into the mountain!!"

In the dilapidated small village, more than a dozen thin-faced male villagers armed with sickles and hoes, nervously surrounded the little boy and the tall man in shabby clothes behind him.

"Now, seem to have promised me three wishes."

The little boy lowered his head, making it difficult to see the expression in the shadow.

"Yes, so fast, just consider it?"

Hearing what he said, the tall man seemed to understand something, walked to the side blankly, picked up a thick branch and held it in his hand.

It was obviously an ugly branch with dead leaves, but in his hands it glowed with a sharp edge like a peerless weapon.

"These people are people who want to dedicate me to the mountain god in exchange for their own survival..."

The little boy’s words were full of cruelty that did not match his age.

"Give them... a good time."

Following his words, the branch in the hands of the tall man waved forward like weeds, splashing with blood.


"Give you a pleasure?"

Hearing Kazuo Tendo's words, Kohei Higashino put his forehead against the opponent's face, showing a crazy smile.

"...Like, what you did to Lizi?!!!"

According to the autopsy results and the restoration of the scene of the accident, Bai Shui Lizi died at the moment of the explosion and did not feel any pain.

This may be the last kindness of God to her.


Kopei Higashino looked around for a while, and dragged Kazuo Amato to a large two-story machine not far away.

He violently smashed the protective shell of the console, and after pressing the start button, he hammered the protective shell into the console panel.


The machine suddenly made a harsh roar.

"You... what do you want to do..."

Seeing his movements, Amfuji Kazuo's pupils shrank instantly, showing an expression of disbelief.

"of course……"

Kohei Higashino bent his legs on the ground, leaped up suddenly, and led Kazuo Amato to climb up along the bracket next to the machine.

"...Give you what you want."

Standing on top of the machine, Higashino Yukihei looked down and smiled contentedly.

Inside the machine, which is like a huge mouth in the abyss, are steel saw teeth that roll at high speed and bite into each other.

He just started it. It is legendary. Whether it is a hammer, a fire hydrant, an inflatable doll or a scrap car, it can be crushed one by one, pressed smoothly out of the warehouse, and brought inexplicable pleasure. .

"Uh ah ah ah... no, don't..."

Looking at the giant steel beast at his feet, who was choked and lifted to the top of the machine, he wailed in fear.

At the same time, with the harsh brake sound, several bright beams of light instantly concentrated on the two of them.

"This is Yokohama Police Station's "Guard around the Violent Group". It is now suspected that you are suspected of illegal assembly, gang fighting, deliberate murder and other crimes. Please stop your behavior immediately and come down to cooperate with our investigation..."

Below the machine, several police cars attracted by the explosion of off-road vehicles have gathered.

By the side of the car, more than a dozen fully armed guards were aiming at Higashino's Kopei with their guns.

And one of the police officers, holding a loudspeaker, was talking to him loudly.

"Hey hey, you policemen, they really came in'time'."

Looking at the guards that were heavily armed to surround him, Higashino Yukino asked expressionlessly.

"Do you know how many people have died because of this monster in my hand?!"

"...Where are you when Lizi needs you?!"

The raindrops in the sky became heavier and more violent, and hit everyone's hearts fiercely like Higashino's questioning.


At the same time, two suspiciously drenched men wearing silk stockings roared out from the corner of the warehouse.

It was Sosuke Araki and Ryoma Nimae who rushed to hear the sound.

They were greeted by a row of black hole muzzles of the guards.

"A suspected accomplice is found, arrest first..."

Several police officers immediately gathered around, pressed the suspicious two people to the ground with their knees and handcuffed their hands.

"Xingping!!! Don't be impulsive!!!"

Regardless of being handcuffed, Araki Sosuke directly dragged the police officer behind him forward and shouted at Higashino Kopei above the machine.

Seeing these two men appearing abruptly with their heads covered in silk stockings, like bank robbers, Kohei Higashino was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed an expression of relief and helplessness.

"Rongma before the second!! You smelly policeman and your informant, do you still want to stop me now?!"

"Hello, smelly policeman? Although I do..."

"The informant... is talking about me?"

Higashino Kopei roared angrily, but the two of them looked at a loss.


Kohei Higashino ignored the crowd below, picked up the pink diamond ring on his chest, and kissed it lightly.

"You are optimistic under Jiuquan, I will avenge you now..."

He drew out the dagger from Tendo Kazuo's body and aimed it at the opponent's chest.

Kohei Higashino's originally fierce and dazzling eyes have lost all their luster and turned into a lifeless gray.

"Oops... that guy..."

Erqian Ryoma, whose head was pressed tightly in the mud, noticed his eyes and suddenly "cocked" in his heart.

That is, eyes that are no longer attached to the world.

"Don't move!!! What are you doing?!"

"Stop your behavior immediately, or we will shoot!"

"Go and turn off that machine!!!"

"The console was broken and can't be turned off..."

"Turn off the power immediately!"

"That's a high-voltage cable, someone has already been arranged to go..."

Seeing Higashino's actions, the police below suddenly panicked and pulled off the safety latches.

"Xingping, don't be impulsive... if you have anything, you can come down to me and talk about it!!!"

At the same time, Araki Sosuke, who was pushed to the ground by the three policemen, overturned the three adult men on his body like an ancient behemoth, squeezed into the crowd in front, and ran under the machine.

"What are you doing, you are obstructing official business!"

"Hurry up and hold him..."

"Come to someone to help, this guy has a lot of strength..."

The police officers who were squeezed to the ground by him stood up and threw themselves on the back of Sosuke Araki.

"Asshole... let me go..."

Sosuke Araki was like a shark entangled in seaweed, dragged by more than a dozen police officers, trying his best to walk towards Higashino Kopei step by step.

There was chaos under the shredder, but all sounds seemed to be blocked by a heavy rain curtain.

Seeing Sosuke Araki running towards him from below, Kohei Higashino opened his mouth slightly and said something silently.

Then, he gently handed out the dagger in his hand.

"Uh ah ah ah..."

Following the screams of Kazuo Amato, the sharp dagger had already smashed into his chest fiercely.

The blood is gushing like juice.


Facing this bloody scene, I don't know which policeman could not hold back and pulled the trigger.

With the sound of breaking through the air, the deadly bullet penetrated Higashino's forehead, bursting into a blood hole.

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