I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 314: Farewell and Reunion

The white smoke of gunpowder is still in front of everyone.

Seeing Higashino Kohei who was shot in the forehead, the police officers in the field suddenly fell silent for some reason.

"Xingping? What the fuck are you doing?!!!"

Hearing the gunshots, Araki Sosuke, who was originally pressed by more than a dozen police officers in the mud and saw nothing, had a strong body like a volcano erupting with astonishing power, and directly pushed away the many police officers who were oppressing him. ...


The handcuffs on his wrists broke apart so crisply.

His fierce fist pierced through the wind and rain, and slammed the faces of several armed police officers fiercely, directly making them unconscious.

"Hey... this little rain, do you want to extinguish the flame in my heart?"

Above the pulverizer, after the gunshot, Higashino Kohei, with a bullet hole on his forehead, swayed and slowly pulled the dagger from Tendo Kazuo's chest.

The bullet disrupted his brain balance and made him dizzy.

"...It's so ugly."

Without time to pay attention to the chaos below, he tried to focus his attention on the dagger in his hand.

The one that was picked on the tip of the knife was a heart still beating wildly.

As the dagger was lightly picked and the blades flashed in the air, the heart burst into bloom like a bright red water balloon.

On his other hand, Kazuo Tento, with only a blood hole left on his chest, was silent.

"Hey, as long as the heart is broken, such a monster will be killed and die."

This is one of the knowledge that Higashino Kopei inherited from those figures in the desert.

"……Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

This is the only knowledge he can rely on, ignorant of the extraordinary world.

As Yukio Higashino let go of his hand happily, Amto Kazuo's body fell directly toward the mouth of the rotating grinder.

"and many more……"

Immediately, everyone present was stunned and only heard the sound of raindrops...

And the sound of "tons, tons, tons, tons" of juice.

"...Xingping... will you come down, okay..."

Araki Sosuke stared blankly at Higashino Kohei, who was covered in blood above the crusher, swayed, and laughed wildly.

"Come down, I'll call a doctor for you..."

He had never seen Kohei Higashino with fierce eyes and a warm heart, showing such a hideous appearance.

In the violent rain, the eyes of the two were intertwined through the rain curtain.

Kohei Higashino tapped his left chest lightly at him with a dagger.

Sosuke... Do you remember what Uncle Qingren said?

Because you are not strong enough here...

"I think I am strong enough now... I'm going to see Lizi..."

Now, he has unexpectedly acquired a strong, monster-like body.

Even if it jumped into that shredder and turned into fragments, it would probably be the same as before.

But it has been lost forever, the person who wants to protect.

"That's it, goodbye..."

Just as Araki Sosuke climbed up towards the machine, Higashino Yukhei was already embracing raindrops, with a calm smile on his face, and fell back toward the crusher.

After completing his revenge, he finally had the courage to meet the person he wanted to meet.

A shadow, as he fell, concealed on the "Great Mouth of the Abyss" below.



Seeing this scene, Araki Sosuke and Ryoma were dumbfounded.

In the midair, the dagger in Higashino's hand pierced into his chest concealedly and quickly.

"Uh...hey..."A bright red heart appeared in his hands and fell with him.

The Asamites are immortal existences as long as the heart is still there.

Well, vice versa.

Just destroy this heart by yourself...

"Broken machine, stop for me!!!"


Araki Sosuke slammed a fist on the control panel of the shredder.

On his face, he couldn't tell whether it was tears or rain.

The metal shell, which was originally embedded in the panel due to deformation, fell to the side weakly.

"Give me...off...shut down..."

But the buttons on the panel are already in a rags, no matter how he presses them, they have no effect.


Everyone in the room looked at Araki Zongsuke stunnedly, punching the steel pulverizer fiercely, leaving bloody fist marks one by one.

"Give... me... stop..."

He didn't even notice that his arm was full of blood, broken and deformed.

"Please... give me Xingping back!"

As if responding to his request, the pulverizer in front of him stopped rotating.

It was the police officer sent on the other end that finally successfully cut off the power.

"...Xingping...must be...it's okay..."

Sosuke Araki stumbled and tried to climb over the machine.

"Wait, you...who are you..."

As if seeing something unbelievable, Sosuke Araki's movements suddenly solidified.

"You have to deal with Xingping..."

The rune, like a living thing, wriggled frantically on his face.

But this time, Sosuke Araki didn't stop there like more than two decades before. Instead, blue veins appeared on his face, showing an extremely hideous expression.

"……do what?!"

A white light ignited in his pupils, which violently impacted on the dense black runes.

The body that was originally frozen slowly and stubbornly took a step forward again, seeming to want to chase something.

This step was so firm that the runes on his face were broken, and there appeared lava-like traces of burning.

"Zongsuke... don't... don't go see..."

At the same time, a figure rushed forward, hugged Araki Sosuke firmly, and firmly pressed the drenched and suffocating heavy stockings on his head with his big hands.

"Enough...Brother Zongjie...You've... tried your best..."

His sight was obscured. After Ryoma had been sluggish in his arms for a while before the second, Sosuke Araki regained consciousness, but he seemed to have completely forgotten what happened a few seconds ago and just continued the roar a few seconds ago.

"Why are you stopping me...try my best...I don't try my best...I just want, Xingping is alive..."

Under the rain curtain, among the chaos of police officers, two embarrassed men wearing silk stockings hugged each other and knelt in front of the pulverizer, crying loudly.

Crying like two children whose sand castles were destroyed by the wave.

We are born into the world with nothing.

There is not enough wealth, wisdom and strength.

In a world with no direction, lingering awkwardly and panting.

Courage, hope, fetters, these useless falsehoods in adulthood...

Even this scarred body can be swept away by the dominator.

But at least, please don't extinguish, the last temperature in our hearts.


"Farewell, Kazuo..."

In the corner of the warehouse, the silver-haired Matsumoto Ginji, glanced at the blood dripping from the crack of the grinder, and jumped into the sea without looking back.

"After all, I am not as effective as a real mountain god..."

Just before Araki and Ji, Ryoma was numbly torn off his headgear and handcuffed by police officers. When he was about to escort him to a police car, several black commercial vehicles stopped at the gate of the warehouse at high speed.

"Uncle Siena... I knew you were all right..."

Mochizuki Ayano, who rushed down from the car, came all the way from Tokyo.

Seeing Siena, who was carried out of the warehouse on a stretcher, looked weak, she was finally relieved.

"The two of them...what happened...here, what happened?"

Ayano Mochizuki frowned when seeing Sosuke Araki and Ryoma Nimae who were kneeling and crying silently, as well as the police officers who were unconscious about the celebrities in the field.

Siena on the stretcher shook his head in confusion.

"I'm Ayano Mochizuki, the head of Section 9. These two people are not suspects, they are related persons who assisted me..."

She hurriedly pulled out her credentials, and was about to step forward and intercept the two of them.

"Oh, there seems to be a problem inside..."

Siena's face suddenly changed, as if thinking of something.

He vaguely remembered that there seemed to be a guy lying on the second floor of the warehouse.

At the same time, a breeze blew from the gap in the iron gate of the warehouse.

The raindrops falling in the air seemed to be cut in half by several invisible blades.

"not good!!!"

Siena, who was originally extremely weak, turned up from the stretcher like a glare, and threw Mochizuki Ayano to the ground with a tall body.

A series of fine bloodstains smashed the weak holy light on his back and brought up the blood.

Behind the two, two agents carrying a stretcher turned their heads to check without noticing, and then collapsed into a piece of meat.

"Uncle Siena..."

Looking at the weird scene in front of her, Mochizuki Ayano's pupils shook as she was pressed to the ground by Siena.

Like the people around, she hadn't "seen" anything just now, she could only feel the abnormal surging of the air.

However, she could indeed "see" a thin man wrapped in a black robe and wearing a white mask, rushing out of the warehouse and running towards the outside of the dock.

And what separated the two agents into countless pieces was the whirlwind that he brought up all over his body.

She did not "see" with her eyes, but with memory.

There is nothing in front of me, but I can flip through my memory a continuous picture from a second ago.

This contradictory and delayed visual experience gave her an extremely uncomfortable feeling.


Mochizuki Ayano stood up, anticipating the opponent's trajectory, and did not hesitate to touch the gun and shoot.

The slender spiritual power bullet cut through the night and accurately hit the figure in the black robe.

The man staggered, but as if he could not feel any pain, he disappeared into the rain curtain very quickly.

"Damn it...that guy, who is it..."

Mochizuki Ayano stomped her feet, unwillingly trying to chase into the rain curtain.

"Don't chase... the grudge in that person's hand, it's very powerful."

Siena on the ground reached out and gently pulled her trousers.

He remembered that the pair of white masks gave him a sense of fear that was irresistible and enough to make people fatal.

"...You have to be careful, people around you."

Without the protection of the Holy Light, Siena was also extremely injured, angrily reminded him, and fainted.

"Uncle Siena!"

In front of the warehouse, Mochizuki Ayano Yu brought Pear Flower, and fell helplessly in the flesh and blood.



In the darkness, a heart was beating vigorously.

Excessive heartbeat, even people can hear the sound of blood rushing and flowing at high speed in it.


A man was awakened by the sound of his heartbeat.

He slowly opened his eyes...This is a dark basement.

And he himself, lying naked, lying on the shabby sofa.

In the empty basement, there was only one old computer, and the screen was faintly glowing.

The smell of blood was floating in the air.

"Is this... hell?"

"Sorry, in the standard sense, this is not hell... but a world that is even uglier than hell."

A man answered his question in a jerky Japanese and enthusiastic tone.

"It deserves to be the Assamite blood clan who claims to be immortal and stronger as they die. They woke up earlier than I expected..."

However, no one exists in the direction of the sound.

"...Who is it, pretending to be a ghost..."

The man on the sofa appeared at the source of the sound at a spooky speed, and punched there fiercely.

But this punch was completely empty.

"In Aesop's Fables, there is a story called The Farmer and the Snake... It took me a lot of effort to collect enough flesh and blood sacrifices to make Higashino-kun who only has a heart left."

Hearing his words, the man's face gradually showed bitterness.

The chaotic scenes of memories flooded my mind.

Before his death, Kazuo Tento twisted his painful expression, dug out his heart with his own hands, and leaped towards the relief of the crusher...

And, the cry of Zongsuke and Ryoma.

That's right, the man who woke up in the basement was the same Higashino Yuppei who even the police had confirmed that he was "torn to pieces".

"Only one heart? Flesh sacrifice?"

After clearing his thoughts, remembering a word in the other party's words, Higashino Yukihei turned his head and looked towards the corner of the basement with a bad feeling.

There, piled up hills of gravel.

This person should have used any method to intercept his heart before he fell into the pulverizer.

However, even the Asamites cannot heal themselves out of thin air, they need to consume a lot of blood.

"Don't worry, I just bought a few wild boars, and I won't go out to catch a living blood sacrifice. Doing that will cause trouble for myself... But when I was transferring my heart, I was almost seen by your interesting friend. It’s really an accident that the phase shape of the man is."

The sound in the air dispelled his worries.

"Who are you? Why stop me?"

Koping Higashino's eyes drooped, and he said indifferently.

"You should know that no matter how many times you stop me, I will go down to reunite with Lizi..."

He has gotten revenge. He has become a man, a ghost, and a ghost.

This person deliberately saved himself, presumably not at ease.

"Hey, I just can't bear to see the last Assamite blood clan in this world. I committed suicide because of this boring thing..."

In the darkness, the space gradually distorted and turned into a human form, sitting leisurely on the chair in front of the old computer.

"Moreover, your suicide method is wrong. The Assamite blood clan is a difficult guy who can resurrect only the flesh and blood residue of the heart... If you really want to commit suicide, you should..."

This is a man with blond hair, blue eyes, ponytails and a stubborn face.

He seemed to be too talkative, and he started to talk about "the correct suicide gesture of the Asamite blood".

"You are……"

Seeing the man's face clearly, Higashino's eyes narrowed.

Without warning, he appeared in front of the opponent and grabbed the man's neck.

Compared with before, his movements are more sensitive and agile.

"...I remember you, you are that reporter... boring things? What do you know..."

This man was the foreign journalist who was punched by him because he didn't know what to do on the rainy night when he lost Lizi.

"Yes, NHK International Channel reporter Chateau Nord is one of my identities... You can also treat me as a bystander and trader who is curious about everything in this world."

Being held up high by him, the man's expression was still calm, but his face was a little red from suffocation.

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers: "Sorry, I remember you just said, reunion?"


A woman's voice came from behind, making Higashino's whole body stiff.

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