I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 319 Moon Shadow Thousand Grass's Holy War

The reason why the ancient principle sand was stared at by this wretched resentful spirit had to start a week ago.

A week ago, on her way to school early in the morning, she witnessed the police converging on an office worker who died by hanging on the side of the road in the middle of the night.

For Japan, where the suicide rate remains high, the outdated method of hanging suicide by such social animals due to pressures from life, work, feelings, or certain dysfunctions is simply a trivial matter that is too lazy to report in the middle of the newspaper.

However, it is different for the ancient principle sand who was able to "see" certain things more clearly after experiencing the "Hell Apartment" incident.

On the way to school a few days later, she "saw" the office worker again.

The other party's spirit body was still standing under the hanging tree.

As long as you don't touch and try to avoid this kind of spirit body that is tied to the death point, it won't cause any bad things.

Perhaps it was because of the physique of the ancient principle sand, or it was because of apology that he looked at each other in the crowd more, or it was because of the gentleman's obsession with the girl in the soul...

The spiritual body of this office worker actually followed her sluggishly and far away this morning.

Since I knew that Mayumi Little Bird had something important recently and could not accompany him to participate in the activities, relying on the ancient principle sand with talisman paper on his body and carelessly, I decided to ignore the resentful spirit for the time being, and first come to participate in the annual "" Jihad".

After all, the other party just followed him at a distance. This kind of spirit body without the terrible "black aura" on its body would disperse on its own after the "first seven".

However, just now, she suddenly discovered that this office worker's spiritual body squeezed in the crowd, did not know when there was a ray of black aura lingering.

Looking at her, the office worker with his chin up to the sky stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips, revealing a weird smile, his head turned 3600 degrees excitedly like an electric fan...

To the effect, when did it become a resentful spirit?

"Sorry, guys... I need to take a break..."

After finally getting out of the "siege", Gu Lisha put one hand on his chest and walked towards the toilet.

"Sure enough to keep up..."

The resentful spirit of the office worker, whose head was still spinning like a fan, fluttered his long tongue like a bamboo dragonfly, and hung his face far behind her with ecstasy.

"Now call Mayumi, it should be too late..."

Ancient Principle Sha stretched his hand into his unfathomable gully and continued to explore...

The exorcism guard given to her by Yutou Mayumi, she always wears it around her neck without leaving her body.

She was going to lead this resentful spirit to the toilet, trying to get rid of it with the defensive guard.

"Wait... oh..."

The feeling of empty hand made her footsteps stiff.

Since it was in broad daylight and the place was crowded with people, in order to ensure the effect of COSPLAY, when changing clothes before, I seemed to put the guard in the locker in the dressing room.

Seeing that the resentful spirit behind him passed through the flow of people and approached more and more quickly, the ancient principle Sha, who was blocked at the toilet door, felt cold.

"How to do……"

At the same time, a thin man wearing a painter's hat and glasses casually stopped between her and the resentful spirit.

As the sun spilled from the corridor, the old man's shadow under the feet of the man suddenly transformed into the shape of several tentacles, and it was a crazy beating at the resentful spirit...

"Oh ha ha ha..."

Under the unprepared "spur", the resentful spirit's head turned high like a fan, with an expression of inexplicable joy, turned into black smoke and dispersed.


"Ugh, hahaha... Miscellaneous resentful spirit, dare to stand in front of this seat..."

After eliminating the resentful spirit that suddenly "blocked the way", Moon Shadow Qiancao walked towards the outside of the venue without changing her face and laughing like a child who had just tried a new toy.

"I haven't had the opportunity to test the attack mode of "Shadow Power". It seems to be quite strong. In the future, my uncle will never be afraid to go to the convenience store at night..."

Although it has been criticized by a certain reader "anticlimactic", this can't conceal the fact that his books were sold out before [BEEP...] Village Dairy on the first day.

This one-year "jihad" of preparation has ended, and he can leave without regrets as an emperor and join the next real "jihad".

"Ah... this gentleman, please wait a moment..."

Behind him, there was a pleasant female voice.

With thoughts such as "Why would a woman call me", "I must be calling someone else", "Come and die", Yueying Qiancao kept walking outside.

Immediately, someone patted him on the shoulder.

Looking back, standing in front of Yuekage Qiancao was a blonde girl wearing a white dress, protruding ears and angel wings.


Looking at the girl's dress in front of her, Yueying Qiancao called out with a broken voice.

The girl in front of COS is the robot heroine in an anime he has loved for many years.

This is the true love character that he still can't bear to paint in the heavy taste series of "Weird Mud Wrestling".

"Huh...huh...that's right, it's Yijiang. Now many A Zhai don't know each other."

It seemed that she was walking too quickly with the heavy wings on her back. At this moment, the girl was still panting with her hands on her knees.

"So... you are confessing the wrong person..."

The dazzling scenery in the white low-cut dress was blinding enough to make Lukage Qiancao's face flushed and turned away.

"No... I didn't admit my mistake..."

After calming his breath, the girl in front of her bowed deeply to him sincerely.

"Thank you for helping me solve the resentful spirit. I didn't know what to do at the time..."

"So, everything is revealed as soon as I bow! Wait...No, the resentful spirit? What are you talking about..."

Moon Shadow Qiancao vomited halfway through embarrassingly, and his complexion immediately turned pale.

Impossible, whether the power of the shadow or the resentful spirit, how ordinary people can see it.

"...You...you can see it? No, I mean, you must have read something wrong...it's not right. Anyway, think of a way to silence your mouth first..."

If ordinary people can see it, wouldn't it be the performance of "Resentful Spirit SM" just now in full view of everyone...

"I know, you must be a clever spirit remover... Don't worry, I know the "People's Confidentiality Regulations", I won't tell others..."

Looking at Yueying Qiancao with a panicked look, the "Yijiang" in front of him chuckled and gave him an "I understand" look.

"Except... the spirit remover? Cough... Yes, I am the spirit remover..."

Seizing the life-saving straw, Yuekage Chikusa immediately "confessed" his identity

"I know... so, at least please give me a chance to express my gratitude!"

"Thanks...thank you?! How...how do you..."

Looking at "Yi-chan" with his hands folded behind his back and his chest high, Yueying Qiancao only felt that her nose was starting to itch.

If there really are angels in this world, just take it for granted.

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