I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 320: The Holy War of Moon Shadow Thousand Grasses【Wu】

"So, Miss Guyuan was born to see these things?"

In an anime cafe not far from the venue, Tsukage Chikusa lowered his head and stirred the ice cubes in the Coke cup with a straw.

"That's right, I can only feel the existence of something faintly at first..."

Sitting on the opposite side, on the grounds of "at least let me invite you to eat dessert as a reward for gratitude", after forcibly pulling him to this store, he took care of the ancient principles of sand that he started to eat.

"After experiencing a very scary event, I gradually see more and more clearly..."

At this moment, she has changed back to a high school student uniform full of energetic girlish style.

"Unfortunately, even if you are entangled, you can't complain to your parents and classmates, only Mayumi..."

After all, with a pair of wings, you can’t sit down and taste the latest "Flower Cheese Cat's Claw Cake."

"Ahahaha, then Miss Guyuan is really strong..."

Looking at the woman who almost lost her resentful tongue not long ago, but is now full of energy and eating cake, Yueying Qiancao touched her head and smiled empathetically, but her eyes under the frame became deep.

From when did I start to be able to see it.

It should be, from the day I got that old laptop...


three years ago.

"My man is Yanagida, I would like you to come so far. If it weren't for the police contact, I didn't know that Dean Qingren actually had such a big son..."

In the dilapidated orphanage, a middle-aged man eagerly led Yuekage Qiancao into the room on the third floor.

"Huh, no one would call a strange man he has never seen in his entire life as a father..."

Seeing Yanagida kneeling and sitting on the tatami, Yuekage Qiancao didn't take a seat, but snorted coldly.

"...Take it out, the document you mentioned, I'll leave after signing it."

A few days ago, it was this man named Yanagida who contacted him through the police and asked him to sign a "Death Confirmation" as the only immediate family member.

The "confirmed object" of this "Death Confirmation" is the father of Yuekage Chikusa who has not seen since birth, Yuekage Qingren.

"So, this guy has been hiding in this small room of the orphanage for more than 20 years?"

After sighing, Moon Shadow Qiancao finally sat down and looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

With curiosity about his own life experience and can't help the other party's sincere light, hesitated again and again, he still chose to come over.

In the small and shabby tatami room, in addition to the basic living furniture, there are only a few bookshelves filled with books. It can be seen that the owner was very poor before his death, but he was a book lover.

"Although, without knowing it, I am not qualified to express any opinions, but Dean Haruhito is really an important existence like the sun for our'Little Daisy Welfare Institute'..."

Yanagida took out a document from the drawer and placed it on the low table, wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, and sighed to look at the shrine to the side.

"In the past few years, he has not only donated all his contributions and property to the orphanage, but he also worked hard for the children to the last moment of their lives..."

Following Yanagida's gaze, Tsukage Chikusa looked at the photo on the shrine in a daze.

It was a ***, a middle-aged man with a gentle smile on his face that looked gentle and full of scroll.

"Too...yang?! Hey...hehehe...you...irresponsible scum!!!"

Looking at the facial features in the black and white photo that seemed to be familiar to him, Yueying Qiancao's eyes flashed fiercely like a wounded beast, and she pointed at the man in the photo and started cursing.

When he was a child, he often imagined before going to bed what it would be like to see his father, whom he had never met, for the first time.

Perhaps, he was sent by an agency beginning with the letter D to perform top-secret missions around the world, so he could not return home every night like his classmates' father.

Perhaps he lost his memory because of a brain tumor. One day, he will come to this familiar neighborhood by mistake, and take the hands of their mother and son again, and find the lost memories together.

Or perhaps, he has already died and has become a powerful existence in the corpse soul world, planning to defect from the virtual circle someday in the future and come to this world to put on a mask that cuts off cause and effect for himself.

As he grows older, his naive delusions burst like a bubble, but occasionally he still cannot bear his curiosity about his father.

After the death of his mother, this ignorant thought gradually turned into hatred.

But he never thought that the first time he saw the image of his father was through the black and white photos in front of the Buddhist altar.

What’s more unexpected is that in the past twenty years, this man has lived in a place that he can reach within four hours by the Shinkansen. Life.

"Mr Moon Shadow, please don't get excited...Perhaps, there are hidden feelings and misunderstandings in this..."

"Hidden? Misunderstanding?"

Moon Shadow Qiancao fell weakly, his hands slammed on the low table severely.

"What reasonable secrets and misunderstandings would make a father do his best in a dilapidated orphanage, but instead make his child a true orphan?!"

"For so many years, not to mention visits, not even a letter or a phone call!!"

"...As a result, the first and last meeting, actually asked me to sign this broken character for him?!"

"If he didn't abandon us... If someone was at home that day... Mom wouldn't..."

Big tears dripped on the tatami, and then dissipated like waves on the beach.


Yanagida opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he could only gently pat the boy's thin back.

After a long while, she seemed to calm down, Yueying Qiancao wiped the corners of her eyes, picked up the pen on the table, and signed her name on the document.

In the quiet room, only the sound of the signature pen "swish" could be heard.

"...This way, it's all right."

After signing, Moon Shadow Chikusa got up and prepared to leave.

But his sight was fixed on the penultimate floor of the huge bookshelf in front of him.

There was a black and old suitcase.

In one corner of the box, the words "Emi Sato" are engraved.

It should be the name of the owner of the box.

"This is……"

Moon Shadow Qiancao couldn't help but reached out and took down the box.

"... This bastard who dare not even come back... even has the face to keep other people's things..."

Although Sato is the largest surname in Japan...

But Sato Emi is the name before his mother changed her name to "Tsukikage Emi" after his marriage.

Over the years, although his mother never talked about the man in front of him, she never changed her surname back. It can be seen that she still has an inescapable thought about that man.

Until she died, she was thinking of the man who was missing.

"This is, mom's stuff... I want to take this box away..."

Moon Shadow Chikusa turned around and looked at Yanagida aside firmly: "This man who has never fulfilled the duties of a husband and father for a day is not qualified to keep this thing!"

"Although the dean has explained that he must let Mr. Araki take the time to come back and organize the things on these bookshelves, but..."

Hearing his request, Yanagida looked embarrassed, and after frowning, he nodded.

"...If this makes you feel less hateful towards Dean Haruto, then please."

After all, for the son that Dean Qingren had never met, he was also full of apology and affection.

Although he doesn't know the pain of Dean Qingren's abandonment of his wife and children, it is an indisputable fact that he dedicated his life and all his inheritance to the orphanage.

As the only heir to the law, the young man in front of him would be too inhumane if he didn't even want to let the other party take away some of the sundries.

"Don't worry, I don't have any idle time to waste my precious life and hate a stranger who has died."

Seeing the other party's approval, Yueying Qiancao took a deep breath, lifted the box, and turned away without hesitation.

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