"Ji Xiang..."

The entire parking lot was silent, and the man could only be heard sobbing on the ground.

Time seems to be still at this moment.

On the steps, Araki Sosuke, who didn't say a word from start to finish, remained frozen in place with his hand and head touching his head, watching what was happening in front of him.

His face was constantly surging with black runes like tadpoles.

In the depths of the pupil, there seemed to be a group of incandescent flames burning, smashing the rune into dark red sparks angrily, but it was still unable to break through the shackles of the endless black runes gushing out.

After a while, the chunky uncle stopped sobbing and climbed up from the ground with difficulty.

"No matter who you are...Thank you, I can finally explain to my wife..."

He bowed deeply at Sosuke Araki who was sitting on the steps, with a happy smile on his raised face.

Immediately, he turned around in despair and walked out of the parking lot gate.

After a long time, the white flame in Araki Sosuke's eyes went out again.

Those black runes also slowly faded like a tide.

"Sneez!! Am I sitting here and fell asleep?"

He touched his nose and looked at the empty parking lot like he was waking up from a dream.

"When is this... after all, what happened?"

Slowly stepping forward, he looked down at the white pocket in the center of the parking lot and the sacrificial supplies scattered on the ground, with a complex expression on his face.

This long-lost sense of asymmetry of "forgetting important things" has not appeared for a long time since he "healed from the second illness".


43 hours before "Hell's Gate" appeared.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ~, things too much, forgot to arrange this matter up ......"

In the office of Lesson Nine, Mochizuki Ayano was holding her hair and looking distressedly at an investigation report handed over by Takeshi Iwata.

Because of all kinds of cases, she was overly busy, and she didn't even have time to take care of her silky blonde hair.

"So, the license plate registrant Natsume Juto, whom Tamiya-kun secretly investigated before, only admitted to the crime of'illegal modification of a motor vehicle', and denied all other charges, right..."

"Yes, the target is only a bad high school student, and the psychological defense is quite weak, so I will explain all the illegal activities in the week. However, in order to confirm the authenticity of the information, we still follow the process to write the phone book Interrogation methods such as squeezing hammer, electric shock stick foot bath, suffocating mask, etc. took turns..."

Iwata looked at the interrogation record in his hand and reported it blankly.

"Furthermore, according to the alibi obtained by the traffic monitoring system, it is basically confirmed that his locomotive was decked out..."

"...I see, this investigation will stop here. I have been working hard during this time, Iwata Takekun, let's get off work today."

While talking, Mochizuki Ayano took out a laptop from under the desk and opened it.

"Okay, class manager, you have almost never returned home during this period, so please take a break."

Iwata bowed slightly, and when he left the office, Mochizuki Ayano's voice rang in his ear again: "By the way, this matter involves Tamiya-kun's privacy and reputation. Please keep it secret."

After Iwata nodded and gently brought the door to leave, Mochizuki Ayano stuffed the investigation report into the paper shredder, then held his chin, looking at the data in the laptop, lost in thought.

Inside that computer, it was the private investigation data left by the deceased information team agent Seiyu Tamiya.

Tamiya-kun’s private investigation involved some website intrusions and the abuse of Class Nine authority, which was strictly against the regulations.

Out of respect for the sacrificed agent, Mochizuki Ayano never reported it, but asked Iwata to secretly check.

According to her combing, Tamiya-kun, as the ninth class agent, naturally knows the existence of "spirit".

Therefore, how to deal with the deceased second son "Ryogo" hovering beside the eldest son should also be quite distressing.

From the time of farming, there has been a saying in Japanese folklore that children who died before their parents had no time to accumulate enough "benefits", and at the same time they had to bear the charge of "unfilial piety" that made their parents sad and sad, so they would be trapped in three. There will never be a day of liberation on the way.

According to legend, the passing Ksitigarbhas took pity on these children and hid them in their cuffs and brought them to the other side of the Santuo River, allowing them to become Buddhas and re-enter the cycle of reincarnation.

Therefore, the parents will carve simple Ksitigarbha statues for the children who have died, and then tie their clothes as cloaks and hoods to the stone statues, hoping that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva can protect their dead children and extradite them to become Buddhas. .

Therefore, in Japan, rows of cute "little Jizo" statues with round heads, round brains and red hoods can be seen everywhere, and they have even become a unique folk landscape.

As everyone knows, behind every Ksitigarbha statue is a child who died young.

Based on the principle of "obsession keeps the spirit body" in the human world and the summary of years of practical experience in the spirit removal, the Association of Soul Eliminators really binds these naive, ignorant and weak children's spirit bodies to the world and cannot be freed...

I am afraid, it is the obsession that comes from the "grief" of the parents.

When Tamiya-kun encountered such a situation and did not know what to do, the spirit body of the second son "Ryogo" was "expelled" by a passing knight.

This naturally made him unable to ignore and investigate.

As the pictures in the computer switched, I flipped to a screenshot of the driving recorder.

On the screenshot, it is the back of a black heavy locomotive that is going away.

Hanging at the rear of the car was a license plate belonging to the high school student Natsume Kikuto.

Looking at the exaggerated appearance of that locomotive, it was no different from the one that Mochizuki Ayano remembered that he had seen in front of Yoyogi's apartment that day.

Ghost Rider.

This should be the picture taken by Mrs. Tamiya's dash cam on the day when "Ryogo" was "expelled".

"Sure enough..."

At this point, the cause and effect of the whole thing are no different from what Mochizuki Ayano had previously guessed.

In order to pretend to be a ghost rider, Fujiwara Takumi puts on the license plate of a high school student named Natsume Kikuto.

And his secretly removing spirits caused the unknowing Tamiya-kun's investigation.

This is also the reason why she has been keeping secrets about this investigation, in line with the original intention of maintaining the secrets of Fujiwara Takumi and Tamiya-kun, and only conducts basic information verification.

However, in the last folder, a bunch of messy materials that Tamiya-kun had not had time to sort out before his death made Mochizuki Ayano's face changed slightly and he looked at it intently...

That seems to be part of the information obtained by Tamiya-kun invading the backstage of the Qianguan distribution website.

The creation date of the folder is the day before the start of "Sako Capture Operation".

The first file in the folder is a linkage poster with Ghost Rider.

"Ghost Rider X out of the front building ~ the messenger of justice escorted home."

"So... Fujiwara Takumi's clothes and motorcycles were obtained from Deqiankan?"

The second document is a screenshot of the employee information at the back-end of the delivery station in the front hall.

"Out of the front hall Ikebukuro distribution station...delivery employee number 9527...name..."


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