"How come there is him everywhere!!! Could it be..."

Seeing the name on the profile and the terribly smelly face on the employee ID, a terrible thought suddenly appeared, and Mochizuki Ayano was so scared that Mochizuki Ayano directly overturned the laptop in front of him.

"Ahahahaha, what was I thinking at that moment...Takumi Fujiwara is a ghost rider thing, but I have confirmed with Tokimoto-sensei with our own eyes..."

With a dry smile, he calmed down, and Mochizuki Ayano picked up the laptop with strong quality and continued to check it.

"That guy works everywhere, and it's normal to deliver food... The clothes and motorcycles used by Fujiwara Takumi should happen to have been bought by Sosuke Araki."

The third file is a screenshot of the back-end order.

"This...this is..."

Goods: Xuxuyuan "Youxuan" Roasted Pork Bento*3

Distribution employee number: 9527

Location: Room 604, Ikebukuro Royal Kobo Apartment

Consignee: Ms. Gu Yuan

The customer at the bottom is five-star praise, and there is a stiff selfie with "V" with the look of the rest of the life after the sand catastrophe with the little bird Yu Mayumi and the ancient principle.

On the sofa in the corner of the photo, a blonde girl wearing a tactical helmet is asleep with an iron face.

And the date is exactly the night of the "Hell Apartment" operation.

"Calm down, it's too early to judge. Mochizuki Ayano, 16 years old, head of Section 9..."

Looking at this memorable photo, Mochizuki Ayano's brain is like a CPU with more than 100% occupancy rate, and his forehead is heating up frantically.

The most sensible and most likely conclusion is that Fujiwara Takumi, a powerful spirit remover who is not short of money, bought the wage earner Sosuke Araki as a cover, replaced the other party to the hell apartment to remove the spirit, and handed it to him. This order is for takeaway.

However, there is a voice in my heart telling her that if the truth is another conclusion, many mysteries that have plagued me in the past may be able to be explained...

Breathing stagnated for ten seconds, she called the agent on duty in the information team.

"Invade the backstage of the Qianguan distribution station, I want all the distribution records and path trajectory of this job number!!!"

As a delivery website, the front office will naturally monitor the location of each delivery person in real time through the APP backend to ensure accurate order dispatch and monitoring of delivery progress.

All you need to do is to obtain this information, and then cooperate with traffic cameras for big data analysis, and you will soon know who is swimming naked after the low tide.

Soon, the agent in front of Mochizuki Ayano opened the backstage page of the front hall.

"Class leader..."

But as he frantically tapped the keyboard, the agent's forehead began to sweat.

"How about it, are there any results? It shouldn't be difficult to extract this information..."

"Sorry, section manager, the data record of this job number in the backstage of the front library was completely erased from the bottom of the server by means of quite superb means. We retrieved previous backup data packages and tried hard disk fragmentation repairs. , Can't be restored..."

"That's it... If it is a thoughtful and powerful man like Fujiwara Takumi, he will naturally stop this flaw first..."

Seeing this result, Mochizuki Ayano was relieved.

It's impossible for a guy like Sosuke Araki to think about it, and it's impossible to do this.

After hesitating, she took out the phone and dialed a certain number.

Rather than having a lot of thoughts here, it's better to ask a person to come over to inquire and confirm it face-to-face.

After all, a delivery person (former) who leaves the front hall Ikebukuro delivery station with job number 9527 is currently in the "bail period" that must cooperate with the investigation at any time.

Besides, the guy was able to be released on bail early, but he owed himself a favor.

If you don’t identify this problem, you’ve been suffering from insomnia tonight 100% of yourself, who is already mentally anxious.

"Hey, Araki-kun, I have something to ask you to come over to confirm... You are already asleep? You are hungry without dinner, you must have supper, and Ichiran ramen with meat, noodles and jade are coming here? Could you please face it? How are your current status and situation!!"

Just as Mochizuki Ayano hung up and opened the Qianguan APP to prepare for a supper, Iwata, who had already got off work, rushed in.

"Class...Chairman, there is a major breakthrough in the case of the apartment in front of Tibet..."


After half an hour.

Shibuya Police Station, Section 9 Information Room.

"Oishi Kenta, why did he suddenly think of surrendering?"

Iwata was sitting in the inquiry room with one-way glass, furrowing his brows and looking at the photo in his hand.

"...Because I have no meaning to continue."

Sitting across from Iwata Takeshi was a short, fat middle-aged man with a serious face.

The man's hair was neatly trimmed, and he wore a good-quality suit and tie. He looked like a social elite working in a large company.

Even if it was Sosuke Araki here, if he didn't tell him, he would never recognize that this person was the wretched voyeur uncle who lives opposite to him 103.

Two hours ago, Kenta Oishi, a resident of Room 103 in the Tibetan apartment, suddenly brought a large amount of information to the Taitung District Police Station and surrendered.

Due to the complexity of the case, which involved hundreds of intentional homicides, and the reason for the murder was related to the apartment in front of Tibet, he was transferred to the ninth lesson.

In the pile of photos in Takeshi Iwata's hands, there are more than 120 dead tramps.

According to Oishi Kenta's account, these people were personally killed by him during the past five years.

And these photos were taken after the attack, washed and stored in a dark room secretly rented outside the apartment.

In order to avoid forgetting, he even carefully remarked the details of the time, place, and method of the attack behind the photo.

It seems that he is well prepared for the day when he comes first.

After preliminary confirmation by the Metropolitan Police Department, these photos are basically consistent with the information on some of the deaths of homeless people recorded in the past five years.

"Just ask him why."

In the room separated from the inquiry room, Mochizuki Ayano, who was checking the interior through the one-way glass, gave instructions to Takeshi Iwata through the headset.

"Oishi Kenta, the reason you killed these homeless people, please say it again."

"All of this must start with my own cleverness..."

Oishi Kenta nodded, and began to speak earnestly, as if he was a clerk giving an inauguration speech.

"Five years ago, after the shocking'exchange murder' incident, I reported the mentality of'psychologically flawed property investment' and bought the house with a loan..."

"After all, that price cannot be rejected for me, who cannot afford the normal house price and wants to provide my wife and newborn daughter with a house of my own, a high-quality education circle and a living environment."

His eyes narrowed slightly, seeming to remember the happy life of a family of three in the rental room.

"But what I didn't expect is that although most of the residents have already died...but the game of'exchange killing' is still going on in another form..."

Pain and regret gradually swallowed the fleeting happiness on Oishi Kenta's face.

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