I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 328: The Walking Dead

"The first time, when I received the note that'it's your turn', I thought it was a kid who borrowed that rumor to prank... Until I lost Saori, I didn't know that those neighbors were not kidding me. of……"

In the interrogation room, Oishi Kenta's eyes grew dim under the spotlight.

"Neighbors? Are you referring to the residents of the apartment in front of Tibet?"

Listening to the other party's narration, Takeshi Iwata couldn't help but interject.

"Yes, that's the neighbors who are obviously dead, but are still pestering us, seeming to draw more and more people into that game!"

"Why not move away?"

"Moving away, is it useful? We moved out when Saori was entangled and tortured by those ‘neighbors’. I even reported to the police station and visited a lot of ‘superior’ practices..."

Oishi Kentai shook his head gently, showing a self-deprecating smile.

"It's no use doing anything, and no one believes in us. It will only be treated as a lunatic. No matter where we are, those'neighbors' will still come to the door endlessly and open a'welcome party' for us... Zaozhi After passing away, I received the note again... After moving and resisting many times, Ji Xiang still left me..."

The terrifying experience revealed in his plain words shocked everyone in the room.

"Shortly after the complete loss of Saori and Norika, I received that note again... I know, this time, it's my turn! Since those'neighbors' want me to kill strangers, then I will As they wish..."

As he told the story, Oishi Kenta's expression gradually distorted and became mad: "After killing a homeless man, those'neighbors' didn't find me for the time being...so, after that, I just moved back..."

"Yes, I didn't expect it, I moved back...Even if my hands were stained with blood and finally accepted legal sanctions, I want to figure out what these ‘neighbors’ want..."

Looking at Oishi Kenta who kept talking like venting, Ayano Mochizuki and Takeshi Iwata felt their backs tingling.

Oishi Kenta, who inadvertently mastered the weird rules of "exchange and murder" in the apartment in front of Tibet because of murder, was so cruel to others and himself.

"...It turns out that I was right when I went back."

At this point, Oishi Kenta showed a sick smile on his face.


"Because everyone is back..."


"That's right... The neighbors who died because they didn't execute the'exchange killing game' all returned to their own rooms and lived as usual at night...Occasionally, they would become extremely fierce and not obey the game. The tenants of the'rules' hold a'welcome party'."

Oishi Kenta used a feelingless voice to describe his horrifying life experience during the five years.

"The most important thing is... Although I don't know where Saori has gone, at least Jixiang is back... She appeared in our house and lived a happy life with me..."

"So, you just watched every tenant and were killed as a result? When our people came to you to find out about the situation, didn't you think about asking for help?"

Hearing this, Takeshi Iwata couldn't help but ask with a low growl.

According to the incomplete statistics in Lesson 9, there are as many as dozens of residents who have died in the apartment in front of Tibet because of the low rent.

However, due to the intervention of the consortium, the complicated cause of death, the different locations of death, the failure to detect grievances, and other reasons, although Lesson 9 sent people to investigate, the apartment building was not closed because there was no evidence.

"Hehehehe, I told you, can Jixiang and Hayao survive?! What do those people do to me when they die? When we needed help, who cared about our family? Besides, every time we just Someone dies because of the'Orientation Party', and I will be'bye' for a while."

"The only purpose for me to live is to stay with Ji Xiang to prevent her from going out and becoming the same monster as the ‘neighbor’ upstairs..."

Oda Kenta told the cruel facts indifferently, and suddenly began to think like crazy: "Jixiang is different, Jixiang can still save, Jixiang has not killed anyone, nor does he have that gloomy feeling... "

It seems that he was deeply guilty for failing to protect his daughter before her death.

"Since I brought her into this world as a father, even after her death, I have to do my duty to protect her!"

Listening to Oishi Kenta's description, Mochizuki Aya was thoughtful.

Could it be that this man killed countless people and lived with the spirit body for a long time in a place where grievances were gathered, thus turning on a light spiritual sense, so he could distinguish the grievances in the spirit body?

According to Oda Kenta, as the number of tenants continued to decrease, for a long time, he even became the only occupant of the apartment in front of Tibet.

"...Until, I don't know when, Miss Sawada moved in."

"Miss Sawada?"

"I don't know what her name is, that's the nickname I gave her without authorization... She always wears a white mask, goes out at night, and comes back close to early morning... I can feel her through the door, A stronger gloom and faint smell of blood than those'neighbors'..."

Oda Kenta's complexion became paler for some reason, and the fine sweat on his forehead became more and more.

Hearing his words, Mochizuki Ayano gently squeezed the hem of the skirt tightly.

She, who had visited the apartment in front of Tibet at night, naturally heard who the woman was called "Miss Sawada" by Oda Kenta.

Rip female.

"After talking for so long, you still haven't explained why you suddenly surrendered."

Takeshi Iwata, at the side of the interrogation room, tried to guide the problem back to the original place.

"I have already said it, because I have no meaning to continue..."

With the frantic roar, a puff of blood flowed from the corner of Oda Kenta's mouth.

"Thanks to that guy, I sent Ji Xiang away..."

But there was a happy smile on his face.

"No, Oda Kenta may have taken poison in advance before surrendering!!!"

Realizing something, several agents rushed in and took out first aid kits to wash his stomach.

"You don't have to waste any effort. I took the wax pill in advance, and it contained the same cyanide that the tramp wore... I want to experience their dying pain."

Oishi Kenta wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, calmly stopped the actions of several agents, and continued his description.

"Since that guy came, everything has changed..."

A drop of sweat gradually appeared on his pale face because of pain.

"The'neighbors' upstairs disappeared one by one, and there was no movement in the apartment at night... After that, I did not receive any more notes. It seems that the'exchanging murder game' has also stopped... Later, even Zetian Miss has never appeared again..."

"Who is that guy? Or, what is it?!"

Hearing his words, Iwata Takeshi and Mochizuki Ayano looked dark.

Could it be that after the Gap Girl, is there any unknown weirdness who settled in that apartment and swallowed those resentful spirits?

"It doesn't matter who that guy is... What's important is that there is another terrible thing, which is there from beginning to end..."

Oda Kenta, who was sluggish, didn't seem to hear their question. He vomited a big mouthful of blood again, and threw himself directly on the table, feeling like a gossamer: "...you have to be careful...that door..."

"That door?"

Takeshi Iwata hurried forward and pressed his ear to the opponent's mouth, trying to hear every word he said.

"I don't know... what the door that suddenly appeared means. Ji Xiang said, behind the door is another world..."

"... Jixiang, Saori, sorry, I've been waiting for a long time."

Whispering in a low voice, Oda Kenta closed his eyes with a relieved expression.

On the day his wife and daughter left, he had already died, and what was left was just a walking dead body.

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