I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 329 This drop is the supreme joy

"Oishi Kenta..."

In the interrogation room, Takeshi Iwata checked Oda Kenta's physical signs, and shook his head against the one-way glass with a pale face.

"'That guy','that door'... What secrets are still hidden in the apartment in front of Tibet?"

Looking at Oda Kenta who died with a relieved smile, Mochizuki Ayano only felt a chill in her back.

That pale and dilapidated apartment, at this moment in her heart, had become as terrible as hell.

"Chairman, Sosuke Araki has been waiting for more than an hour in the reception room next door, and complained several times in the middle."

"Araki Sosuke..."

When Oda Kenta's body was carried away on a stretcher, Mochizuki Ayano remembered that he seemed to have an appointment.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard, let's take a rest today."

After arranging the finishing work, she rubbed her brows and walked towards the reception room at the end of the corridor.

Standing in front of the reception room, Mochizuki Ayano's hand froze, and a complex expression appeared on his face.

Oishi Kenta's experience still impacts her heart, leaving her brain blank.

Although it was for the "Ghost Rider" matter, privately called someone over to confirm the situation "informally"...

However, after Oishi Kenta's death, the man in the reception room has officially become the only occupant of the apartment in front of Tibet, which is also the only clue.

He who lives in a safe and sound state so far is because he moved in just after the "Swap and Murder Game" stopped, or he is also the same as Oishi Kenta...

Ghost Rider, Kuramae Apartment, Port of Nagoya, Minami Honmoku Wharf...

The unfinished details and unsolved mysteries of a pile of incidents flooded her heart in a chaotic manner, as if to put a confusing mask on Araki Sosuke.

What role does this guy play in it.

The inner reason told Mochizuki Ayano that he should immediately cancel Araki Sosuke’s bail, put him in the interrogation room again, and conduct a sly investigation.

However, after hesitating again and again, she still chose to open the door and chat with the other party first.

Although this low-level guy has various shortcomings, only Mochizuki Ayano can be sure.

He is definitely not a bad guy.

"Araki...I have something..."

There was no figure of Sosuke Araki in the empty reception room.

"...Where is the person?!"

On the table, Ichiran ramen for two people sent out from the front hall has been emptied, and only two empty bowls with "この一滴が高之喜びです (this drop is the supreme joy)" are left. end.

"Damn it, dare to even have my ramen noodles... No, it's careless, did this guy find out that the East Window incident had gone away? He should have gone to Yokohama Port to smuggle to Somalia by now, I really shouldn't believe him... …"

While thinking about it, feeling that his cheap trust in Sosuke Araki was broken, Mochizuki Ayano returned to the corridor and looked around.

In the silent night, after most of the agents got off work, the corridor of Lesson 9 was dark and silent, and only a few offices were still lit.

However, for Mochizuki Ayano, who often works overtime late at night, such a scene is as familiar as his own home.

Just when Mochizuki Ayano hesitated whether to call that guy first or issue a wanted order directly, a breeze blew in from the crack of the door.

"Jiaxin has the wind and the famous Sickle Itachi..."

Blowing the hoarse ballad, the invisible breeze rushed through the corridor and rushed towards Mochizuki Ayano who was looking around.

"...There are three knives in the wind."

Feeling the flow of air and the unknown killing intent, Mochizuki Ayano turned her head instinctively...

In the picture read from "Memory", a man wearing a black robe and a mask is holding a pair of knives and rushing towards him from a short distance in the corridor.

This is surprisingly the black-robed man who once attacked himself on the dock.

The other party's face was wearing the pair of white masks that she had been investigating recently.

Complaint, [the mask of the slit woman].

"……It's you!"

The golden flames condensed with pupil power exploded not far in front of Mochizuki Ayano.

【Hundred Eyes Eye Surgery·Inflammation】

Unexpectedly, the other party actually stared at him in turn, bold enough to go directly to the police station to launch an attack.

According to the "remnant phase" that the man had left in his memory, Mochizuki Ayano escaped the breeze with an extremely soft backflip, and once again set off a flame.

This flame driven by spiritual power is extremely effective against spiritual bodies.

But for existences like "half-monsters" with human blood, they can't cause much harm.

Mochizuki Ayano subconsciously touched her waist with both hands, but felt empty.

On her own territory, she didn't have the habit of hanging two heavy and obstructive pistols around her waist.

"It's hiding well, although there seems to be a delay, but you really... even I can see this thing..."

The fire light went out, and the man wrapped in black robe appeared, and said casually in a hoarse voice.

Chief Assassin of Aum Truth Society, "Number Four".

"who are you……"

Before he finished speaking, Mochizuki Ayano's left cuff suddenly broke out with several subtle scars.

"...When did you not escape it completely?"

Seeing several small wounds on her hands that did not know when, there was no blood flow, and no pain, she couldn't help but chill in her back.

"Chairman, what's the matter?"

At the same time, alarmed by the sound, an agent on duty came to the corridor.

Seeing the strangely dressed man in black, he subconsciously took out the pistol.

"Be careful, get away!!"

Mochizuki Ayano's warning sounded just now, and "Number Four" had turned into a deadly breeze and struck towards the detective.

The breeze blew, and the agent fell to the ground as if losing his body control.

In Mochizuki Ayano's desperate eyes, a deep knife mark appeared on the agent's throat, which made him unable to breathe and could only cover his neck and whine silently.

"You don't need to worry about who I am, you just have to blame yourself, you saw people you shouldn't see, and checked things you shouldn't..."

No longer paying attention to the agent behind him, "Number Four" emerged, walked slowly towards Mochizuki Ayano, and reached out to the mask on his face.

"Let me grant you to die in painless and supreme joy."

"not good……"

Mochizuki Ayano frowned when she saw the other's movements.

Based on Siena's previous encounters in the warehouse and the characteristics of the rift woman, it is speculated that if this object is used by the opponent, something very bad may happen.

It is so bad that it is better than the "Holy Light Arsenal" to be unable to confront this person head-on.

Therefore, Mochizuki Ayano did not hesitate to use the pupil technique flame cover again, turned and ran towards the inside of the corridor.


"Number Four" put his hand on the mask slowly, and once again turned into an invisible breeze, blowing away in the direction of her escape.

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