I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 335: A 40-centimeter Elf Centipede

Shibuya Police Station, Section 9 Information Group.

Just when two sisters and brothers of night cats were fighting high because of the video released by IBM700...

Several highly skilled hacker agents are also busy in front of the computer.

"Is there still no result?"

"Sorry, class leader, although the video data reposted to other websites and social tools has been blocked. However, the post on the 2CH forum and the video inside it can never be deleted."

"... Regarding the detailed analysis of the video content, no useful information has been obtained for the time being."

Mochizuki Ayano stood in the center of the command room, frowning as he listened to the reports of the agents.

The ID of IBM700, the video released late at night, became popular because of the breath of the second year, the crazy voice package, and the rustic special effects. It was regarded as a "Menglan Bon Festival funny video" and ignited the entire 2CH forum. , And even hit other websites...

But unlike ordinary netizens who watch videos as fun, as the ninth lesson of the professional department, they naturally know that every word the other party says may be true.

Because, in the video, every weird "call" by a man who claims to be a "Hell Revolution" has a thick stack of unfinished files in Lesson 9.

However, even after spending the entire ninth lesson and even seconding a large amount of network resources from the Intelligence Headquarters of the Defense Agency, it is still impossible to close the urban legends section of the 2CH forum.

This forum section is as unassailable as a resentful spirit that is independent of the real world and living on the Internet.

The ninth lesson has already tried to shut down the IBM700 forum server from the physical level for the first time.

However, when the entire website is closed, the "Urban Legends" section is like an ubiquitous ghost, instead it jumps directly to the first-level page of the 2CH forum website and accepts access as an independent page.

This is equivalent to turning it into the 2CH forum homepage in disguise, and the publicity effect is better.

If you cannot delete the posts that are the source of the video in the 2CH forum, you cannot fundamentally prevent the spread of the video...

The only thing you can do in Lesson 9 is to work hard to clean up the relevant data that has flowed to other servers, stop the spread of this video from the external network, and guide the trend of public opinion at the same time.

At this moment, there are three agents in charge of the secondary editing, and continue to "spoof" and "ghostly" the content of this video.

"This time, not only did you post the text, but also announced your name and purpose in the video..."

The "true god" mentioned in the mouth of the dead black-robed man Dingzuki Yuta, an extraordinary cult hidden in Tokyo worshiping a certain evil god, and the IBM 700 that claimed to establish a new order...

Even if these guys are not in the same group, they are definitely related to each other.

"Could it be that those weirdness are manipulated by the guy IBM700 behind the scenes..."

Thinking of this, Mochizuki Ayano seemed to see a huge monster slowly emerging from the water.

"No, that is no longer a field that humans can set foot in."

Regardless of the truth, her instinct tells her that if she does not act in advance to make the prediction of the IBM 700 come true, there will be big troubles.

She immediately called Takeshi Iwata.

"How's the investigation in the apartment in front of Tibet?"

"Chairman, I'm about to contact you... I got Oishi Kenta's diary in Room 103. The time it stopped recording was three months ago. The content on it is basically the same as his testimony."

After Oishi Kenta surrendered, Takeshi Iwata took a group of people to his room to investigate and collect evidence overnight.

"One year ago, in the diary on the Meng Lan Bon Festival, there was a mention of the'black iron door that suddenly appeared on the top floor of the apartment.' So we went up and checked..."

At this moment, Takeshi Iwata, who led the investigation in the apartment in front of Kuramae, spoke a little trembling for some reason.

"After trying to use tools to violently dismantle the black iron door on the roof of the apartment in front of Tibet, we initially suspected that the door was an indestructible grudge."

"What, grievance?! Report to the Metropolitan Police Department immediately, and I'll come over immediately..."

Hearing this news, Mochizuki Ayano directly took the jacket and ran out all the way.

She and Iwata Takeshi and Tokimoto Ichiro had personally confirmed that the iron door on the roof of the Kuramae apartment had no grievances attached to it.

At that time, in order not to disturb the "things" that might exist in the apartment, I didn't try to break in. I just sent a drone to check the situation on the rooftop.

Looking back now, the reason why the apartment in front of Tibet, which is obviously full of dense grievances and movement traces, is so "clean", it must be that a certain "reincarnated venerable" who stayed in unexpectedly did a free cleaning service.

The "Rashomon" mentioned by IBM700 in the post of Pingjiangmen, the "door" mentioned by Oda Kenta, the resentment that has been gathered in the apartment in front of Tibet and disappeared without a trace...

Everything came together in her mind.

"Rashomon...finally found you!"


6 hours before "Hell's Gate" appeared.

Kagurazaka, Shinjuku.

As the Menglan Bon Festival is approaching, many merchants have set up stalls selling ritual supplies on the small slope of Kagurazaka Street.

"Ms. Araki, can you see this?"

Yu Mayumi, dressed in a yukata, is squatting in front of a booth, selecting objects for the sacrifice.

Her red and white cherry blossom yukata, cute pink bow on the back, and round buttocks are perfectly integrated into this traditional ramp, as if people dream back to the ancient Edo period.

At this moment, she was holding an elegant lantern in her hand, asking the opinion of a blond man not far behind.

"Ahaha, look at Xiaoniao Youshi, this cucumber is long and thick, and Xingping will definitely like it..."

However, Sosuke Araki at the back did not appreciate this beautiful scene of "beautiful looking back".

He was staring at his hand, and he didn't know when he was holding a thick cucumber close to 40 centimeters, smiling meaningfully.

"That, Mr. Araki... such a long cucumber can't be made into a "elf horse", I am afraid it can only be made into a "elf centipede." "

Tori Yu Mayumi pursed his mouth reluctantly, and in a calm tone, he explained the words that made Araki Sosuke's forehead sweat.

"...Or, do you plan to allow Mr. Higashino and Miss Reiko to sit on the 40-centimeter "Elven Centipede" when they are'welcoming pots' and'delivering pots'. "

As he failed to attend the funeral of Yukhei Higashino and Reiko Shirasui, and coincided with the Menglan Bon Festival, Sosuke Araki asked Yu Mayumi Tori to hold a ritual for them during this period, which is considered to have done what he and others like. .

The Meng Lan Bon Festival, as the annual day to welcome the deceased to return home, receive offerings and thank you, is mainly divided into three stages: welcoming pots, pot offerings, and giving pots. Festivals and dances are also held during this period.

In the evening of the first day, every household will light the soul-welcoming fire that guides the return of the souls of the deceased. At the same time, they will set up "elves sheds" for souls to inhabit, and prepare various sacrifices.

Among them, cucumbers and eggplants are inserted into bamboo sticks as four-legged sacrifices, called "elf horses" or "elf cows," which are horses and cows used by the deceased when they travel between the world.

"Asshole, it's no wonder that the boss smiles so happily when he sees me paying!"

Imagining that this gifted cucumber in his hand was planted with dense bamboo sticks and transformed into a human centipede, Sousuke Araki couldn't help but burst the veins.

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