"Which vegetable shop owner should have taken out the unsold old cucumbers during the holidays. It doesn't matter, just use them as ingredients for dinner, such a big one, smash the salad, diced and stir-fried, sliced ​​and boiled the soup, and made it." Three cucumbers are not a waste..."

Tori Mayumi smiled and gently pulled the corner of the other party's clothes, and stopped Sosuke Araki who was holding the "forty-centimeter big cucumber" and was going to threaten the stall owner to return the goods.

After all, vegetables and fruits are relatively expensive ingredients in Japan.

"Everything is bought, time is almost up, let's go back."

I re-selected a few small and cute cucumbers and eggplants, and then took a few previously selected lanterns to light the "soul fire" and other things, and the two walked in the direction of Akagi Shrine.

The long and narrow Kagurazaka Street, under the dim sunset, is like a path that stretches forward infinitely without an end.

The two walked side by side on this ramp, but for some reason, they didn't speak.

"It's really lively, isn't it a festival for offering sacrifices to the dead?"

Looking at the strong festival atmosphere around, Sosuke Araki couldn't help sighing, trying to break this delicate atmosphere.

"Mr. Araki seems to rarely celebrate the Meng Lan Bon Festival. It is because of the return of the departed deceased that we have to have a good time to celebrate their temporary escape from hell."

Tori Mayumi glanced at him curiously, and explained with a smile.

The Meng Lan Bon Festival can be said to be the most important major holiday besides the New Year.

After all, most people will choose to take advantage of this holiday to return home to worship their ancestors, and at the same time, various activities will be held in various places according to customs.

Both sides of the Kagurazaka slope, which retains the Edo style, are illuminated like a New Year's Day, and are covered with orange lanterns representing the Menglan Bon Festival.

As usual, on this day, Kagurazaka will have a dance parade by the representatives of each town to hold the opening ceremony.

After that, there will be stage performances, sacrifices, fireworks, and Hakki COSPLAY.

"Really, I really haven't celebrated the Meng Lan Bon Festival seriously. For me, it's just a day to make money once a year..."

If it were changed to previous years, Sosuke Araki would have been very busy at the food stalls in the night market.

It is a pity that this year, the original "Yokohama Night Market duo", but he is the only one left.

When he thinks of this, his eyes are full of loneliness.

Looking at his profile, the bird Yu Mayumi on the side showed distressed eyes and spoke slightly, but couldn't say anything.

At the same time, what Araki Sosuke didn't know was that something was happening somewhere in Taitung District that made him more sad.


Taito District, Tibetan front apartment.

The entire apartment parking lot was surrounded by temporary partition walls for construction.

Each exit of the apartment is sealed with yellow tape with the words "Construction is underway, no entry is allowed."

Several construction vehicles filled the originally empty parking lot.

"The fifteenth blast is about to start, each group is in place...5, 4, 3, 2..."


Huge vibrations and explosions sounded from the rooftop of the apartment in front of Tibet.

"Cough cough cough... damn... how could it be possible... the blasting range has clearly expanded to this point..."

The smoke dissipated, revealing the dark, shiny and undamaged iron gate on the roof, as well as the wall around the iron gate without a trace of cracks.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone showed unbelievable expressions.

In order to contain this suspected iron gate as soon as possible, the ninth lesson mobilized people and horses. For the walls around the iron gate, methods such as hammer percussion, electric welding, and directional blasting were used. The wall separates.

It seems that this iron gate, together with the surrounding building structure, turned into an indestructible grudge.

Just now, the fifteenth directional blasting has been covered with the entire load-bearing wall under the roof.

Under normal circumstances, the entire apartment roof should now collapse under the blast.

"...Is this the confidence that IBM700 dares to openly declare war on the government?"

Looking at the fifth floor of the dilapidated apartment underneath the roof, undamaged after the blast, a terrifying thought appeared in Mochizuki Ayano's mind.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

She suddenly took out the pistol and fired several shots at the ground of the apartment in the distance, startling the surrounding agents.


Looking blankly at the ground in the distance, Mochizuki Ayano's pupils dilated slightly.

"It seems that it won't work if you don't play a big game... immediately contact the Metropolitan Police Department and find a reason to evacuate the residents within a few kilometers of the apartment in front of Tibet!"

"Wh...what?! Evacuation of such a large area of ​​residents is not a simple matter."

Hearing Mochizuki Ayano's order, Iwata's exclamation came from the communication channel.

"I don't care. I have to look for the cooperation of the Fire Department, the Ministry of Natural Disasters, and the Ministry of Defense. Earthquakes, typhoons, gas leaks, poisoning by cults are all right. In short, all the people are evacuated! Otherwise, they will not be responsible for any problems. This complaint Things, it’s no longer the simple stuff we used to contain..."

As the shells fell feebly and the smoke gradually dispersed, everyone could see clearly that there was not even a trace of bullet marks left on the concrete floor where the gun was shot.


At seven o'clock in the evening, the outer hall of Akagi Shrine was newly decorated for the festival. Yutaro Kotori is wearing a priest's uniform, and is presiding solemnly amidst the groaning of a large number of fanatical female fans carrying a thick pile of incense money. Sacrificial activities.

"If you don't go outside to help, Uncle Birdyou is alone, is it really okay?"

In the quiet back hall of the shrine, Sosuke Araki glanced at Yutaro Kotori, who was surrounded by "illegitimate meals", his clothes gradually messy, but still maintained a "business smile", and a drop of cold sweat slipped off his forehead.

With the help of Mayumi Birdie, the two have built a small "elf shed" in the middle of the grass.

"Well, after all, it's just a small-scale ritual event, and there is no need for the official priestess to appear. When it comes to presiding over the ceremony, my father is far better than me."

Hearing the other party's question, Toriyu Mayumi shifted her eyes aside in a flustered manner, her eyes waved, and her thin lips lightly pressed.

As her hair was picked up by her little finger, her hot ears were exposed.

That's right, a certain shrine maiden from Akagi Shrine lied in the land of the gods.

In the past Menglan Bon Festival, as a priestly priestess, she would personally perform the "Soul Resurrection God" and hold a solemn sacrifice ceremony for her ancestors.

Sorry, Lord God, let me make an exception this year.

Because, today, there are people who need me more.

Condensing her thoughts, she handed the lantern in her hand to Sosuke Araki, and reminded her softly: "Mr. Araki, it's time to light the soul fire."

On the day of "Walking the Basin", the soul-welcoming fire in the lantern must be lit before the day is completely dark, so that the souls of the deceased can find their way back and come to the "elves shed" to enjoy sacrifices and receive worship.

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