"Mr. Araki, the lantern is here, please light it yourself."

The girl's soft words recalled Sosuke Araki's thoughts.

"OK, thanks."

He took the lantern and lit it, chanting the name of Uncle Qingren in his heart, and hung it on the elf shed.

Immediately, Araki Zongsuke stood up, gave the elf shed lightly high-five three times, and murmured in a low voice.

"Xingping, Lizi, it was a joke that I said that I would not pay back the money that day. Don't take it to heart. I will slowly pay back the money I owe to Daisy..."

"You have to accompany Uncle Qing and his elders, remember not to always sprinkle dog food..."

"Also, Uncle Qingren... In a blink of an eye today, it's just the fourth year, and I still haven't been the hero you expected."

With a light sigh, a self-deprecating smile appeared on Araki Sosuke's face.

"...But don't worry, I am not a person who gives up lightly. I will go all out on the path I think is right!!"

Beside him, Tori Mayumi also respectfully high-fives and prays to the "elven shed".

The ancestors and grandfather of Xiaoniaoyou clan...

Mr. Higashino, Senior Reiko...

Her eyes couldn't help but fell on the side face of Zongsuke Araki who was still thinking about it.

Seeing the sadness shrouded in the haze on Araki Sosuke's face, her eyes gradually became firm, as if she had made up her mind.

"...Okay, I will trouble you to take care of it for the next few days of ‘pen offering’."

After the worship was over, Araki Sosuke stood up and bowed sincerely to Yu Mayumi Kotori in thanks.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, Mr. Araki..."

Having never seen the other person look like this, Toori Yu Mayumi replied in a flustered manner, and then tilted his head playfully: "However, you seem to have forgotten an important step."

"Huh? Is there something missing? Isn't it enough for the welcoming pot?"

"...And dance the Menglan Bon dance."

A touch of heart-pounding pink emerged from the girl's small earlobe, and it was dyed.

"Huh? Let's not mention the fact that I can't dance... By the way, isn't Awa dance that can only be performed by a group of people?"

Seeing the cunning in the girl's eyes, Sosuke Araki felt as if he had fallen into a trap.

"In other words, Mr. Yuping, Ms. Reiko, and Dean Haruto should also want to watch Mr. Araki dance..."

A blush appeared on Yu Mayumi's face, and Araki Sosuke couldn't help but stepped forward and took his hand.

"Moreover, unlike Awa Dance, Gujo Dance can dance with one person, two people, or dozens of people."

Held by a pair of catkins, she looked at the girl in front of her with a blushing face, but her expression firmly guiding her actions...

"... Mr. Araki... just follow me to dance."


Dominated by the softness that he held in his hands that he had never felt in this life, Sosuke Araki's brain was blank, and he could only follow the opponent like a puppet.

On the grass of the apse of the shrine, the two of them danced hand in hand in the dim yellowness of the fire under the full moon.

Gifu Gujo dance, Tokushima Awa dance, and Akita Nishima Oinai dance are known as the three major Bon dances in Japan.

Gujo Dance, known for its lyrics "When it's out of Gujo Hachiman Town, it doesn't rain and the sleeves are wet". The main movements are high-fives, hands spreading, and small kicks. It is famous for its simple movements, fast rhythm, and unlimited number of people.

Unlike ornamental dances, people who actually dance will have more fun because of these actions. Therefore, there are often multi-person dance activities that last for several hours during the Meng Lan Bon Festival.

Because of the simple movements and clear rhythm, Sosuke Araki quickly mastered the trick. Like a gorilla imitating human dance, he clumsily stood side by side with Yu Mayumi, and jumped around the elf shed in a decent way.

I don't know when, the full moon has already appeared on the dark sky, sprinkling white moonlight.

Perhaps it is the relationship between performing gods on stage for many years and diligently practicing. The girl’s energetic body is flexible and light, and the movements are full of charm and rhythm.

It is obviously a silent dance, but it can make people feel a simple and majestic folk song from her dance.

"call out."

With the sharp whistling sound, in the night sky under the full moon, countless stars of various colors, like a cloud-piercing arrow, went straight up into the sky from all directions.

"Bang... crackling..."

As the sparks that rose to the highest point bloomed, colorful fireworks of various shapes instantly filled the entire night sky with an extremely shocking posture, illuminating Akagi Shrine like daylight.

This is the Meng Lan Bon Festival fireworks held in various places in Tokyo, and they started simultaneously.

Under the full moon, the sky is full of fire and flowers blooming, immersed in the dance, the elegantly spinning and leaping cherry blossom yukata girl, like a star falling into the world.

For a moment, Sosuke Araki was dumbfounded.

The beauty dance is like a lotus spin, the world has eyes and should never see it.

This may be the most beautiful picture he has seen in his life.

"I'm the only one jumping, it's too cunning... Mr. Araki."

After a while, I discovered that someone was "lazy", Yu Mayumi, who stopped his movements and waved his hands in protest.

Under the bright and changing light of fireworks, the lovely blush on her face was burning like fire, and there was nowhere to hide.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, mainly because you danced too well..."

After returning to his senses, Araki Zongsuke touched his head and smiled.

"This is the first time Mr. Araki has shown a less sad expression today."

Tori Yu Mayumi put her hands behind her back, with her head high and her chest tall, and she paced towards him gracefully.

"As long as Mr. Araki likes to watch it, Mayumi can jump at any time..."

Before he could react, the girl had already posted in front of Sosuke Araki.

With a pair of quiet big eyes, he looked up straight at him without evasiveness, as if he wanted to pass on some kind of heart.

"...Just for you, jumping alone."

Tori Yu Mayumi's eyes waved, as if he had made a promise, and said in a voice that only he could hear.

The red cheeks and the trembling fingers clasped together behind her revealed that she did not act so calmly.

"Huh? You...what did you say?"

Although, the words of the young girl Xiruo Moina were obscured by the sky full of fireworks...


But just looking at the heart-warming look on the girl's pretty face, Araki Sosuke felt that his heart was beating frantically, and he was about to jump out of his chest.


For a time, under the hustle and bustle of the fireworks, the two in the courtyard looked at each other speechlessly, leaving only two heartbeats that became more and more synchronized.

"Ms. Araki, I..."

Just as the two figures were getting closer and the girl once again plucked up courage...


A figure stumblingly appeared at the door of the apse, breaking the delicate atmosphere between the two.

"...The big thing is bad!!!"

Came here in a hurry, precisely because of traffic jams all the way to the late Ryoma.

Panting frantically, he turned the screen of his mobile phone towards the dazed Araki Sosuke, and said breathlessly: "Metropolitan Police Department...people from the Metropolitan Police Department...you have removed your crystal!!!"

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