1 hour before "Hell's Gate" appeared.

"Take me apart!! Try it over there again..."

Under the dazzling fireworks, the Tibetan apartment looks like a construction site in full swing.

Mochizuki Ayano, dressed as a "construction representative" wearing a helmet and armband, was not in the mood to admire the gorgeous night view on the sky, and was nervously directing the noisy construction site through the walkie-talkie.

The huge iron ball hung on the crane was hitting the wall of the apartment in front of Tibet severely, and even the ground vibrated.

But the outer wall of the steel-concrete apartment building that should have been broken with one blow was undamaged like a diamond.

On the contrary, that huge iron ball, like a leaky football, deformed with the constant impact.

"This is the iron ball team... Section manager, no more, this is the fifth iron ball that has been smashed."

In the communication channel, the desperate voice of the "Iron Ball Group" came.

"The foundation group, how is the progress of the downward excavation, even if the entire building is uprooted, I will move it today!"

Mochizuki Ayano's forehead blue veins jumped wildly, and concentrated on the excavators below the apartment.

After several hours of demolition, blasting, and construction work, it was initially confirmed that not only the black iron door, but also the apartment in front of Tibet that has been under the eyelids of Lesson 9 for many years, the main structure has been completely turned into a complaint!

This can be said to be the largest grievance found since the ninth lesson was recorded.

"The foundation group reports that about ten meters have been dug down from the periphery of the apartment, and the work on the cuttable part is about to be completed..."

"This is a peripheral group. In the name of the cult spreading'Sarin-induced hallucinogenic gas', the residents within five kilometers of the surrounding area are evacuated urgently. Is it really okay to say that this name is full of flaws? The media are now questioning..."

In order to avoid accidents caused by the unknown effects of grievances during the demolition and transportation of the entire apartment, the Metropolitan Police Department has teamed up with multiple departments to create a name, and strive to evacuate the residents of almost the entire central area of ​​Taitung District five kilometers around the apartment in front of Tibet. .

After all, such a huge grievance is no less threatening than a large earthquake.

With the crazy work of construction vehicles, the foundation of the entire apartment in front of Tibet has been completely cut.

"The task of excavating the foundation of the apartment has been completed as planned!!!"

In the communication channel, an agent's excited voice came.

"Okay, try to keep the stress point as stable as possible, turn the apartment building over to the movable hydraulic landing gear, and take it away directly..."

Finally seeing hope, the faces of everyone who had been tense for hours on the scene were relieved.

"The vehicles are ready to start pushing in the direction of the take-off and landing aircraft."

With a huge roar, several engineering vehicles slammed into the outer wall of the apartment.

"Wait, this... can't push it?"

A scene that violated the rules of physics and made on-site workers desperate appeared...

"What's the situation...impossible?!"

The apartment in front of Tibet, which was originally dug to the ground, and should have crashed to the ground under the push of a construction vehicle, still stands quietly in its original position at this moment.

The bottom of the entire apartment building unexpectedly showed a strange floating state.

The pale and dilapidated, but exceptionally clean exterior wall, under the splendid fireworks, gave people a sense of extremely suppressed despair.

"What the hell is this Rashomon..."

Regardless of the fact that the construction vehicle has not completely stopped work, Mochizuki Ayano ran to the front of the building, looking at the completely suspended foundation of the apartment with a distracted expression.

No wonder, for hundreds of years during the Heiankyo era, the imperial family did not demolish or repair the damaged Rashomon until the capital was moved to Tokyo.

It seems that it's not that I don't want to, but that I can't.

"Class...Chairman...Look there..."

Just as Mochizuki Ayano lowered her head to meditate, Iwata, who was following her, pointed trembling fingers to the sky above her head.

The construction workers and detectives in the field also looked up into the sky with him, showing a look of horror.

"Huh? I'm not admiring fireworks now..."

Mochizuki Ayano raised her head and opened her mouth slightly, but the next words were blocked in her chest.

Right above the Tibetan apartment, under the full moon, the night sky is blooming with splendid fireworks...

I don't know when, a huge and empty black outline appeared.

"what is that?"

As the outline turned from virtual to solid, a dark red wooden giant door with a height of nearly three hundred meters appeared quietly in the night sky.

"This...this is the real...Rashomon? Contact the peripheral team and continue to expand the evacuation area of ​​residents. How far and how far will you evacuate!!!"

Seeing that under the full moon, the size of the huge wooden door that was comparable to an entire elevator apartment and the color was solidified blood, Mochizuki Ayano could only feel that his teeth were shaking uncontrollably.

"Why... it happened on the day of the full moon..."


"What's that, new type of fireworks?"

"...How do I feel like a mirage?"

"Could it be that which company took this opportunity to showcase naked-eye holographic 3D projection technology?"

"Tearful eyes, is it possible that the future concerts of Lady Onion will finally not rely on the pseudo 2.5D, and will officially break through the dimensional wall?"

At the same time, everywhere in Tokyo, people who originally admired the spectacular fireworks scenes were all attracted by the gates suddenly appearing in the sky above Taito Ward.

At the same time, this blood-red giant door has also triggered intense discussions on the Internet.

Many of them mentioned the "Holiday Wishes Video" released by "IBM700" that was too second, thinking that he had taken over the "Qiafan" business of a certain holographic projection company's product release.

"So that's it, the'Gate of Hell' and the'Rashomon', is this the'evidence' given to the world by the IBM700, that is, the "Hell Revolution"? "

"Be careful! Haunted house appraisal" On the rooftop, Mai Hanyu held a binoculars and stared excitedly at the huge dark red wooden door in the night.

Qiuye, where the two of them were located, was originally located in Taitung District, a few subway stations away from the apartment in front of Tibet, so they could see it very clearly.

The two people who have been paying attention to the IBM700 have naturally linked the content of all their posts together.

"The gates of hell are too exaggerated. It is too early to judge. The recent progress in holographic 3D projection technology is also quite fast..."

Hou Hailu Dou took off his hat and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a smile.

"Different from stupid humans who can't believe in the immediate crisis and self-comfort...animals' intuition for danger is inherently engraved in their genes!"

Mai Hanyu stretched her tall body and pointed her fingers straight to the sky.

Looking along her fingertips, groups of crows hovered in the sky without fear, and flew towards the outskirts of Taitung District.

On the ground, a large number of stray cats, dogs, mice, and insects are not afraid of the crowd, scattered like crazy, seeming to flee desperately, just like a scene before a large-scale natural disaster.

"This... is this because the temperature is too high and the animals can't bear it?"

Looking at all this blankly, Hou Hailu realized that even the annoying cicadas in the summer night had stopped.

"Immediately put all the equipment on the car and set off towards the apartment in front of Tibet... By the way, call the sleeper and let him go directly to meet him."

Without giving the "stupid human" Hou Hailudou a chance to speak, Mai Hanyu had already put the telescope in her hand into him and turned and ran downstairs.

"...Well, it's not a wise choice to join in the fun in this situation. Who will stop her!!!"

Hou Hailu Dou complained that he took out his cell phone and began to call someone.

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