On the periphery of Taitung District shrouded in black mist, the glow sticks fluttering in the streets and lanes have become the only light source that symbolizes hope.

Thanks to the discovery of the clues in Lesson 9 and the advance evacuation work, coupled with the baptism of various natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, nuclear radiation, volcanic eruptions and so on over the years, as well as a large amount of disaster prevention education that has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people at this moment. Facing this weird "cult terrorist attack", most people in Taitung District have been evacuated to a relatively safe area in an orderly manner under the organization of official institutions.

However, there are still many people who have not had time to leave. Due to the loss of energy and mental disorders caused by the black air, they are trapped in places like elevators or completely lost in the dark.

And these fluttering light sticks, like the sparks of a prairie fire, and the North Star in the night sky, guide the lost people in the right direction.

"Remember, strictly keep two or more people moving together. If dizziness, blurred vision, strange whispers, or strange things are seen, immediately evacuate to a safe area for rotation..."

While guiding the people to evacuate, the men kept reminding each other in low voices.

"...In all actions, the judgment of the ninth class agent is the top priority. When necessary, emergency measures can be taken to subdue out-of-control companions."

As the black misty resentment grew stronger, even with the help of light sticks, the effective visual distance was only less than five meters.

At the same time, all electronic devices, compasses, etc. cannot be used due to the disorder of the electromagnetic field, so it is easy to lose direction.

Even if it is a mentally tough adult male who stays for too long in this strong grievance visible to the naked eye, there will be hallucinations, fainting or even crazy caused by mental instability. Therefore, it is necessary to evacuate in time when the signs appear.

Running in this dark fog that returns everything to the dead, primordial silence, they are also taking great risks themselves while saving others.

At the crossroads, a figure was walking desperately along the black and white street.

"Mr., please follow us to evacuate immediately..."

Seeing the man, a rescue team dressed as a firefighter drove forward and took out a thick rod-like object from his crotch...

The player vigorously shook the stick in his hand up and down a few times, glowing green fluorescence, and then handed it to the opponent.


When the distance got closer, the rescue team could see clearly that in front of him was a man with rolled eyes, bloodstained all over, and dressed in a shabby kimono that did not look like this era.

On his neck, there is still a huge crack like a knife.

"You are……"

Before he turned the brakes, the head of the man in front of him suddenly split open, and it burst into four huge mouths with fine teeth, biting towards his lower body.


As the gunfire sounded, the head that was stretched out in the air burst open, turning into black smoke and dissipating.

"Plus... Kato-san..."

The man who was almost buried in a bloodbath with a mouthful of blood was so scared that he rolled over with his car on the ground.

"This...what is this..."

Turning his head, he tremblingly asked the companion who shot at the rear.

He didn't question the other party's "non-military ethics" action of shooting at unarmed people without warning. He just wanted to know what happened.

In this black fog, all actions must be given the highest priority to the judgment of the ninth class agent.

"So, within this level of resentment, can you observe the resentful spirit only with the naked eye..."

The one who fired in the back was the ninth class agent who was in the same group with him and wore spectacles.

He didn't answer his companion's question, but looked into the distance with trembling calves.

"According to that guy's statement, the deceased will return to the world..."

In the field of vision of his spectacles, more and more dense "personal shadows" began to appear on the street ten meters away.

"...Stay in such a strong resentment, don't all spirits turn into resentful spirits?"

At the same time, after most of the people evacuated, Taitung District, which was transformed into a city of silence, gradually began to "lively" again.

"Retreat, grievances and spirits of this scale no longer have the conditions to continue the search and rescue..."

Without hesitation, the agent named Kato turned the front of the car in the direction of the nearest "wall" and called his companion to leave.

But I promised Mr. Mochizuki, I will live on desperately...

Only if you survive, you are qualified to save more people.

"Hey, but those people..."

The man dressed as a firefighter stood up in a daze and looked at the "crowd" approaching him.

As if sensing the presence of the two, the figures in front of the "crowd" suddenly accelerated.

"Look carefully, those are probably the ‘people’ from hundreds of years ago."

Only then did the man see clearly that the few figures in the front were as gray, broken and blood-stained as the man who attacked him before, and they were dressed in styles from the Edo period or even older.

Before the words were finished, the first few figures had already rushed to the front, rushing towards the two with a bloodthirsty expression.

"Don't hesitate, go quickly, there will be professionals here to deal with it."

Without hesitation, Kato fired several shots in succession, defeating the wraiths in the front.

"Professionals? Aren't we just..."

When the two drove away, several arms stretched out from the ground, grabbed their ankles, and then wound up along their bodies.

"Trouble now..."

Kato smiled bitterly and emptied the bullets in his magazine, but those arms were inexhaustible like weeds.

Feeling the strength of his whole body pulling away quickly along his legs, he has prepared for the worst.


Accompanied by the sound of the weapon being unsheathed, a blade of light cut through the darkness.

Where the sword light passed, the air ignited a raging fire, and the surrounding resentment screamed like being burned by flames.

The arms that were originally entwined and ravaged the flesh of the two of them instantly turned into ashes in the firelight.


After regaining his senses, a long knife with a scorching breath was quietly inserted on the ground beside the two of them.

Long knife [Sun Wheel].


Looking at this weird long knife, Kato, who was almost suffocated by the fear of death, breathed frantically, but his heart was extremely stable.

"...Professionals, here comes."

A tall and tall figure with a double sheath on the waist slowly emerged from the dark resentment.

This is a very handsome young man in a black kimono.

"Master Tachibana Piaoxue!"

"I have cleared the road when I came, you guys retreat as soon as possible..."

The young man slowly pulled out the long knife on the ground and looked at the denser figures in the surrounding streets with a grimace.

It was the first time that came from the direction of Chiyoda, who is exempt from spirit exemption level [2] The spirit exterminator, "Tachibana Floating Snow", Abe Temple.

"Sorry, the tranquility that has been disturbed for so many years. In fact, you are also victims..."

After the two left, Abe Temple respectfully bowed to the "crowd" in front, and then drew out the other side [Yueyao].

Inspiration told him that in the black mist of resentment, there were at least hundreds of resentful spirits standing by and surrounding him.

"I don't have time, I will steadily pass everyone one by one."

The two swords in his hand, as if responding to his words, whispered slightly.

"...Congratulations, good health during the Obon Festival."

Snow began to fall on the dark streets.

Two days first class · snow.

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