Among the snowflakes, Abe Temple's eyes were surging with blue light of spiritual power, bursting into the depths of the street like a leopard.

Feeling that the resentment grew stronger, he had no intention of entanglement with the resentful spirits along the way, and only wanted to rush to the center as soon as possible.

You must try to close that door before things become more uncontrollable.

Passing by, the wraith spirits along the way had no time to react, and their bodies were already covered by frost.

Immediately, a blazing flame ignited on them.

Two-day first-rate, two-day ice and fire.

On the way away from Abe Temple, there was only a pool of unidentified liquid emitting hot air.

The more you move towards the center of Taitung District, the more resentment becomes.

Abe Temple only broke through a few hundred meters, and the perceptual range of spiritual power has been reduced by half, and I only felt that I was trapped in a quagmire.

Suddenly, his original body that leaned forward and ran, showed excellent flexibility, suddenly leaned back and braked, and a backflip stopped the momentum.

A single black silk thread, silently densely packed in the area in front.

One of them hovered just above his neck.

"My little brother not only looks so big that I can move my index finger, but he also has such a keen intuition..."

A hoarse and low female voice came from the resentment in front of her.

"Who is there……"

The long-sword sun wheel, floating out of the sheath without hesitation, swept in the direction of the sound.

If he hadn't reacted very quickly, I am afraid that his head had been severed by the black silk thread at this moment, so Abe Temple had no intention of keeping his hands to judge the identity of the other party.

The scorching light of the knife cut away the black mist, temporarily dispelling the smoke-like resentment.

"...You really are different from the other prey."

Under the dim flame, a figure wrapped in a black robe, still bumpy, lay softly on a large net made of silk threads, like a queen spider entrenched in the air waiting for its prey.

With the black silk thread entwined, the Sunsara Sword was shaking violently, but it was still unable to break free.

Looking closely, the spiral pattern on the woman's mask crookedly formed the words "Pick Up Two".

"Unfortunately, no matter how powerful the prey is, it has fallen into my grasp, and I can't even want to escape..."

The woman stretched her body and took a deep breath, and the surrounding "black mist" suddenly poured into her body.


It seems that this feeling of resentment into the body makes her very happy.

"Really, it's an exciting night, people are completely soaked."

"You are not a resentful spirit... a human?"

Only then did Abe Temple see that the countless black threads of the black-robed woman were spreading in all directions, blocking her path.

"So, you killed all these people?"

It was the edges of the spider webs that made him burst into tears and his eyes ignited with killing intent, with happy, broken heads hanging from the roots.

These faces belong to the team members who entered the grievance zone to search and rescue, as well as the people who have time to evacuate in the future.

There was even a spirit remover he had seen.

"Correct, I'm not a human being... but someone who transcends the level of human life, the blessed one."

The black-clothed woman lightly loosened her collar, and her black robe suddenly fell off, unreservedly showing her rugged, unstretched sexy female body to Abe Temple.

That slender, tall, undulating, naked body with upright peaks and ridges, coupled with that mysterious mask, brought a different style to it.

"And these people, I didn't kill them... If you don't believe me, just ask them..."

Following her words, the human heads on the spider webs turned blush and moved with extremely happy expressions.

"They are, willing to fall into this intoxicating ‘love web’, under the peak of their senses, detached to a new form of life, and become my face..."

Looking carefully, under the heads of those people, there are a small spider with a pink pattern on the back.

Under the movement of the spider's feet, those people's heads spread to the silk threads around them like tide, and a pink breath was sprayed out of their mouths.

An atmosphere of debauchery began to permeate the dark and quiet streets.

"Come on, just like them, throw into my arms..."

The woman stretched out her hand and held it in the air, and as her elastic body undulated seductively, several black threads instantly wrapped Abe Temple's whole body, hanging him upside down in the air.

"...So, you and the cult behind the Bliss Club are in the same group, right."

Abe Temple squinted his eyes slightly, and stared scorchingly at the other's heart-pounding body.

"Elysium? How can'Number Four' compare to me with the trash under him!"

Seeing the intoxicated look of Abe Temple, the woman twisted her body close, and said disdainfully: "I am, the twelfth member of the Aum Shinrikyo, the goddess who controls the'power of the network bride'. ..."

Her fingers moved gently across Abe Temple's pretty face, and her tone of voice trembled with excitement.

"...What a peerless face, a long night, I will let you enjoy the most extreme pleasure in the world..."

Following her words, several spider tentacles as thick as arms broke through her ribs and pushed her white body to the ground.

"After that, become my favorite and the number one'mianshou' that I can enjoy forever."

Her already plump and firm body also showed pink patterns because of her excitement.

Just like, a coquettish giant spider with a human head and spider body.

"Aum Truth Society? So, are you planning all of this?"

Hanging upside down on the spider web, facing such a coquettish and terrifying monster's face, Abe Temple never revealed a trace of emotion, but quietly asked questions.

"Since I am your'thing in the net', you might as well tell me before you die, what is your purpose?"

"Planning? You were wrong..."

"Number Twelve" stretched her body gently, letting the surrounding resentment move freely in and out of her body.

As the resentment continued to enter the body, her aura became more and more majestic.

Then, she squeezed Abe Temple's thin chin, and her tone became extremely fanatical: "This is a miracle, no one can plan, no one can defile it, whether we are or not, it will definitely come down!!! "

Excitedly spread his hands, wrapped the face of Abe Temple with the unfathomable existence, "Twelfth" couldn't help but chant from the sky.

"And the oracle we got is to bathe in this miracle and enjoy carnival as we wish..."

"However, the place where the miracle descends does not allow any infidels to be tainted!!! Facing the beloved, you must have the same destiny as your companions of spirit removers..."

Can't wait, she stretched her hands into Abe Temple's kimono, and explored on his firm body...

"Meeting me is your greatest fortune, hurry up and start, we have to cherish this long and happy time..."

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