I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 348 The Sword of the Goddess of Dawn Sucking by Vacuum C

"Sword of Dawn? Is it the name of which part is being filmed?"

Araki Sosuke touched the tight triangle on his head with a confused look.

"Also, what is this on my head... it shouldn't be Hanyu's yours..."

"Oh ha ha? So you have been secretly expecting something like this?"

Under Mai Yuyu's soft gaze, his face suddenly brightened and darkened.

"No, this size and material are from Houhai..."

"Enough!!! Two topics, don't just go outside the galaxy just because of a sports shooting fixed belt that you bought from GOPRO..."

From the rear, there was a loud complaint from Hou Hailudou.

"The content of this plan is very simple. Go into the deepest part of the area and try to take as many precious research materials as you can to come back... But this is something that only you can do..."

Mai Hanyu took out a palm-sized "GOPRO" and fixed it to the strap on the head of Araki Sosuke, and at the same time exhorted: "...Be careful, the illegally modified graphene battery in this external power supply device is easy to explode, but It should be enough to support operation for about an hour."

"Let’s not mention what happens when this thing explodes on my forehead... I am now busy guarding the only shelter and punishing the cult. Where can I go to steal it?"

At this moment, Sosuke Araki, who wears an inverted triangle black headband and fixes the GOPRO directly in front of his forehead, looks like a perverted thief who is putting a black T-shaped on his head and wearing stealth camera equipment, preparing to invade the female dormitory. suspicious.

"Don't worry about these details, anyway..."

Mai Hanyu stood on tiptoe, exhaling a hot breath and said in his ear: "...As long as you do what I say, the next company employee activity will be a hot spring trip..."

"Sister Hanyu, I really have something important, and I must rush over right away, otherwise the elementary student Mochizuki doesn't know what to do..."

The situation was urgent, so Araki Sosuke solemnly refused Mai Hanyu's request.

In his mind, Mochizuki Ayano had already made up for the picture of Mochizuki Ayano standing on the ruins of the apartment in front of Tibet, stepping on his "private collection" buried in dust, and looking at his picture with majesty.

"That's a shame. The hot spring hotel I planned to arrange for one night and two days, but one of the few that supports mixed bathing..."

In the next second, there was the sound of something cracking in Araki Sosuke's body.

"One night for two days? Mixed...mixed bath?!"

Hearing these words, Araki Sosuke seemed to instantly think of some exciting scene, blushing with heat.

"I...I did...it's not right. I was going to go back to the apartment to rescue those collections. It won't affect if I take a photo of you along the way..."

"...That's right, you must be thirsty, drink this before you leave..."

Mai Hanyu took out a small bottle of Ito Oolong tea that can be found everywhere in convenience stores from her bag and handed it to Sosuke Araki.

"Wow, thanks, I just feel dry and dry..."

Running all the way, Araki Sosuke, who was hungry and thirsty for various reasons, unscrewed the bottle of Oolong tea and drank it with his head up.

"Cough cough cough..."

The rich fragrance of the liquid and the familiar burning sensation instantly ignited his throat.

"This is the ‘Oolong Tea’ that can be ignited at all, right? Gudong... Gudong..."

Putting the turbulent body on Araki Sosuke, Mai Hanyu stretched out her finger and tapped the opponent's lips, preventing him from squirting the oolong tea.

"Where there, this is the anti-drug specially developed by me just in case the rumors of'Sarin hallucinogenic gas' are true..."

Indiscriminately, Mai Hanyu pushed the bicycle left by Tokimoto Ichiro into his hands.

"Time is not waiting, you should set off."

At the same time, Yu Mayumi Kotori, who had completed negotiations with the self-defense team and obtained a permit, returned to the alley.

"Ms. Araki, I have communicated with them about the release, let's go quickly..."

Seeing Sosuke Araki's dress, she was taken aback.

"You are..."

In just a few minutes, Araki Sosuke’s disguise that is comparable to "Underwear Voyeur Yowamushi Pedal" made her almost unrecognizable...

"Go, Sleeper. I'll be here waiting for you to come back..."

Like sending her husband out for his wife, Mai Hanyu tidied the collar for Sosuke Araki, and then whispered something in his ear.

"Hehehehe...you just wait for me to come back and go mixin together...hiccup...no, wait for the video I shoot back..."

After listening to her, Araki Sosuke, who was flushed and burped with alcohol, waved his hand without looking back, pushing the bicycle crookedly, and carrying the bird Yu Mayumi out of the alley.

"The maiden of the Little Bird Tour clan...there is another one who has never seen a spirit remover."

The priest on the roof of the car and the bird Yu Mayumi in the back seat saluted each other, and watched the bicycle drove towards the light curtain.

"...In short, please come back safely."

Spirit removers who can stand up at such a moment, regardless of their status and beliefs, are all comrades worthy of respect for each other.

"Are you ready, Xiaoniao Yushi..."

Holding the handle of the bicycle with both hands, Sosuke Araki turned around and asked Yu Mayumi Tori who was sitting sideways in the back seat.

"Ready, Mr. Araki, is it really okay? You seem to..."

Smelling the strong scent of alcohol on his face, Yu Mayumi Torii asked worriedly.

In just a short time, what did Mr. Araki go through in that alley? Not only did he change into a strange dress, he also became drunk.

"...In that case, let's go!!!"

Indiscriminately speaking, the bicycle started with a catapult, jumped across the light curtain and rushed into the dark and dead street.

After being blocked by the gust of wind, Yu Mayumi Kotori had to hug his waist tightly with both hands.

"Let Araki-kun take the risk without authorization, and set him up with a super-high-level FLAG that transcends ‘getting married when you come back from a war’ like ‘Zhuangxing Wine + Mixed Bath’... Sister, what on earth do you calculate?"

Seeing Sosuke Araki who disappeared into the alley with the flags all over his body, Hou Hailu Dou asked in a series of puzzled questions: "...That bottle of'Oolong Tea' is not a'psychedelic gas antagonist' at all, right? Wouldn’t the electronic equipment fail in the dark fog?"

With his understanding, he has always "cherished" Araki-kun's Hanyu Mai, so naturally he would not deliberately send him in to do such dangerous things as "gas sucking".

"Don't worry, the GOPRO was treated with a special method... As for'Oolong Tea', in addition to the water of life, it also contains a variety of dopamine accelerators..."

Mai Hanyu chased out the alley, looked at the departed Araki Sosuke and Tori Mayumi, and slowly stretched out her five fingers toward the back of their departure.

"Under the influence of alcohol and drugs, people will become extremely bold and excited, and their cognition and response to external things will also become extremely slow... This may be the only way to temporarily decipher'that stuff'..."

Between her five fingers, as the two of them crossed the light curtain, resentment surged in that pitch-black area like a cloud stirred by a strong wind...

"Huh, it's up to now, as my chief hacker, it's time to let you know, confidential authority [Dragon] level secret..."

"With unauthorized use of words like [Dragon] with no sequence characteristics for grade labeling, how to divide the levels before and after..."

"...Cut through the darkness, the sword of the goddess of dawn."

"Isn't it still the sword of dawn? This...this is...really...a vacuum..."

Following the words of Mai Hanyu, Hou Hailu Dou opened his mouth slightly, seeming to see something that he couldn't believe.

"Akagi Shrine, unexpectedly has such a powerful purification technique..."

At the same time, in the horrified eyes of the priests and self-defense team members, endless black energy, like a tired bird returning to its nest, crazily poured into Araki Sosuke's body in front of the bicycle.

Under everyone's complicated eyes, the red bicycle, like a sharp sword, pierced into the darkness.

As the bicycle was advancing at high speed, the terrible sky and darkness in the area along the way were all sucked away by Araki Sosuke who drove forward.

In the area where the black air dissipated, the lights on both sides of the road flickered slightly, gradually returning to the city's previous bright lights.

As the warm dawn cut through the dark clouds, it re-illuminated the earth under the night.

"Araki Zongsuke is not talented, only his strong body and ultimate secret [True Suck] can be considered handy, please give me your advice in the future."

Someone's words during the interview echoed in Hou Hailu Dou's ears for some reason.

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