I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 349 Super High School Grade Search and Rescue Dog

Just as Araki Sosuke headed towards the Tibetan apartment for various reasons, a green light was quickly passing through the dark dense fog and moving along the streets without people.

It was Kengo Yamada who was running at high speed like a dog on all fours.

The source of the green light was a thick and long green glow stick in his mouth, and saliva dripped from it from time to time.

On his back lay four children clinging to his robe.

"You guys, don't sleep, just cheer me up and keep your heart at ease, barking!"

Looking back, seeing the sleepy expressions of the children on his back, Yamada Kengo called them loudly.

And what makes him bark from canine creatures from time to time is the one on his neck, [Human Face Dog's Collar].

"But... Uncle... I'm really sleepy..."

"Someone is saying that it's okay to sleep for a while..."

Several children wiped their eyes on his back, but they still couldn't resist the drowsiness that fell like a mountain.

In such a strong resentment, weak-willed and sensitive children are more likely to be affected by whispers in their ears.

"It's my brother! Pooh... oh oh oh..."

Feeling the children's state becoming more and more unbearable, Yamada Kengo's limb muscles suddenly swelled, and the light stick in his mouth was directly crushed by him.

"Go faster... Wang..."

Squeezing every drop of his body's strength, Yamada Kengo suddenly accelerated and swept across the streets filled with resentment like a gust of wind.

"Can't sleep, Mom and Dad are still waiting for you outside!"

The faint city lights ahead gave him hope.

After rushing into this resentment and invisible area with Tokimoto Ichiro, because there were too many people who had not evacuated in time, Yamada Kengo and Tokimoto Ichiro simply split.

Tokimoto Ichiro and Yuu went to the center first to support the spirit removers under the gate of hell.

And he, with the strong hearing, smell, speed, and power conferred by the grievances, played a super-university search and rescue dog ability, and saved several batches of people trapped in the elevator or lost.

"Thank you, Yamada-san..."

"Thank you, uncle!"

"Wang Wu...No, it's brother!"

After breaking through the area blocked by grievances and returning to the warm city behind the light curtain, after handing the few children on his back to the peripheral staff, after a group of people bowed and thanked, Yamada Kengo broke into the place again without looking back. In the dark resentment.

"You have to hurry... go back to the master... Wang."

Feeling that the grievances around him grew stronger, his inspiration and visual range continued to decline, Yamada Kengo also became a little impatient.

Something must be happening at the center of the outbreak of resentment, under the giant door.

Suddenly, the nose of Yamada Kengo running on the ground moved slightly, arching his body like a dog with exploded hair, swiftly stopping in place, and then jumping high.


At the same time, amidst the grievances, a black shadow quickly passed by where he was just now, and then disappeared.

On the cement road, there was only one huge crack left, explaining what happened just now.

"Uuuuuuu...I mean, whoever came..."

Falling back to the ground, Yamada Kengo looked around fiercely, and let out an angry growl.

If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, I'm afraid that the hole had opened in his body at this moment.

Moreover, there were talisman papers hidden all over his body. If a spirit body such as the resentful spirit made a sneak attack, it would inevitably trigger the talisman paper spontaneous combustion warning.

But the talisman did not respond, it could only show that...

Are humans, or, humanoids.

"It's all due to you moving around, making me staggered..."

A low and heavy male voice, accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air, resounded abruptly behind him.

"So close……"

Yamada Kengo drew his sword without hesitation, turned around and cut out vigorously without fancy.

The lightning peachwood sword took Lei Gang across the black fog fiercely, causing a "crackling" sound.

But before his eyes, there was nothing.

"...My 18-centimeter-long Hungarian M1895 bayonet, after entering your body and stirring freely, will introduce air into the blood vessel to form an air embolism, which will block the blood to the brain within five minutes, causing brain death..."

That voice appeared again abruptly in a position very close behind Kengo Yamada, causing him to sweat on his forehead.


The conditioned reflex was normal, and the wooden sword in Yamada Kengo's hand moved behind him and then cut.

But this sword still slashed away.

A strong wind passed behind him and ran towards his lower body.

After learning the lesson of the last sword, Yamada Kengo, who had spare power, immediately dodged sideways.

However, a blood flower bloomed on the side of his thigh.

It seems that it was caused by the military assassination that the man said.

"...How could it be so fast!"

Faced with this ghostly enemy who is constantly launching attacks from behind, with the blessing of [Human Face Dog Collar], he actually flew into the air several times without even seeing the opponent's shadow.

Regardless of checking the wound, Yamada Kengo leaned down to stabilize his figure, and his hands kept making seals.

A layer of spiritual power instantly covered his whole body, shielding his breath.

Nine-character mantra·bao gourd seal.

The opponent can appear behind him several times like a ghost without warning, presumably some secret technique has been used to lock him.

"...You think you can escape by shielding your breath?"

That voice, like a tarsal maggot, once again sounded behind Kengo Yamada.

"Remember, the person who smashed your rectum is the powerful No. 9 member of the Oren Truth Society, the master of the'power of the post-God'..."

"So, you cults caused all this?! Go to hell..."

Yamada Kengo, who had been preparing for a long time, slammed a backflip, and the peach wood sword in his hand slammed toward the sound.

The Taomu Sword slashed into the air again, and there was still no one in his sight.

"What a god, sneaky, has the ability to show up and fight me head-on! Wang!"

Yamada Kengo bit the wooden sword in his mouth, suddenly turned around and quickly rushed along the dark street.

Since he couldn't catch the person's trace, maybe he could expose his flaws while running.

Another blood flower bloomed on the side of his buttocks, revealing white and tender skin.

"...A futile move, no one has ever escaped my lock! I am invincible in such a place full of ‘divine power’!"

A series of blood stains constantly appeared on the lower body of Yamada Kengo, who was running wildly.

No matter how he spins and jumps, the enemy in the darkness, who has not seen his body from beginning to end, seems to be able to teleport and generally appear in the blind spot behind him to attack, and it seems that he particularly likes a certain position.

The other party seemed to enjoy the joy of chasing abuse, and the continued nonsense seemed to give Yamada Kengo time to breathe and move...

But Kengo Yamada's speed became more and more slow.

Because the scars caused by the military stabbing that could not stop the bleeding are further fermenting over time, drawing away his physical strength...

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