While running, faint words echoed behind Kengo Yamada like a shadow.

"Do you know that no matter how strong a person is, they will show a soft and warm side in front of the queen god?"

During the Heiankyo era, it is said that when people walk at night, they often encounter ghosts called "Houshin".

They like to hide behind people, whisper softly to create panic, pull people's hair from behind or wrap people around their necks.

"Come on, let me enter your tender and warm...gives you the most pleasant way to die in the world!! Just like those guys before..."

"Uh oh...So, have many people died under your military stabbing like this?"

When he reached the end of the alley, Kengo Yamada stuck his back against the wall, pretending to ask with great interest, but in fact he secretly sensed the other party's location.

He could have crossed the wall, but the more and more scars on his body and the dizziness caused by blood loss made him no longer intend to hide.

"A lot? Ahahahaha, there are so many, I can't even count them!"

It seems that it is rare for anyone to be able to tell, "Nine" laughed madly: "Until now, you group of so-called righteous spirit removers and stupid Metropolitan Police Department, still count the deaths of those guys as what's the sewer? Burst's head..."

Hearing the other party's words, Yamada Kengo lowered his head and said nothing, his eyes flashed with anger.

"It's useless to lean back against the wall. The game is over..."

With the sound of cement cracking, a pitch-black army pierced through the wall behind him, rushing towards somewhere with precision and fierceness.

The man named "No. Nine" who claimed to be "the power of the gods in control" was able to appear behind him ignoring obstacles and launch an attack!

"Good come!! I know that you are always coveting anyway..."

This time, Kengo Yamada expected the enemy to turn around, and the peach wood sword in his hand met the army stab head-on.

Under the collision, the electric light on the mahogany sword passed along the opponent's weapon along with his violent power.

"...Interesting, it seems that you are different from those other guys."

Accompanied by the surprised voice of "Nine", a pitch-black diamond-shaped military thorn spins into the ground in mid-air.

He, who had been behind Yamada Kengo, discovered...

The tall young man in front of him closed his eyes at some unknown time.

Can't see, simply don't see.

In the dark alley, Kengo Yamada slowly turned his body with his eyes closed, and his five senses became more acute.

The gloomy resentment that slowly flowed into the person's body, the smelly blood of the inky black army, the potato and beef curry on the robe that was hunting, the socks that had not been washed for ten days, the underwear that was not dried in time to cover the smell, There is a paper towel with heather smell remaining in the left pocket...

Bits of information gradually converged, and the sense of hearing, smell, touch, intuition and inspiration that were greatly enhanced by [Human Face Dog Collar] gradually intertwined in his mind into a multi-dimensional picture far beyond vision.

"saw you!"

A man wrapped in a black robe and wearing a weird mask is holding two diamond-shaped military thorns, floating quietly in the midair facing the back of his head.

The runes on the mask vaguely formed a "jiu" character.

In the quiet alley, the two moved at the same time.

The continuous fire and thunder, following the actions of the two, erupted in the dark!

No matter how Yamada Kengo moved, the man always adjusted his position like a reflection in the mirror, keeping the direction behind his head waiting for an opportunity to shoot.

But Kengo Yamada, who closed his eyes, looked like long eyes at the back of his head, and was always able to stop the opponent's attack just right.

Facing Yamada Kengo's powerful sinking and thundering sword intent, "Number Nine" seemed to be a little strenuous.

"You are an opponent worth taking seriously..."

The palms of "Nine" slowly spread out, and a cloud of black gas turned into a pair of big hands, firmly grabbing Yamada Kengo's short hair.

Pulling hair is also one of the traditional arts of the queen god.

"This... Jamaica..."

In an instant, Yamada Kengo's whole body stiffened as if sinking into a quagmire, and his face was stretched long enough to form a pigtail because of his short hair. The entire scalp was twisted back, showing a strangely deformed and smiling expression.

"You don't have to struggle. Once you are pulled by the'Empress God', it's over...Before you die, I will tie you a beautiful'smiley face' bun."

Feeling the hair gradually tightened, weakly "looking at" the thick black army thorn in the opponent's hand, attacking behind him...

The only thing Yamada Kengo can do is to follow the glorious tradition of the Kendo Department and instinctively contract the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, piriformis, upper and lower muscles, obturator internal and external muscles, quadratus femoris...



The huge metal collision sounded, accompanied by the scream of "Nine".

"Roar... I caught you!"

Yamada Kengo was holding the peach wood sword in his back, which had already nailed him to the wall.

The power of Lei Gang on the mahogany sword was flowing along his whole body, paralyzing his whole body, and the "divine power" in his body was instantly dissipated.

"You... how can you... my power..."

"Number Nine" vomited blood, ignoring the rapid flow of power in his body, but his pupils were shaking, and he looked at Yamada Kengo, who was still facing him in disbelief.

"……How can it be!!!!"

The pair of military thorns in his hand were twisted in the shape of an "L" and fell to the ground feebly.

The metal color was faintly revealed in the torn trousers of the other party.

"I'm sorry, I've learned a lot...From the first time I met those weird resentful spirits to now, I have gradually realized..."

Yamada Kengo turned around and drew out the mahogany sword, and backhanded several talisman papers on the opponent, blocking the flow of resentment in his body.

"It's not enough to just stuff talisman paper here, there, and there..."

What he wears in his sports trousers, under the careful guidance of Teacher Shiben, consumed a piece of meteorite, tailored to his body shape in various states, beaten with his own hands, repeatedly quenched, tempered and then quenched, and forged in accordance with the ancient method. Yes, 【Tai Chi Bagua Cynomorium and Meteorite Pants】.

"The boy is outside, so he must learn to protect himself... Wang!"

Withdrawing the mahogany sword, and ignoring the "number nine" that was slowly falling along the wall, Kengo Yamada rubbed his face and turned to hold the sword guard against the entrance of the alley.

There, I don’t know when there were a few strong male resentful spirits with gray complexions, blood on the hips, and naked bodies. They were staring at "Number Nine" on the wall with hungry and resentful eyes...

"I'm in a hurry...you guys... have fun..."

Before he finished speaking, Yamada Kengo stepped on both sides of the wall with his feet continuously, turned directly over the low wall at the end of the alley, turned and ran.


Seeing Yamada Kengo walking over the wall, the resentful spirits did not chase his footsteps, but slowly surrounded the "Nine" lying on the ground...

"You...can't do this to me...I'm...the queen...aha... there..."

In the gloomy alley, the indescribable and tragic whisper of "Nine" sounded.

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