Compared with Taito, which is immersed in darkness, Shibuya is still brightly lit and crowded.

Standing on the path in front of the very familiar Meiji Jingu Torii, Fujiwara Takumi only felt cold and could not feel the warmth.

Because, at this time, he is facing the darkest moment in his life.

After receiving a mission from the Soul Eliminators Guild app and seeing the "Gate of Hell" appearing in the sky above Taitung District, he was originally squatting in the apartment as usual, and he immediately packed his luggage and went to the Meiji Shrine. Run away".

The weird dark red giant door, resentment and resentful spirits rush all over the sky, if you are still alone in this small apartment, if you are blocked by the resentful spirits and "charge" like last time, wouldn't it be your own death .

However, when he ran to the Otorii gate outside Meiji Shrine...

A terrible grieving spirit dressed in a deep persimmon red royal robe, with fingernails as long as animal claws, and unkempt hair hanging down to his knees, as if he were a demon king, was quietly suspended in mid-air with his back facing him.

"Meiji kid... Sotoku-in Temple returns from hell today..."

Behind this resentful spirit, there are several Fujiwara clans who are dressed up as priests and do not know their life or death.

"... You ruined my divine body with Bai Feng's revenge, today we will report it!"

Just as Fujiwara Takumi was about to turn around and run, the resentful spirit flushed cheeks, rolled his eyes upside down, exhaled heat, and turned his head to look at him with an extremely painful expression.

"……It's you?"

"'s not me...wait, Chong, Chongdeyuan?"

Just looking at each other, Fujiwara Takumi was already frightened by the substantive resentment in the opponent's eyes, his feet softened, and he fell to the ground, shaking his whole body with an unusually gorgeous chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power.

Recalling the claim that the other party had just said, he instantly lost the strength to get up and escape.

Sotoku-in Temple, inherited the emperor at the age of five, was abolished at the age of twenty-two, and was later exiled to the country of Sanuki due to the failure of the coup d’état.

Emperor Shongde.

Chongde was exiled to the country of Sanuki, accompanied by the ancient Buddha of the blue lantern, copied the five major Buddhist scriptures with his own blood, and wrote to the emperor that he would accept the scriptures and place the scriptures in the temple for self-reflection.

After being vetoed by the emperor, Chongde was full of grievances and committed suicide. Before his death, he made a great aspiration: "I am willing to be the great devil and disrupt the world. With the five Mahayana Sutras, we will return to the evil way. Kill the king."

After the death of Emperor Chongde, Japanese samurai rose, the shogunate assumed power, and the emperor's power came to pass, and the poisonous oaths were fulfilled one by one.

The Kyoto court granted titles to Chongde, built shrines, and offered Buddhist scriptures, but the disaster never ceased.

People are afraid of Chongde's grievances and call them "Japan's Great Demon Fate" and "Misfortune Chongshen".

There are also legends that after his death, he turned into a big tengu and is still doing harm to the world.

It wasn't until Emperor Meiji took the throne to send a special envoy to take the body of Sotokuin Temple to the Hakumine Shrine in Kyoto to "enshrine" it, and Japan was considered to usher in a short-term peace.

Growing up in Meiji Shrine since childhood, Fujiwara Takumi naturally knew that what was held in Hakumine Shrine back then was not an enshrinement at all, but a ritual to completely destroy its "ghost body".

"Huh, the son of the old man of Meiji... Back then, my soul and resentment were exhausted, and you were lucky enough to escape. Today the door of hell opens. I will use you to solve my hatred first, and then dismantle this Meiji Shrine. ..."

Seeing the symbolic "sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" spiritual power blooming throughout Fujiwara Takumi's whole body, Sotoku-in Temple seemed to recognize the identity of the other party and showed a cruel smile.

"It's... it's you..."

Below the big torii gate, the terrible grieving spirit standing in front of you, the clansmen who don't know the life or death...

This familiar scene awakens the most terrifying memory buried in the deepest memory of Fujiwara Takumi.

When he was ten years old, it was the resentful spirit in front of him. When he went out to buy the latest "Ghost Pokémon·Gold and Silver" with great interest, he came to rush torii, intercept and kill the clansmen, leaving him behind. A huge psychological shadow.

Where is this [one], [two], [three] level resentful spirit...

This is clearly his meow, "Japan's first resentful spirit".

At the same time, the huge torii with three chrysanthemum emblems in the back spread out with golden light, constantly impacting on the body of Chongdein, causing his whole body to continue to feel grievances.

"Thanks to the young master's move to block the resentful spirit, the three road formations of the South, North, and West have been activated..."

Uncle Keigo and a few priests, I don’t know when they swept their heads out from behind the torii, which is as thick as a giant tree, and shouted emotionally at Fujiwara Takumi: "...Master, please don’t love the battle, the patriarch will lead the team to host Taitung District. The big formation, blocking the grievances, before you leave, tell you to enter the shrine and preside over the formation!"

The large torii gate of Meiji Jingu, located at the intersection of the north and south roads, is 12 meters high, 17 meters wide, 1.2 meters in diameter, and weighs 13 tons. It is the largest wooden Myojin torii gate in Japan and the entire shrine formation. Core.

The first generation of large torii gates that year used cypress trees that were more than 1,200 years old in the western part of Alishan, Taiwan, and were later destroyed by thunder and fire from the "Thunder God" Sugawara Michima.

The existing second-generation large torii gate was made from a giant cypress tree over 1500 years old, discovered in the Danda Mountain at 3,300 meters above sea level in Taiwan.

Once the basalt formation with the large torii gate as the formation eye, the "tortoise stone" in the north of the shrine and the southeast and northwest roads as the formation map is activated, it can be said that the evil spirits retreat.

"Love battle? Go in and host the formation? I f*ck..."

Looking at the resentful spirit in front of him and the expectant gaze from behind Torii, Fujiwara Takumi could only feel a mouthful of old blood stuck in his chest.

Love war...If it weren't for the soft feet, I turned around and ran away.

Not to mention that I don’t know how to preside over the formation, I also have to be able to enter the torii gate alive...

But his sitting posture in ecstasy at this moment seemed to be sitting right in front of the torii gate, struggling to prevent the heroic and heroic spirit of the peerless wraith who was about to collide with the shrine, making everyone look at him even more admired.

"Hahahahaha... Hell returns to the world, and it is no longer your Fujiwara clan’s full moon glory days. Even if Meiji visits in person today, I don’t want to stop me..."

Not waiting for a few people behind the torii gate to react, Sotoku-in Temple waved his hands and shattered the golden light that had hit him, and leaned down towards the ground Fujiwara Takumi.

"Master Takumi..."

"Fight with him..."

Seeing that the situation was not good, several priests rushed out from behind the torii and rushed towards Fujiwara Takumi.

In the face of the Devil's Shotoku-in Temple, the only thing Fujiwara Takumi could do was to close his eyes and stay still.

The golden chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power that bloomed on his body became more and more heavy because of fear.

The expected pain did not come.


Because a thin figure rushed on Fujiwara Takumi first step.

"Kyu...Uncle Kyu?"

Fujiwara Takumi opened his eyes and found that Uncle Keigo, who had been hiding behind the torii gate, had used his old body to protect him.

The dark arm of Sungdeokin was passing through Uncle Keigo's chest.

"Young...Master, leave me alone, fast, fast forward to Torii..."

Being eroded by the resentment, Uncle Keiwu suddenly swelled blood vessels in his face, and his whole body shook like a sieve.

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