I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 352 Firefly and Haoyue

"Don't think about it!!!"

Seeing that Uncle Keiwu was attacked, several priests in the back shot one after another, casting curse marks towards Chongdeyuan.

However, they lost the protection of the formation, but they were slammed into the torii gate with a wave of the Sundeokin Temple, and they were unconscious.

"Let go... let go... Uncle Keiwu!!!"

Seeing the tragic scene in front of him, Fujiwara Takumi actually forgot his fear, condensed a weak spiritual power in his hand, and patted towards Sotoku-in Temple.

A circle of majestic and majestic chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power exploded between Fujiwara Takumi and Sotokuin.


The resentment that burned like black flames on the body of Chongde Academy stagnated.

The chrysanthemum pattern's spiritual power penetrated the body, and the resentment that invaded Uncle Guiwu's body also transpired.

"This trick is pretty good, but... how can the light of fireflies compete with Haoyue!!!"

Although this style is Fujiwara Takumi's best technique, this level of purification is nothing but a drop in the bucket for the monstrous grievances in Shongdein.

"Back then, the soul-dividing strength I escaped from hell was too weak, and was consumed by those desperate priests, allowing you to escape..."

On the contrary, it made him laugh wildly up to the sky.

"But I didn't expect that after many years, you didn't make any progress... The god child of Meiji Jingu, one generation is inferior to one generation!!!"

With a light sigh, Chongde-in Temple threw Uncle Keiwu in his hands on the ground like garbage.

"...Today, let us continue the front line."

"Uncle Kyu... why are you rushing out..."

Regardless of the "Japan's No. 1 resentful spirit" who came to him, Fujiwara Takumi reached out to hold Keigo uncle.

"Master, run, you are... the next great priest of Meiji Jingu... not tolerate any mistakes..."

This old man, who took care of him and grew up as a grandson, is already black and angry.

"Idiot?! You still can't see it now, I am not as good as you think!!!"

With the roar of anger, tears slipped from Fujiwara Takumi's face.

"...I am obviously just a ruined house with weak spiritual power, as timid as a mouse, and addicted to the second dimension. I am lucky enough to be reborn in such a prominent family... I am not worthy of your expectations at all! It is not worthy of you. ..."

"No, master...I know, I always know..."

"What, since you know... why do you want..."

Hearing Uncle Keigo's words, Takumi Fujiwara turned pale and looked at him madly.

"...Since the day you were born and the gods descended from auspiciousness, I have always firmly believed that you are the "favored person once in four thousand years"."

Uncle Keiwu's thin palm gently touched his face and wiped away his tears.

Scattered memories flooded Fujiwara Takumi's heart.

"Master, run slower, you will fall..."

"Master, this is a special drama named [Ghost Rider], please adjust your mood while practicing!"

"Master, this is the host of the limited edition Ghost Pokémon, the latest game cassette and the linked master golfer... Don't be discovered by the master..."

"Master, did you really decide to move out of Meiji Jingu? It doesn't matter, the old servant is waiting for you at any time."

"Master, it's dinner..."

Uncle Keigo's palm, which had become so old, whirled warmly on Fujiwara Takumi's face, calling him back to the cruel reality.

"Master, your cultivation... is only for the time being, you haven't found the right way..."

"It's okay, Meiji Jingu, can afford to wait... Lord God, can also afford to wait... You are strong, and you must save the weak..."

"Uncle Guiwu!!!"

Looking at the eyes of Uncle Keigo slowly closing, Fujiwara Takumi let out a heartbreaking roar, staring at the resentful spirit in front of him glaringly.

"Chongde Academy, I will fight with you..."


Before he could react, the dark arm of Chongdeyuan had already passed through his chest.

"...The touching time is over."

"Uh ah ah ah..."

With that strong resentment invading his body, Fujiwara Takumi wailed in pain, and black energy surging past his pupils.

Feeling the palpitations of his heart being held by the resentful spirit, his vision became more and more blurred, and he could only feel that life was quickly passing through his body.

Why, no matter how hard I try, it is still so vain?

At the time of life and death, he, who had always believed in "salted fish first", felt extremely unwilling for the first time.

If that shit god really exists, why never respond to my prayers...

With the sound of a broken heart, Fujiwara Takumi's vision went dark.

Even if... this time...

"Hey, boring... I thought it would make me enjoy more..."

After a long while, Sotoku-in Temple took it easy, letting Fujiwara Takumi, whose vitality was cut off, fell to the ground.

"...Meiji boy, no one can stop me from stepping on your shrine today."

Taking care of his robe lightly, he walked upright toward the huge torii in front of him.

However, after only three steps forward, Chongde Institute sensed something general and stopped.

"I heard that you want to see me."

A voice without human emotion sounded behind him.

In the rear, Fujiwara Takumi, who was supposed to "dead", rose in the air at some point.

In his eyes, golden runes of unknown meaning flowed...

Throughout his body, countless chrysanthemum patterns spread out like a tsunami, enveloping the entire Meiji Shrine.

Echoing it from the distance, the torii, tortoise stone, sando, and shrines in Meiji Shrine all sparkle with dazzling golden chrysanthemum patterns.

The entire Meiji Shrine's Xuanwu formation was connected to him like an arm.

The priests who had collided with the torii and fainted were also awakened by the nourishment of golden spiritual power.

"This...this is a miracle..."

In the Meiji Shrine, the priests who were inspired to recognize this abnormality all knelt on the ground.

"Meiji? How could it be possible?!!!"

Feeling the substantive "divine power" in the opponent, Chongde Institute immediately seemed to be on the verge of an enemy, and the whole body resentment rose into the sky like a pillar of fire.

Ordinary "God descending" and other art styles, due to the caster's physical and endurance limitations, the power of the gods that can eventually descend can be described as minimal, and it can be said to be less than one-tenth of the strength of the deity.

"How can you break through the shackles of the'Millennium Deed'... No, this can't be the deity..."

But the surging divine power that descended from the young man in front of him was enough to surpass the gods of ordinary small shrines.

Contrary to Emperor Shintoku, who had a miserable life, Emperor Meiji is known as the single most powerful emperor in Japan.

Relying on him to promote the Meiji Restoration, combat shogunate rule, abolish the feudal system, establish a constitutional monarchy, learn from the West, and pursue civilization and civilization, etc., made Japan the only one that retains its own traditions and native culture in just a few decades. At the same time, it has achieved modernization.

Emperor Meiji was worshipped by the general public throughout his life, and he was revered as a god after his death and enshrined in the Meiji Shrine built for him.

"That's it, it seems that Fujiwara's family is still inexhaustible, and the glazed divine body of'one encounter in four thousand years' was born..."

It seems that something has been figured out. For the first time, Suntokuin carefully looked at "Fujiwara Takumi" in front of him.

"Huh, it's just a waste of nothing..."

There was no emotion on his face, "Fujiwara Takumi" seemed unwilling to talk to the other party, and opened his palm directly to the Sundeokin Temple.

"...Besides, I didn't come here specifically for you. I just responded to a prayer from some waste."

In the palm of his palm, the chrysanthemum pattern charm suddenly burst out with a dazzling light.

"How can the light of the fireflies compete with Haoyue...repay you..."

The same onmyoji and purification are useful again, but they are not the same as before Fujiwara Takumi.

The light that seemed to be able to purify everything flashed, Chongde Academy didn't even have time to make a sound, and the figure dissipated in the white light.

When the priests who were kneeling on the ground raised their heads, Fujiwara Takumi was already floating in the air and swept away in the direction of the gate of hell without looking back.

"...Uncle Keiwu!!!"

Below the torii gate, Uncle Keiwu, who was originally lying on the ground with no breath, the scar on his chest was wrapped in a chrysanthemum pattern and began to heal slowly.

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