"I'm here, what am I thinking..."

"Looking" at the huge amount of ghosts in the inspiration in a daze, Yu Mayumi Xiaotoi suddenly dropped his bow holding hands, and a self-deprecating smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Because, in front of her, Mr. Araki's wide back stretched out. Those two huge arms that were more terrifying than ghosts were so reassuring.

After "Dang Fei" Chi Man Qi, the pair of arms burning with scriptures didn't mean to "close their hands" at all.

Instead, he eagerly moved to the back of Sosuke Araki, posing various poses full of power, as if he was showing a muscular bodybuilder to the judges.

It seems that the environment filled with resentment and ghosts filled "it" with vitality and excitement.


Seeing the torrent of mimizaza ghosts approaching closer, the pair of giant arms slammed their hands together, and the broad palms slapped together.

Under this seemingly vigorous, but silently clasped hands, the lava-like runes on the arms turned into black flames and spread out in circles.

The closest bird, Yu Mayumi, seemed to have a "hum" in his ear.

Thousands of chanting sounds sounded in her ears at the same time, and they returned to one sound, and then disappeared.

"This is...Sanskrit?"

In her mind, a strange picture appeared for some reason...

In the boundless darkness, surrounded by grievances, the untouched Araki Sosuke was sitting in it, closing his eyes and chanting.

When she blushed and threw this indescribable picture from her head frantically, focusing on the ghost in front of her...

The black torrent that the ghost turned into, before it could get close to 20 meters above the two of them, it had already violently impacted with the circle of black flames...

Like a meteor rubbing the atmosphere, the black torrent starts from the place where it intersects with the black inflammation, and gradually turns from black to white, scattered with crystal light spots...

Looking carefully, it was the hideous ghosts in the torrent. Under the impact of the black flame, the whole body bloomed with white light, and their hands were scattered all over the ground.

"Good... so strong..."

Except for this sentence, Toriyuki Mayumi could not find any adjectives.

For the first time in her life, seeing such a large number of ghosts and monsters become Buddhas in front of her eyes, she couldn't help feeling a little stunned, just like a dream.

I don't know when a Buddhist scripture that I had heard slowly came to her mind.

All sentient beings are Tathagata Wisdom and Virtue, which cannot be attained only because of delusion and attachment.

At this moment, obsessions disappear and become a Buddha.

Sure enough, with Mr. Araki here, I don't need to worry about the problem of removing spirits...

Converging his thoughts, Yu Mayumi Torii concentrated on continuing to cast the spell, and new torii gates appeared again on the road behind the bicycle.

For her who grew up in a shrine since she was a child, Chu Ling has nothing to do with things like "striving for power and combativeness" and "handsomeness". It is more similar to funeral and blessing ceremonies for the dead.

In this "large-scale sacrifice" in front of her, she only needs to do what she can do.

As the torrent above his head turned into stars and dissipated into the night, the two giant black arms behind Araki Sosuke, like "retreat", followed the resentment back into his body.

Under the influence of the bottle of "Oolong Tea", Sosuke Araki entered a state of haziness, vagueness, and drunkenness.

This feeling is like being drunk with alcohol, the body and consciousness become dull to what is happening around, but the heart is still sober and able to walk home steadily.

Riding in a city where you can’t see your fingers, and the moonlight can’t reflect, the sounds around you, the pictures in front of you, and his reactions have become incredibly slow, but his inner intuition has become unexpectedly sharp, guiding him forward. direction.

"Hiccup... so many cars are stuck in a mess on the road, can't run at all, okay... It's all to blame for the masked ‘Galactic Universe Alliance’..."

Scratching his head and complaining, Araki Sosuke, who was immersed in riding his bike and completely unaware of what was happening, continued to manipulate the broken bicycle and shuttled in the stream of broken motor vehicles like a nimble fish.

At this moment, he really missed his own "Warring States Warrior" that could easily jump over the green belt and crush various roadblocks on the sidewalk.

The red bicycle continued to break through the black fog, tracing the track that the six relatives did not recognize, and spawning vermillion torii gates on Showa Avenue, heading towards the Kuramae apartment...

On the sidewalks on both sides of the traffic, a series of bright white figures clasped their hands and smiled while waiting for the bicycle to pass by.


The Skytree is 450 meters away, and the Tianwang Corridor.

"Appeared, appeared, the original ghost from hell, this spray force is almost OO than XX!!!"

Looking at the gate of hell that was completely open in the night sky not far away with a telescope, and the black figure bursting out of the gate like a flood and breaking through the golden Buddha light, Moon Shadow Chikusa let out a frantic laugh.

"Uh ha ha ha, you dominators, I see how you conceal it now..."

Ever since I got the laptop, I have been immersed in "creating" in the rental room day and night, and at the same time I have to rely on the R18 book to make a living...

Isn’t it just for the hearty moments of suffering all these years?

"Mom, have you seen it... this dirty world will break down little by little in my hands..."

Along with the joyful laughter, big tears splashed on the transparent glass floor, blooming with thoughts.


Five years ago, Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture.

"Mom, I'm back."

Taking advantage of the summer vacation, Tsukage Chikusa deliberately did not participate in the school trip, and chose to return to her home in Uji City to accompany her mother who was in poor health.

Born in a single-parent family, and grew up in this ancient capital adjacent to Kyoto and famous for its matcha tea, Tsukage Chikusa has a very good relationship with her mother who is dependent on each other.

As for a certain father who has never met, he has never left a trace in his life.


Inside the gloomy hallway, a mother's slow and low voice came.

"Mom? Are you sick?"

Looking at the room with no lights on, and the faint smell coming from the room, Moon Shadow Qiancao frowned.

"Why don't you turn on the lights... Is the power out?"

The mother's familiar but unusually slow tone and the unresponsive corridor opening and closing, like an invisible big hand, slowly stroked his heart.

"Chicao...Mom...Mom...has...is ready to cook..."

When he put on his slippers and walked into the living room with the suitcase...

It was an unforgettable scene to greet him when he returned.

In the dim dining room, the table was full of "too rich" meals, which made him cover his mouth with excitement.

"...Come on... let's eat together."

The mother's head, just like the main dish, was dignifiedly placed on the plate in the center of the table full of blood.

In the surrounding dinner plates, other parts of her body were regularly placed.

"Hurry up...wash your hands... come and eat..."

With the same smile as before, the head waved the arm in the next plate, beckoning him to come forward to "eat".

Several dark silhouettes were sitting motionless at the table with their heads bowed, as if they were the guests waiting for the owner to take a seat before they could "satisfy".

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