I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 355 The Last Supper

"mom, Mom, Mom?"

Looking at the scene in the living room, like a certain world famous painting, Moon Shadow Qiancao instantly fell to the ground...

The muddy yellow liquid ran down his trouser legs.

His brain was blank, he could only be driven by fear and instinct to turn around and rush towards the entrance.

However, the door at the end of the hallway was wrapped in a darkness called despair, and no matter how he twisted the handle, he couldn't open it.

"Qiancao...what's wrong with you..."

Inside the room, the mother's voice became more and more deep, unlike a human voice, and continued calling him frantically and hastily.

"Come in now... it's dinner..."

The dark silhouettes slowly got up from the dining table, and walked towards Moon Shadow Qiancao with a grinning smile.

"let me out……"

The only thing Moon Shadow Qiancao can do is to beat the door in front of him frantically and desperately.

As the dark shadows gradually moved closer, an unstoppable sense of fear swallowed him, and his consciousness gradually became muddy...


At the same time, a burst of fire came out from behind the crack of the door, illuminating the dark entrance.


Someone slammed open the door from the outside.

"Master Murakami, right here..."

A monk wearing a monk's robe, burning flames all over his body, reciting Buddhist scriptures silently, stepped over the moon shadow Qiancao lying on the entrance and stepped into the corridor...

"Ananda, it's because the fire of karma dries up, pays his debts, and becomes a beast."

With every step his barefoot pair took, a burning footprint was left on the wooden floor.

Before Moon Shadow Qiancao fainted, the last scene I saw was the black shadows, which turned into ashes under the light of the fire from the monk's whole body...


"So, my mother was killed by a serial murderer?!"

"And I, because of the'witnessing the scene where my mother was killed', I had hallucinations due to excessive stimulation?!"

In the police station, the hysterical Yuekage Chikusa was arguing with several police officers.

"Hey...hehehe...Do you think that this kind of reason to fool a child can make me leave?"

"Mr. Moon Shadow, please calm down... All of this has been collected on-site, and the results of your mental assessment report are also..."

"Hey, can you tell that I'm crazy just based on those pieces of waste paper? Mom's corpse, those dark shadows, and the person who burned all over, all of this is what I saw with my own eyes..."

However, no matter how he argued and protested, he could not change the police's final statement of "serial homicide".

"We understand your feelings very well. In that case, it is possible to see any hallucinations due to excessive shock. We have initially grasped the characteristics of the prisoner, and there will be results soon."


No longer paying attention to the consolation of several police officers, Yueying Qiancao bit her lip angrily, got up and left without saying a word.

"I will use my own way to prove that everything I have experienced is real... After that, I will make all of this public so that you have nothing to say..."

"Even if... my life is exhausted..."

After that day, the "high-ranking student" Yuekage Chikusa resolutely dropped out of school and embarked on the road of investigating "folklore" alone.


Just when Moon Shadow Chikusa was immersed in sad memories, the Taito district, shrouded in black mist, near the edge of Akihabara, lit up a little light at some point.

When he noticed, the light had slowly extended for a short distance in the direction of the gate of hell.

"That's...what? A street light?"

Although the light of the street lamp was faint, it was as eye-catching as a star in the pitch black, instantly pulling Moon Shadow Qiancao from his thoughts.

From the high sky where the Skytree is located, there seems to be a small black hole in front of that little light, which is distorting the space endlessly and absorbing the resentment around it.

In the vacuum area created by the "black hole", like Mars falling into withered grass, more and more flames were "ignited", dispelling the darkness.


Looking at the street lamps that gradually lit up where the "black hole" went, Yueying Qiancao subconsciously took off his glasses and wiped it again.

"In the area where hell descends, how can there be lights in the world?"

Then, as if answering his own words, vermillion torii gates appeared on Showa Avenue behind the "black hole".

Amidst the deadly resentment, layers of blood-red torii gates created a poignant and magnificent scene.

Tsukage Chikusa couldn't help but suspect that someone moved the "Senbon Torii" from Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine in Kyoto.

In the area formed by the connection of the torii gates, the resentment that came back could not penetrate.

The grievances dissipated, and the lights that symbolized vitality were gradually lit up. In the darkness, it was as eye-catching as a string of bright pearls extending infinitely.

Moon Shadow Chikusa eagerly took the telescope, and carefully looked at the "black hole" that was slowly advancing towards Taitung District.

"This is... a bicycle?!"

Due to the distance, dim light, and low visibility, he could only see that the center of the distorted resentment was a bicycle that was slowly advancing in the direction of the gate of hell mixed in the crevices of the traffic flow.

"Are those damned spirit removers dispelling grievances? Sure enough..."

At the same time, countless black shadows gushing from the gates of hell, attracted by the light, rushed toward the bicycle from the air.

Seeing this scene, the panic on Yueying Qiancao's face instantly turned into a grin.

He stared intently at the torrent of black shadows rushing towards the bicycle, looking forward to the scene of the fire being "extinguished".

"Hey, what a life-and-death fellow, feel the enthusiasm from the inhabitants of hell..."

However, an unforgettable scene for him appeared in the telescope unexpectedly.


I saw a circle of black flames spreading out with the bicycle as the center. The countless ghosts that were surging from the air were scattered into pure white spirit bodies in a flash.

"A ghost from hell, is it so useless?!"

Although I can't see exactly what the existence on that bicycle is doing, I don't know what it means for those ghosts to turn into white light...

But Yueying Qiancao knew that the existence on that bicycle was very strong.

"No, these things are just the beginning, even more powerful ones, and it takes time to'ferment'..."

He rubbed his forehead anxiously and opened the laptop he carried with him.

"Hehehe, just this time, have you accumulated so much?"

Placed in the game map, the black vortex marked Hell’s Gate has been covered by the entire Taitung District, and it is still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fear, anger, despair, attachment, pain, anxiety, tension, depression, sadness...

This is the negative emotions that continue to grow in the hearts of the people who have witnessed the gates of hell.

Seeing the rising grievance value, Moon Shadow Chikusa gently helped her glasses down, calmed her emotions, and frantically tapped on the keyboard with her hands.

"I just hope that Gonmine Jiro, and his subordinates, can do more this time and buy more time..."

It only takes enough "chemical reaction" time, and the ghosts that appear in the gates of hell will become stronger and stronger.

"By the way, there is ‘that guy’, and you can’t give me idle time..."

After sunrise, Taitung District, still shrouded under the gates of hell and transformed into a ghost domain, will become an irrefutable proof that will thoroughly expose the lies of the dominator in front of the world...

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