In the center of the pitch-black intersection, dozens of people wrapped in black robes and wearing masks quietly stopped in the direction of Sosuke Araki and Yu Mayumi Kotori.

"Sorry, this is nowhere."

Watching vigilantly at the surrounding grievances being distorted and "dispelled", and the torii gates appearing behind them, the men spoke with exactly the same voice and in a synchronized tone.

The red bicycle came to a halt slowly.

" just released that gas in my apartment, causing a man who is working hard to be displaced and his house full of treasures is in danger...No, it is a cult that has caused the city to black out and traffic in chaos?"

Seeing the man dressed in front of him, Sosuke Araki seemed to think of something.

"I remember... what's the name... I love to drink toilet water... No, the Galactic Alliance from Suang Star?"

"Silver... Galactic Alliance teacher?!"

Hearing what Araki Sosuke said, the men who spoke too neatly seemed to have suffered a great humiliation, and even their tone of voice trembled with anger.

"That kind of rubbish religious pyramid scheme, how is it worthy of being on par with us! Remember, what you have in front of you is the noble ‘tenth’ lord of the Oren Truth Society..."

"Huh? Shit?"

Araki Sosuke looked at the opponent curiously, his little finger was still digging his nostrils sourly.

Since the "Tokyo Port Rescue JK Incident," he has been unhappy with the Galactic Alliance, which likes to wear masks, order pizza, absorb cosmic energy, and hijack over-age JK.

"It's useless to pretend to be stupid, the times have changed..."

Facing Sosuke Araki's attitude, the men did not intend to talk nonsense with him anymore, and stretched their hands into their arms neatly.

"Mr. Araki, be careful..."

Just when Mayumi Torii secretly operated his spiritual power, preparing to resist a certain technique that might come from the other party, the men took out a pistol from their arms and pointed them angrily.


Araki Sosuke instantly narrowed his eyes and guarded Yumayumi Torii vigilantly behind him.

"Hey, you old antique spirit removers, in front of guns, you are nothing more than fragile physical bodies."

Seeing his reaction, the group of men with mask lines on their faces faintly forming a "pick" character, said in unison in a triumphant tone.

The two people on the bicycle obviously have powerful means of removing spirits, so he has no intention of "a fair fight" with each other.

"Ms. Araki, don't be impulsive, they are crowded..."

Looking at the row of black hole muzzles in the men's hands, Yu Mayumi Torii stretched the hem of Sosuke Araki's clothes nervously.

In the yacht that day, the scene of Sosuke Araki being injured by a bullet in order to save her is still vivid.

The other party was right, even if he was as strong as Mr. Araki, he couldn't get out of his body in the face of firearms.

"Man...many? One, two..."

Hearing Tori Mayumi's words, Sosuke Araki turned his head and tapped Tori Mayumi and herself with his finger, then smiled and pointed to one of the men: "One."

"I didn't count it wrong, isn't he the only one? We are still two..."

It was completely different from the scene seen by Yu Mayumi Kotori. In the eyes of Araki Sosuke, standing at the intersection with guns to stop the two of them, from beginning to end, there was only one person alone.

"Don't look at him with a gun, this distance, within seven paces..."

"Ms. Araki, your math..."

Here, Yu Mayumi Kotori is still tilting his head in confusion and talking about Sosuke Araki. Among the "crowd" over there, the "number ten" pointed at by Sosuke Araki has been panicked beyond the reach of his heart.

I saw him quietly switching positions with the man dressed exactly the same.

However, Araki Sosuke on the bicycle pointed his finger, but moved with his movement.

"Impossible... how could he see my supernatural power?"

"Ten" unwillingly "jumped left and right" moved a few steps, but desperately found that the abnormally dressed man was whispering something to the girl behind him, but his fingers still followed like a compass. Moving with his "real body" position.

"...In that case, it's even more difficult to keep you."

As soon as the "tenth" voice fell, these men instantly disappeared from before the eyes of Tori Yu Mayumi.

Then, the scene in her eyes suddenly changed.


She and Sosuke Araki, as well as the bicycle beside her, appeared high in the sky for some reason, and were falling down toward the volcanic crater full of lava...

Suffering from the sudden visual impact in front of her eyes, she only felt that the sky was spinning, like riding a roller coaster, she could only hug Sosuke Araki's waist and couldn't move.


Seeing her reaction, "Ten Ten" suddenly felt calm.

Although the guy on the opposite side lifted his finger and broke his own body, he must be powerless in the face of this trick.

What "No. 10" masters is "the power of transforming a raccoon."

The raccoon dog is a kind of ghost that is very common in Japanese folklore and has many ethnic groups. It is good at creating various illusions.

The three most famous raccoons are the bald raccoon of Yashima in Kagawa Prefecture, Dansaburo raccoon of Sado and Shibaemon raccoon of Awaji.

And "No. Ten" is best at creating illusions and thoroughly playing with the opponent's vision.

The phantom of a clone can make people unable to distinguish their true location.

The scene illusion can completely destroy the target's brain balance system through vision, making it unable to distinguish the real environment.

Those who have been caught in his illusion can only sink into the endless illusion and be abused to death by him.

Even, he occasionally uses this ability to provide other "favorites" in the club with a "female celebrity naming immersive action movie service" beyond vr to earn points.

" do you..."

Then, "No. Ten" was surprised to find that the strangely dressed blond man on the opposite side was still staring at him with fierce eyes, and there was no sign of falling into the environment like the witch behind.

Only then did he notice that the source of the resentment around him was the blond man.


Faced with this disturbing scene, he decisively gave up the idea of ​​using illusion to play the two to death, and gently pulled off the safety plug of the pistol.

Sure enough, what the president said is right, facing these spirits removers, there is no chance of luck.

Unlike Yu Mayumi, who was trapped in an illusion, under the mad warning of keen intuition, the drunk Sousuke Araki noticed the subtle movements of the opponent.

"... Damn it!!"

Before the "tenth" shot, Sosuke Araki had turned back and hugged Yu Mayumi, the bird behind him, and threw himself to one side.

At the same time, he resorted to a trick "Dragon Waving its tail" and kicked hard on the bicycle which was still standing.

With a violent kick from him, the entire body of the red bicycle leaped into the sky, and the meteorite generally blasted towards the man.


The gunfire sounded, and the bullet sputtered sparks on the pedal car.


Then, "Number Ten" was smashed to the ground by a bicycle that struck from the air.

"do not move!"

Just when Araki Sosuke turned back and rushed towards the "Ten", the "Ten" who was overturned by a bicycle unexpectedly took a step ahead of him, enduring the pain stiffly and struggling to raise the muzzle.

Araki Sosuke, who maintained a forward momentum, was forced to stop.

"...That's don't want to look at this lovely Miko, turning into a cold corpse."

Because the opponent's muzzle was not aimed at him, but the fallen bird Yu Mayumi.

At this moment, the distance between the two is far more than seven steps.

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