I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 358 Retirement Day

Although the convergent spirit chasing the "dog body and cat head" in the rear is large in size, its movements are extremely agile, and it can catch up with these men in suits within a few ups and downs.

However, the salt grains that the men waved from time to time, falling on it, would always ignite circles of flames, and the faces that burned to the surface would make more painful wailing, making it a little jealous.

The nature of the animal's instinct has given it enough caution and patience.

Like a most astute hunter, it is waiting.

When the other party runs out of reserves and weakens, it is time to feast on it.

"It's not a way to consume so much. The resentful spirit in this resentment seems to be constantly evolving and getting stronger..."

A Mediterranean man dressed as an office worker running in the front suddenly turned around and slammed the mountain bag on his back to the ground, facing the resentful spirit with his thin body.

"You continue to move towards the apartment, I will stop this guy!"

In addition to the vice-chairman of the Association of Souls, Hiroshi Changtian was given the nickname "Buddha Office Worker" and "Hiroshi Hiroshi behind".

After receiving the assignment from the Spirit Slayers Association, he took the staff of the "Spiritual Interviews" Co., Ltd. into full arms into the grievances.

However, with the passage of time and continuous deepening, he paid great attention to details and discovered a terrible thing...

The ghosts, wraith spirits gushing out of the gate, and wraith spirits that were contaminated with resentment by the creatures killed by it, began to swallow and transform each other in this increasingly strong resentment area, and gradually formed more and more powerful Gather the wraiths.

According to his years of experience in exterminating spirits, in such a field that belongs to the dead, if such an "evolutionary chain" is allowed to ferment, more and more existences beyond imagination will be born.

Therefore, it is imperative to close the door of hell in the air and completely cut off the source of grievances and ghosts.

"President Chang Tian..."

"Go with confidence and do what you should do. Those who violate the order will be deducted three points from the KPI this month!"

Several men heard the "KPI deduction of three points", their faces suddenly turned pale, and without looking back, they turned and ran towards the apartment.

After ordering his subordinates to leave in tears, Changtian Hiroshi lightly opened the necktie and looked up at the congregation of resentful spirits who were roaring at him.

"Hey, anyway, I'm also a spirit remover who once turned a resentful spirit into a Buddha (1 time). The golden sign of "Spiritual Interviews" will not fall into my hand. "

Not waiting for the huge resentful spirit to move, the mountain bag beside him was hit by him, and later realized it turned into a black cloth flashing with runes and spread out along the ground, exposing the inside. A bunch of strange things.

The blue spiritual power spread out from the black cloth, forming an invisible barrier.

Secret technique, nine-nine-one, hand-knitted exorcism cloth with thousands of needles and hundreds of threads.

This is the exorcism props that must be added with majestic spiritual power and passionate heart to every stitch during knitting.

The rushing congregation of resentful spirits hit the invisible barrier that suddenly appeared, and was instantly bounced out.

"...Good dog, don't bark... Uncle invites you to eat something delicious."

Hiroshi Tsuneta stretched out his hand unhurriedly and fumbled out several bunches of giant garlic from the center of the exorcism cloth, threw them with precision, and put them around the neck, hands and feet of the wraith spirit.

"Different from those with extraordinary talents and profound heritage, I am just an acquired awakened person with mediocre spiritual power..."


Surrounded by a few strings of garlic with spiritual power, the cat-like dog-like cluster of resentment suddenly couldn't move, and the densely packed faces of cats and dogs suddenly screamed in pain.

"I don't have a strong skill and bloodline talent. I can only rely on the exorcism items that I spend my day and effort to build, so that I have the courage to stand in front of the wraith spirit and fulfill my duty as a spirit exterminator."

Secret technique, organic extremely smelly super giant garlic.

"Hey, is that enough? Which one should I use next..."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hiroshi Tsugada gently twisted his fingers and squirted "Ninety-Nine Fried Ninety-Nine Special Exorcism Salt" along his elbow. With the other hand, he took out a tailband from the pile of things on the exorcism cloth. The hook and the long knife carved with runes slashed towards the huge existence between the legs of the converging wraith spirit.

"If you are to blame, blame you for being a male. Try my twelve procedures, eighteen times of heat, and ten thousand times of personal forging at a high temperature of 1,000 degrees. Until the knife is like a mirror, it can be cast..."

Secret skill, dedicated to male castration and slaughter the magic knife.

Slashed by him, the majestic lower body of the resentful spirits resembled a bunch of bananas. It was suddenly beaten with eggs, scattered all over the place, and turned into fly ash. Hundreds of faces on the body simultaneously shed sour and painful tears.


Perhaps it was suffering a mental and physical double blow, or perhaps it was being evoked by unpleasant memories during his lifetime, this unsatisfactory congregation of resentful spirits fell to the ground and raised his head and uttered a sad cry.




The distance echoed in general, and amid the black misty resentment, several similar chirps rang out gradually.

Not waiting for Hiroshi Tsutota's reaction, several tall black shadows slowly emerged from all directions, running around him in resentment...

"One, two, three..."

Seeing more and more figures hiding in the dark mist around him, Tsukida Hiroshi showed a trembling expression.

A cluster of resentful spirits with different patterns, similar to the cluster of wraiths just now, appeared from the resentment quickly, and hit the invisible barrier in front of him in turns.

With the impact, the invisible barrier gradually appeared several cracks, and then it shattered.

"Just kidding, this level of aggregation of resentful spirits still lives in groups?"

Photographed by the scene in front of him, Hiroshi Tsugada's face sank as water, and he did not hesitate to spill all the exorcism salt and garlic string on his body...

At this time, if you don't do everything you can, there will be no chance again.

Taking this cover, he randomly touched a few props in the "prop pile" on the side, turned around on the roller skating, and wanted to run.


However, more vigorous and huge figures had already rushed out from behind one step at a time, blocking his final path, and slapped him to the ground with huge beast claws.

"Could it be... is today my retirement day?"

Hiroshi Tsukita, who was photographed to the ground like a rag, spit out a mouthful of blood, and was photographed again by several other congregating wraith spirits like playful toys.

"Boom boom boom..."

Just when Hiroshi Tokuta was driven into desperation by this group of large gathering wraiths, a roaring exhaust sound came into his ears from far and near.

This piercing and sharp exhaust sound is exactly the "classic exhaust sound of the Bozou clan" that he has always disdained the most dogmatic and stereotyped.

A black and white motorcycle shining with huge headlights came out of the grievances, swept away the grievances around it like a gust of wind, making the temperature in the field dry...

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