
Hiroshi Tsugada, who was pressed fiercely against the ground by several giant claws that gathered wraith spirits, suddenly felt his body loose.

In his blurred vision due to serious injuries and broken glasses, he saw the tires of an old motorcycle racing over obstacles on the sidewalk a few meters away from him, passing by at high speed.

Hiroshi Tsuneta turned his head laboriously and found that the group of resentful spirits that originally surrounded him had been bombarded by a black arm that was as huge as a truck and burned with runes, and turned into the sky. Of crystal light spots.

It wasn't until the crystal clear rain fell on the ground that he could see that it was countless cute stray cats and dogs with pure white fluorescence.

"Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng... Become a Buddha?"

That single blow smashed several black arms that gathered wraith spirits and carried the aura of ruining the world, and swiftly retracted toward the back of the motorcycle rider...

Not paying attention to the spectacular sight of "falling to the ground", Hiroshi Tsukita, who fell on the ground, raised his neck with all his strength, his eyes were unwilling to follow the direction of the black giant arm retracted, and he looked at the car that seemed to be carrying two people and was moving. Locomotive going away at high speed.

"Dare to ask your Excellency...no...wait!!"

In addition to doubts and shocks, there seemed to be other complicated emotions in his eyes.

What is the sacred existence that can make such a large number of resentful spirits become Buddhas in an instant.

As if he hadn't noticed his weak cry at all, the locomotive continued to rush towards the depths of the resentment and disappeared into the sight of Hiroshi Changtian.


As the locomotive passed by, the grievances near the road gradually dissipated.

Pieces of talisman paper scattered on the pavement for unknown time, blooming vermilion torii like flowers.

Under the torii gate, the street lights flickered and the dim yellow was restored, making Tsukida Hiroshi once again feel the warmth of the world.

A golden retriever shining with pure white light stepped forward, curiously smelled his "Mediterranean", and then skillfully raised one foot...

The light spot of the right way drenched mightily on the bald head of the unconscious Hiroshi Tsukata.


Taito District, Ueno.

A lonely figure is lying leisurely on the edge of the roof of the highest building in the Ueno business district, quietly enjoying the surrounding scenery.

At my feet, Ueno Subway Station, which is busy on weekdays, and Ueno Enshi Park, which is not far from the subway station, are shrouded in resentment at this moment, leaving only a dead silence.

The roaring night wind gently lingered at his fingertips with resentment, forming a miniature tornado.

"Hmph, although those trash fish are not useful, they also lost much faster than I expected..."

As if smelling some kind of information from the wind, the man stood up.

"Sure enough, these spirit eliminators are not as simple as they seem. It is wise not to mobilize the main members..."

He was tall, covered in black robe, and wore a tengu mask with red fangs and a thick nose on his face.

A pair of huge black wings made of resentment, with slender black feathers stretched out from the man's back, stirring up a fierce gust of wind.

As the black wings swung down fiercely, the man quickly rose into the sky like a goshawk against the night, and instantly broke through to the sky above the resentment-shrouded area, reaching a position almost parallel to the huge gate of hell.

Under the full moon, the man hovering in the night sky looked down at the entire Taitung District like a king.

In the distance, from time to time, a black figure ran by in the resentment, accompanied by the resentful spirit's sobbing or laughing.

From time to time, another spiritual light burst out in the darkness.

But his gaze stayed in the direction of Showa Avenue.

There, many torii gates rose from the ground, and the dim lights were constantly lit...

A bright passage is gradually cutting Taito District, shrouded in black mist, from the middle along Showa Avenue.

As if a sharp sword dashed forward, leading the light to cut through the darkness.

In front of the torii and the lights, countless "black mists" along the way are converging towards a high-speed moving "black hole", and the lights enveloping inside can be faintly seen.

As if hidden in that black hole, there is a beast that devours grievances and darkness...

In the eyes of Yanfeng Jiro, this is the most troublesome person here.

Judging from his strength, it was several times far superior to the group of monks struggling under the gate of hell.

"There is no way to relax any longer, and if these spirit-eliminators are allowed to perform, this rare good-day beauty will be destroyed."

The more violent wind began to condense around the man, and even the resentment under his feet was swept into the night sky, slowly forming a huge whirlpool.

"It's time, the wind is blowing..."

Following his movements, several slender tornadoes rising into the sky began to slowly form on the edge of Taitung District.

Whether it's grievances, vehicles, street lights, building wreckage, or even ghosts...

Those slender tornadoes frantically swept, absorbed, and destroyed all the surrounding buildings and things, and gradually became thick and tough under the frenzied friction...

"First break the'Three Tokyo Arrays', and then try your depth..."

Entrained with various things, these tornadoes violently impact on the light curtain formed by the "Three Tokyo Arrays" at a super high speed, slowly and irresistibly creating fine cracks.

"...It is destined that this "hell revolution" will be brought to a climax by I Yanmine Jiro! ! "

In such an environment filled with grievances, a powerful "favored person" such as Yanfeng Jiro, who can constantly absorb the grievances around him and exert his "divine power" several times, is the most suitable battlefield.


It is three kilometers away from the Tibetan apartment.


A sword light flashed with Lei Gang in the dark, evaporating the surrounding resentment, and briefly illuminating the broken road.

A toad resentful spirit that was as huge as a car was instantly chopped in half by the thunder that gushed out of his body, revealing a tall man in his stomach wearing a sportswear, a black collar, and a dark philosophical atmosphere.

"Bah baah bah... it smells so bad..."

Chu Ling exempt level [one], "philosophical swordsman", Yamada Kengo.

"Wait a moment……"

Just after breaking out of the toad resentful spirit, and before he had time to wipe off the unidentified viscous liquid on his face, several "men" immediately rushed out of the resentment and called him aloud in an exaggerated tone.

"Huh? Are there any people in the depths of this grievance?"

"Wait a minute... I will show you something good..."

Before Yamada Kengo can figure out the situation, the "men" have already ran to him, puckered their hips and turned their backs to him, and took off their pants...

"Ugh...wait, have you misunderstood something? I'm not in the mood right now..."

Not waiting for Yamada Kengo to persuade him, the unfathomable row of buttocks, which were sleekly stripped and attractively colored, burst suddenly, opened a huge gleaming eye, and stared at him with a weird look.

"Your Excellency, why is it so ostentatious... No, muddled horses, riding too much..."

Seeing the horrible scene of "a vision and a shared appreciation" in front of him, Yamada Kengo suddenly became angry, not to be himself, to drew his sword...

"Wait... how come... Damn it..."

However, locked in by the ferocious eyes in the middle of the hips, he only felt fascinated, his hand movements began to slow for some reason, and his feet were too weak to walk.

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