Seeing that he gradually lost control of his body and his big burning hands stretched out to his waist involuntarily, Kengo Yamada's eyes condensed slightly, his anger sinking into his dantian, and his head held up high...

"Tachibana Snow...How about you!!!"

Following his heart-piercing shouts, a figure leaped out of the grievance with the light of a knife, and slashed towards the "men" who maintained the weird posture.

The sharp blade light accompanied by the flames rising into the sky, instantly shattered the "men" who took off their pants in public to one place and burned to ashes.

The person who saw the injustice and drew his sword to help on this road was the new spirit remover who had just been promoted to [2] last month, Tachibana Piaoxue, and Abe Temple.

After the two of them met in the periphery, they went together all the way, killing them to the depths of the resentment among the ghosts.

From this position, you can already vaguely see the huge gate of hell where ghosts are constantly pouring out of the sky.

"...Don't be confused, these are not humans just now, they are a kind of ghost called "P-eye" in the legend of Heiankyo era."

Abe Temple, wearing a kimono, gently scabbed the long sword and looked at Yamada Kengo contemptuously.

P-eye is a monster that haunted the night road in Kyoto a long time ago.

It is said that when someone walks at night, they will be stopped from behind. When you turn around, you will see a man with a neatly stripped back to his buttocks, showing a huge cracked eye. .

It is said that staring at that giant eye for too long will take away the soul and do inhuman things.

"Woo Wang, I don't need you to tell me what that thing is called... What does your expression mean, I just finished a hand-to-hand fight with that toad, and I was accidentally... um... aha..."

Escaping from the indescribable gaze lock of the "P eye", Yamada Kengo breathed a sigh of relief, and just about to retort, several pale tentacles have stretched out from the ground, entwining him fiercely.

Feeling the cold and silky tentacles continue to explore deeply along his trouser legs, he suddenly showed an expression of shame and anger.

"How can it be repaired...there is no end to it?!"

Da Peng's talisman fire erupted on Yamada Kengo, burning out those tentacles.

This was automatically triggered by the massive talisman paper attached to the inside of his underwear.


Unmoved by what happened to his companions, Abe Temple narrowed his eyes, doubled his swords out of the sheath, and slashed out into another place of grievances.

The resentment dissipated with the light of the knife, revealing the appearance of an octopus, but on the top of the head was a cluster of wraith spirits entwined with countless broken limbs.

That "octopus x sea anemone" resentful spirit, the tentacles under his body instantly went through the three stages of freezing, burning, and smashing in the two heavens of ice and fire, and cleanly turned into residues on the ground.


Losing its feet and unable to move, the faces gathered on the octopus's head suddenly wailed and sprayed an unknown liquid like ink at Abe Temple.


Unexpectedly that this resentful spirit had this trick, Abe Temple vigorously dodged to the side, but it was too late to escape the overwhelming "ink".

A black shadow passed by at high speed and pushed Abe Temple in mid-air to get him out of the ink jet range.

It was Kengo Yamada who was on all fours and carrying a mahogany sword.

After pushing Abe Temple away, he actually twisted his waist, made a second jump in the air that violated the laws of physics, quickly passed the ink, jumped on top of the octopus resentful spirit, and drew out the peach wood sword. Insert the opponent's head fiercely and stir.

The octopus-like group of resentful spirits suddenly turned into ashes in the thunder and lightning.

In terms of the powerful physical abilities given by this [Human Face Dog Collar], even Abe Temple, who has practiced swords since childhood, can't match it.

"Here again... Wang... at least dozens of..."

Retracting the wooden sword, Yamada Kengo's nose moved slightly and frowned.

In the air, a few stench visible to the naked eye floated.

"These guys can't be killed no matter what, they seem to be more and more and stronger..."

Looking at the "ink" that corroded the ground into a bottomless hole, Abe Temple's face turned pale.

The figures of densely clustered wraith spirits of different shapes appeared and disappeared in the resentment, and they did not know when they had surrounded them.

"How about, Abe-kun, can you still cut this amount?"

In the dark fog, the two of them were back to back, looking around the shadows like a mountain in the darkness vigilantly.

"Hmph, as long as I can get these guys together, I only need a sword..."

Hearing Abe Temple's words, Yamada Kengo turned into an afterimage without saying a word, and ran away facing the resentful spirits on all fours.

Relying on the inexplicable "attraction" and swift speed of the wraith spirits, he "seduces" the congregating wraith spirits like "driving a train" behind him.

Abe Temple stood in place, lowered his head, took a deep breath, and put his hands around his chest.

The original Ling Li's aura instantly converged back into his body, and his whole person seemed to have disappeared from the darkness.


He didn't see any movement, and the double knives around his waist spun out of their own dexterity and rose into the air.

[Sun and Moon] The two knives clung to each other tightly in the air, turning into a long knife, and spinning vigorously.

Frost mixed with flames, like a turbo washer, spinning and gathering faster and faster, with two knives as the center, gradually forming a blue pentagram.

Pentagram, Qingming Platycodon.

Seimei Doraji is the sacred pattern of Seimei Shrine. It is a kind of praying charms in the Yin and Yang Tao created by Seimei Abe.

An imposing aura spreads around Abe Temple.

"Alright? I can't stand it anymore!!!"

Not far away, as if "driving a train," Kengo Yamada, who had strayed around with the group of resentful spirits, was very embarrassed, shouting slogans of unknown meaning, and ran towards Abe Temple.


His clothes were torn in several places, revealing the talisman paper turned into ashes and the charred wounds.

Facing the more than a dozen resentful spirits behind Yamada Kengo, who were at least level [two] or above, Abe Temple still dropped his hands, bowed his head and said nothing, and had no intention to dodge.

The distance gradually narrowed, and Abe Temple suddenly raised its head, and the eyes under the bangs revealed a real killing intent.

"……Step aside!!!!"

Hearing the roar of Abe Temple, Yamada Kengo made a ninety-degree turn unusually pliable and ran to the side like an escape.

Only Abe Temple was left alone, facing the "Wraith Train" that rushed forward and had no time to change its direction.

"rest in peace……"

Facing the torrent of resentful spirits in front of him, Abe Temple's whole body strained and grasped the sun and moon double knives rotating among the five-pointed star in front of him.

In the next second, in the eyes of Yamada Kengo, the combined double knives in the hands of Abe Temple disappeared.

First class for two days...

Five rounds...

Sora Scroll...

Seimei Doraji! ! ! !

Amidst the resentment, it seemed as if an invisible giant sword was slashed across, and the dozens of vicious aggregated wraiths were instantly swallowed and penetrated by a ray of orchid light...

After the rays of light passed, the huge bodies of the resentful spirits, together with the resentment beside them, disappeared from the inside to the outside.

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