I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 361: Araki's Spur

"Ok... so strong... is this the highest state of the second-day first-rate?"

Seeing this amazing sword from Abe Temple, a drop of cold sweat slipped from Yamada Kengo's forehead.

If you face this sword, I'm afraid...

After using this trick, Abe Temple seemed to be a little exhausted, and one of them was unstable and knelt to the ground with a sword in one hand.

"Are you okay?"

Yamada Kengo hurriedly stepped forward to support him.

"This trick is too spiritual. With my current strength, I can only use this once in a short time..."

Abeji's lips were black, and he looked at his arm with a wry smile.

At this moment, his entire sleeves had burst into cloth strips, exposing a blood-stained, twisted right arm.

I'm afraid this is not just a simple fracture.

"Let's go, let's meet Mr. Tomoto and the others before talking..."

Yamada Kengo quickly tore off the hem of his jacket and wrapped his arm around him.

After doing all this, the two turned and headed under the gate of hell.

"Wait... this... ugh..."

In the air, the stench that was thicker than before and unique to the wraith spirit began to drift with the wind, stimulating his sharp nose.

Even the ground was shaking slightly for some reason.

The two slowly raised their heads, only to see a few black shadows that had just emerged from the gates of hell. They were no longer scattered, but gathered together and fell straight in their direction from the air.

It seems that the movement of the battle just now was too loud, attracting the attention of some existence.

"Ugh...no, there's more to be done!!!"

"Find a way to retreat separately, at your speed, maybe you can..."

Looking at the resentful spirits gathering together above their heads, the number far exceeded the previous dozens of times, Yamada Kengo and Abe Temple both showed desperate eyes.

"Boom boom boom..."

Just as the two were in a dilemma, the roar of a motorcycle was faintly heard not far away.

With his keen hearing, Yamada Kengo couldn't help becoming paler when he heard this familiar voice for some reason.

In this area full of grievances, all the energy of the Sun World will be cut off, how can the motor vehicle be started.

"...Could it be that there are still the resentful spirits of the Gouzou tribe?"

This voice couldn't help but remind him of the headless horseman on Haruna Mountain.

Even at his current speed, facing such an existence, I am afraid there is no way to escape.


Without waiting for him to think about it, the congregating wraith spirits above his head rushed down hungrily.

"Boom boom boom..."

At the same time, the exhaust sound of the locomotive was getting closer.

"Fight with these guys!!!"

Just when the two of them were holding weapons and were drowning in the shadow of the resentful spirit in a desperate manner...

A black-and-white locomotive rushed out of the grievance and swiftly passed the street beside them.

Two huge black arms burning with unknown runes stretched out from the rider's body like black wings, and quickly swung in the direction of the two of them as they passed.

It seems that due to the absorption of too much resentment, the size of the pair of black arms has doubled compared to before.

Facing this terrible giant fist, the two people and the wraith spirits around them, their actions were frozen as if the pause button had been pressed.

The high-speed nitrogen headlights illuminate the twisted and hideous expressions of the two people who are entangled in the resentful spirits, fighting desperately with a few resentful spirits, "I am in you and I am in you".

"Tooth...tooth white..."

"Weird? Ghosts? No... this is more terrifying than ghosts..."

Facing the black giant fist that suddenly appeared in front of them with an irresistible aura, the two "worse worse", as if facing a meteorite falling from the sky, as small and weak...

Compared with this giant fist, the pressure brought by the flat gate with the body of the ghost and god at the beginning can't even compare with a single feather.

The horrible pair of fists, which made people unable to give birth to any thoughts of resistance, passed through the two of them like a violent wind, and then quickly retracted them.

It seems that the wind is light in the hoof, and the tree falls and the cherry blossoms have never caused any waves.

"Huh? I... I'm not dead?"

The two people who were unharmed recovered from the suffocating fist wind, and there was a crystal drizzle around them.

In the vacuum zone created by the silent and violent fist wind, nearly a hundred resentful spirits swayed down from the air like rain, and turned into pure white spirit bodies flying all over the sky with their hands folded, slowly falling into the Abe Temple two. The streets and alleys beside people.

"Woo Wang! Fa... what happened to Fafa?!"

"This is... becoming a Buddha."

The two wounded all over looked at the locomotive that had passed by at high speed from not far away and swept away resentment like a gust of wind.

The vermillion red torii gates came in full bloom from the road behind only then.

The street lights on both sides flickered and resumed their light, illuminating the two people standing still in place.

"Little...Little Bird Yu Mayumi?"

Looking at the shrine maiden on the back seat of the far away locomotive, sitting upright as if going out for a ride at night, and seemed to be nodding to herself, Abe Temple couldn't help rubbing her eyes.

"War, Warring States warriors... and this strong, indestructible male (wine) human (essential) taste... Isn't that the one who rides the bike..."

At the rear, Yamada Kengo, with his nose moving slightly, instantly recognized the Yamaha XJR4000 he was too familiar with, and the rider on it.

"It turns out that Senior Araki has been hiding deeply, silently guarding and spurring me in the rear, until the critical moment can't help but show..."

I don't know how touched the man's tragedy was filled up by the brain, and the tears filled Yamada Kengo's eyes instantly.

"Araki Sosuke?! So, you are..."

Hearing Yamada Kengo's words, struggling to identify the rider's back, Abe Temple's tired eyes once again ignited a fiery flame.

"...Ghost Rider!"

This situation and situation reminded him of the resentful spirit of the angler who was struggling to become a Buddha with his double fins on the side of the road in Ikebukuro Park.

"What kind of existence is inside that guy..."

Recently, he has made a small achievement in the first-class "Five Wheels Book" for two days. He believes that his strength is no longer behind others.

However, the terrifying existence in the opponent's body is just a random punch, which is a hundred times more powerful than the sword that squeezes the spiritual power of the whole body regardless of its power and realm...

It seems that the road to self-cultivation is still very long.


Just as the two were immersed in the complex thoughts of resurrection from the dead, the surrounding air began to surge rapidly.

got windy.

"Look... what is that..."

Standing inside the only torii that kept the light, Yamada Kengo pointed to the distance, suddenly showing a desperate look.

"Here, is it really the world?"

I don't know when, around Taitung District, several black tornadoes soared into the sky.

Wherever he went, countless buildings were directly destroyed by the violent wind, and turned into skyrocketing debris into the tornado.

Those tornadoes are constantly absorbing the grievances from the gates of hell and the surrounding things from the air, and they become stronger and stronger.

Those desperate black tornadoes, as if they were alive, slowly moved on the edge of Taitung District, razing everything they went to the ground mercilessly, and at the same time crazily hit the edge of the light curtain of formation.

"No, the master said that if the'Three Tokyo Arrays' are broken, the whole Tokyo will be in danger..."

"It's no wonder that Sosuke Araki and Yuuji Kotori are so anxious to pass... this tornado is too weird to wait and die, you must support them!"

Recovering from this apocalyptic scene, something terrible suddenly occurred to him. Abeji and Kengo Yamada supported their scarred bodies and ran in the direction where Araki Sosuke had left.

If you can't rush to close the gate of hell in the night sky before the formation is defeated...

I am afraid that before dawn, the entire Tokyo will be reduced to a real purgatory on earth.

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